Gold Spammers Out Of Hand

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Apr 28, 2018.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Devs, please do something. I just signed on and couldn't even read LFG with all the gold spammers. There had to be at least 15 I put on ignore within 4 or 5 minutes. They're getting worse.
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  2. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    This is like the 3rd thread on this topic, it's been an issue since 2011. If it was a priority to them, it would've been dealt with within this game's lifespan.
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  3. majosea Dedicated Player

    when gold spammers more active then the players running content we got a big problem
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  4. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Might be because the gold farmers are trying to get as much $$$ back asap because of the uncertain future outlook of the game / Daybreak company...

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  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Mepps actually commented on this a few weeks ago but I just want him to know how ridiculous it is today.
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  6. Saami Loyal Player

    Who is buying gold for them anyway?
    Without buyers they wouldnt being so active.
    Instead of blaming drug sellers or users i blame Devs who made this game towards p2w.
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  7. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Bots also caught my attention after i came back to the game from long hiatus.

    I made thread too a couple weeks ago: maybe a solution to deal with gold sellers??

    I gave solution on how to maybe deal with these but you need know that there's people who prefer watching bots spamming than listen drama and the toxicity.. it's sad but true people can't reconcile irl, let alone in games. There was no drama if these peeps could feel punished seeing active GM around who could set them all to the vertical, now they feel unpunished seeing no GM around and they do what they want.. this is what it looks.Spam also isn't nice to watch and here must be something done.. adding these to ignore all over again is aimless there's no needed discussion about it.
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I'll chime in.. So just before I logged off for a while I was in the lair doing some "admin" (crafting and salvaging if you need details). I was down to 1 alert and 1 more duo so I was kind of keeping an eye of the LFG. Now it caught my eye because i noticed three ads in a row on the LFG for the exact same web site. Now if I'd been in say Gotham and it was quiet this wouldn't have seemed odd but I KNOW there is a time limit between any player posting on the LFG so 3 spam posts in a row seemed odd. There were THREE different spammers taking turns clogging up the entire chat window with their nonsense.

    I'm sorry but I agree with Rockhound that is ridiculous. I've never seen more than 1 spammer at a time on the LFG. Never even recall seeing more than 2 at a time in a zone like Gotham or Metropolis. I was about to log so I just ignored all three and then logged off but that borders on harassing the player base. The LFG is supposed to be a way for players to build and/or find teams to join.. NOT a constant commercial for activity that isn't even allowed according to the TOS.
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  9. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Yep, first thing I have to do in LFG is block 3-4 spammers, and do it on every alt I play that night.

    I had this idea:
    - Given that the cost of having someone moderating constantly is probably not worth it
    - Given that if a spammer gets kicked, it's easy to create a new one
    - Given that the spammers will change their names (preventing bot kicks via parsing
    - Given that despite the first two points, a human in less than a minute can identify spammers

    I thought about this:

    - Have a staff member spend around 10 minutes a day at random times, go in and scan the chats for the obvious gold spammers.
    - Create a feature (internally called "spam mute"?) that will block the spammer's text from being seen in chat. The spammer doesn't see any difference. From that bot's point of view and whomever checks on it, it's appropriately spamming messages in chat. But all other players don't see it.

    Doing this won't remove the problem, but will seriously slow down the gold spammers and force them to invest more time manually monitoring the chat channels (until effort is not worth cost).

    Just a thought.
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  10. Battle Hymn New Player

    Or they could do what Black Desert did and give players the ability to filter certain words.IE,.com .c0m .co/\/\.It killed gold spammers overnight.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    I get that you are annoyed by this but if you can't read because of them it's probably not the spammers as they can't post quickly. It might be a slow population day. I remember before the merge villain side was one person shouting for the same controller and all gold spammers.

    But still not anywhere near as bad as shout and trade chat... I miss in game moderation.
  12. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I usually just ignore about gold spammers, but this days it's really really worse, besides the classic M...s and the E... now we have a AO... They are starting to compete territory and looks like the one who spams the most wins. Funny thing is that now they are asking players to sell them cash so they can re-sell it.

    If it wasn't good enough some players who should, you know, not be playing this game anymore, selling materials and gear they shouldn't have, now we have 2x more good spammers.
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  13. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    On my villain toon I can put like a few on ignore maybe 5 or 6 Lol HOWEVER on my hero wow just today I think I put like maybe 10 on ignore and then a few more pop back up it's def have gotten worse and sometimes the lfg chat its hard to see what folks sometimes are looking for with these damn bots spaming.
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  14. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It is the spammers. Have you actually played the last few days? You can post in LFG and 10 seconds later a wall of spammer text. There are like 6 or 7, you put them on ignore, run an alert, come back, another 6 or 7 to put on ignore. It's ridiculous.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    I have and even today it was nowhere near that bad. And I don't put them on ignore. That is dedicated to bigots and toxic people.
  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Maybe the spambots went off to lunch while you were on. :D
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  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    He was probably one after I sent in a support ticket on about 10-15. LOL

    Working on about 30 today so far.
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Or maybe everyone noticing them have double vision. ;) :p

    But seriously though it is not as bad as it is being painted. For the most part just make a new tab if it does bother you.
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  19. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Dude, I logged my hero today. Had 4 bots in Watchtower chat. Ignored them. Turned on /LFG.....immediately ignored 7 more bots. Put some stuff on Broker & checked mail. 5 more bots in chats on ignore once I got out of mail. That's 16 bots in under 15 minutes. UNIQUE bots. And I put another 12 bots on /ignore on that same toon yesterday. 28 bots that I know of in 2 days. This is not slow chat, it's too many spam-bots.
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  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I just wrote a sentence: "good job all."

    3 spam bots

    Next line: "Have an awesome night."

    4 spam bots

    in the space of 1 second. Literally. Not exagerrating. I think someone might need to have their glasses checked, lol.
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