Brainstorming: New member perk to replace unlimited cash

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helderman, Mar 18, 2018.

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  1. Helderman Dedicated Player

    Free unlimited cash is a quality of life improvement that has been denied for long time due to the income from escrow tokens. How to waive the escrow without losing revenue from token sales? By adding a perk that will make membership absolutely desirable in the eyes of players.

    And what would be this new perk? Three words: 2x Mark Rewards.

    It would work like this:

    Free & Premium:

    Solos - 1 mark
    Duos - 2 marks
    Alerts - 5 marks
    Raids - 10 marks


    Solos - 2 marks
    Duos - 4 marks
    Alerts - 10 marks
    Raids - 20 marks

    This would affect also the 1.5x increased reward weekends (it would be 3x for members):

    Free & Premium:

    Solos - 2 marks
    Duos - 3 marks
    Alerts - 8 marks
    Raids - 15 marks


    Solos - 3 marks
    Duos - 6 marks
    Alerts - 15 marks
    Raids - 30 marks

    Now i'm not saying to get rid of escrow. Free players would still have a cash cap of $1500 and would have to pay 5 dollars for unlimited cash.

    Give a like if you agree.
  2. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    That would mean players would buy less replay badges. Not gonna happen just buy a membership and support the game
    • Like x 19
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    There would be no point in escrow if this happened. As soon as a free player buys 7 day unlimited escrow, they're automatically premium. So it's pretty much pay $5 to have unlimited cash forever.

    Double marks would be a good member perk to replace unlimited cash with, but I would eliminate escrow altogether and raise the amount you need to pay in the MP to become premium.
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  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    First to like your response.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Buy less replays and more people buying subs, that's a plus no matter how you look at it.

    Long term payments >>>>>> short term payments
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    No any alteration to mark rewards has a cost flow on in terms of the cost of gear to accommodate how long the devs want a grind to last.

    Premium players just need to stop with this nonsense already. Either sub up or buy escrow tokens if you want unlimited cash.

    There's nothing broken about it and nothing needs to change. You're just not prepared to pay and if you're not prepared to pay for a sub then you're owed nothing.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    You're ignoring the negative consequence as pointed out above. Double the marks and your chest now costs 120 marks and you know it.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    While you do have a point with gear costs, the freemium players would be at a disadvantage no matter if the costs increased or not.
  9. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    I don't understand why this keeps happening lately lol. The membership perks are what they are and have been. You want the perks? Just sub like everyone else has for quite a while now. If not then stay premium, most players who are premium do just fine without.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    And the members get their perk taken off them for absolutely nothing because the gear cost doubles along with the reward increase so nothing changes apart from the fact suddenly everyone has unlimited cash but it takes longer for a premium player to grind.

    Then they'll just complain about the grind instead of the cash cap.

    I'm sorry but this idea is flawed because it's not like the devs will half the grind for members its not going to happen.

    Premium players need to accept the consequences of frugality. If they don't want to pay up then they need to deal with that choice.

    If they want cash in game then the options are already available.

    They're just refusing to spend money and then crying about it afterwards and I will never side with that sorta thing.

    Premium players need to start owning their purchasing decisions.
    • Like x 7
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Way I look at it, it's a trade off. Premium players keep asking for unlimited cash, that's fine. We can take half your marks away and it'll take you twice as long to gear up as a it does a legendary player.

    I'm in agreement to just leave it as it is though. Stop the crying and pay for the sub. This is why the game is so micro transaction heavy is because they're not making enough money to sustain it through subs
    • Like x 2
  12. Helderman Dedicated Player

    The mark cap is 100. And that would defeat the whole purpose of the perk. Also that would mean premiums would grind 2x for that chest piece no matter what.
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's actually 200 for MoV and 999 for dlc exclusive marks
    • Like x 3
  14. Helderman Dedicated Player

    <-------- can you read the AllAccess on my avatar?
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    No its not a trade off im prepared to endorse as a member.

    Its crippling the premium player sure. But what am I actually mathematically getting out of it? That's right nothing.

    If say I got double marks but costs were doubled I've gained zero but they've now my perk but it might take them a bit longer to grind content; something then also easily circumvented in game by using cash to buy resets something impossible for them to do beforehand.

    No I'm sorry but no the idea is silly nonsense, just another desperate attempt by premium players to take a subscribers perk without subbing up.

    It cost 50c a day at its dearest level. Like I've always said if you can't afford that then you've got issues bigger tham worrying about whether you have unlimited cash in a video game.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    The devs base gear costs around a dlcs expected length they're not going to just double rewards and nerf the grind.

    A more important question: why won't you subscribe?
    • Like x 6
  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    First of all, you need to stop this "it's ok to cripple the premium players" mentality you have going on. As much as i'd love to just get rid of the free and premium classes, we don't have the population for it, so anything that further pushes people out the door wouldn't be wise to pursue. That said, legendary players would lose nothing. It would literally be trading one perk for another, unlimited cash for gearing up in content twice as fast. No I'm not for the idea, like I said I'd rather keep it as it is, but that doesn't stop me from at least attempting to see things from the opposite PoV like it does most people in this thread or just in general. Hypothetically if this were to happen, i wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Just means the premium players would have to buy more replays to play keep up.
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  18. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I had a disagreement with a league mate of mine about the whole money cap thing a few days ago and I just will put it this way.

    DCUO does not have a suitable sub system that can sustain itself in the event that they change the subscription base model.

    While there is alot of players who do not own DLC's and maintain a sub to run all content.

    There is a good number that also purchase DLC's and the cash cap is all they have or need in order to play comfortably daily.

    Without the need to purchase escrow will cost some to drop their sub. While it may be hard to see it as my league mate did, my league mate actually highlighted the point as to what I will use.

    Neverwinter(which this is not) also has a subscription model but have no cash cap.

    There sub is based around convenience and their marketplace had a lot to offer.

    To shorten it down some, Neverwinter has items that cost more than most here would call price gauging with the Dragonborn costing $70.00, mounts can range from $10.00 and above.

    Players on DC threw a fit over the armory cost.

    Almost everything in Neverwinter is available in game but you have to farm for it.

    Players on DC don't want to farm much of anything but gear and OP drops.

    So true that DC has whales that would dump money for the 1 time purchase items.

    In neverwinter the whales is ordinary players that spent money on DC or other games but they did not maintain a sub or had money in spurts and usually spent $25 dollars a month if that.

    Yes they could invest more in the marketplace, but just think would there really need to be feats attached to TC if they would sale anyway? Short answer yes, only because without the fear TC are worthless just like removing the money cap.
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Some people want to eat their cake and NOT pay for it too.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Premium players are premium players because they choose not to subscribe.

    They're actively choosing not to pay so they need to live with those choices.

    My disdain isn't of premium players its disdain for their incessant request to have one of the biggest perks members have without just simply paying for it.

    And no you're wrong and I'll explain again why you're wrong.

    You believe the devs will honestly go "here you go members we've halved your grind in exhange for your cash cap"

    Premium players now get cash but double the grind.

    No Fatal Star that won't happen and you know it.

    Any alteration to the reward system results in an equal alteration to the reward cost system.

    They can give me 20 marks for a raid all they like but when my chest piece costs 120 marks instead of 60 marks they've given me absolutely nothing.

    And for what? To appease premium players who don't want to pay to sub? No

    No those premium players need to start subbing or buying escrow tokens. The only ones stopping them from having unlimited cash is themselves because they're choosing to refuse to pay.

    Are premium players valuable customers? Sure.

    Are they paying members who deserve member perks? No.
    • Like x 6
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