Booster Bundle? Time Capsule? What’s the difference?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    That has to be the weirdest word picture I've ever heard of, lol. And not really sure that it fits either geography or anatomy correctly. Made me spit out my coffee though.
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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It's tough to compare booster bundles to time capsules, because they're set up very differently, and appeal to two different kind of people. Aside from the feats, which IMO don't and never belonged in TCs to begin with, here are some differences:

    1. Are you a person that prefers spending in small $1 increments, but only getting collections (or emblems, yeah, right, lol) that probably won't translate into any actual item? Oh, and 1 set of cosmetic gear. And maybe enough motes for a few pieces of enhanced gear. And exobytes, can't forget those (slight sarcasm).

    In other words, $200 doesn't necessarily mean you'll get everything, or even many of the items from the capsule. In fact, unless you're a subscriber that can use the broker, there's a good chance you'll get nothing (of the rare auras or materials). These are time capsules.

    2. Would you rather spend $10 for a guaranteed aura? It might not be the aura you're looking for, however. At the same time, you'll get replay badges and other MP items that help you in game. No gear style however.

    In other, $200 still doesn't mean you'll get the super rare aura or material. But you will have 10 auras to save, trade or use. These are booster bundles.
  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Lol yea bad example. Cars aren't pixels haha
  4. krytine Loyal Player

    The reason why I had said it doesnt is that I saw ppl running with it in time torn village or age of justice dlc before the paradox boxes dropped
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  5. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Bundles have less RNG and a lot less impact in your progression, but you cant get them by playing. It is a more fair way to make you buy crap you would never spend money on with the aura being a "marketing strategy"

    Time capsules are the best definition of money grab, everything is random and you need a lot of luck to get a item for the price its worth. TCs let you buy SPs( no matter if 1 or 1000, they affect your gameplay) and skip more than 90% of the content if u have money enough. Basically a lottery ticket, you can win 30millions or lose 99% of your money( Not 100% because it would be illegal).
  6. IcyStone Well-Known Player

    your signature sure is something!
  7. Agent Flores Committed Player

    Booster Bundle = Freddy Krueger Well I guess I won't be sleeping anymore lol.
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    LOL Oh thanks... that's a left over from my days on City of heroes. We had a thread a while back, god like a year or two ago, about getting some new dance moves and other emotes in game and I went and found THAT short film which highlights a number of the dance moves and emotes COH had for us to play around with. Liked the thing so much I added it to my signature and let it there to this day. We have some excellent film makers here as well and that video was put together by a guy on COH that made them all the time.
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  9. Kzinti Committed Player

    Time torn makes more sense, thanx for the correction!
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  10. mrforklift Level 30

    I think it was either the time-torn capsule or the Team-up capsule -- both dropped when AOJ was new and that was when the bomb trinket came out....
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  11. Multiverse Creator League

    If you and the "vast majority" are salty about the SP "progression" people get with the TC.... you will have a heart attack when you see the SP people will be able to get with the Skip to CR170?? :eek: :eek:

    :p :p
  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Not really, though. Well, I guess I can't speak for everyone, but to me the difference is this.

    They spend money to get sp I can get for free included in the price of my sub = irritating, but oh well

    They spend money to get sp I can only get if I spend lots of money too in addition to my sub = unnacceptable
  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    We get it, you and your 100 alts love being able to purchase progression instead of working for it within actual content like the rest of us used to do. I wonder who's salty having to attack these threads everytime people bring out the obvious issues with your precious TC's. :rolleyes::rolleyes: o_Oo_O :):)
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    Nice try.

    The point of having "100 alts" is so I can go back and play the older missions at level.

    I don't power level my Alts....
    I even say no when people offer to help me level up my low level characters.....
    I work to level my Alts the good ol' fashion way.

    But again.... nice try. ;) ;) ;)
  15. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    It's only 77sp. Not really a big deal.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    People almost had a heart attack for not being able to complete 1 feat which is what??.... half a SP??

    So imagine with 77SP how much of a fit they will throw when they find out?? :eek: :p

    I can already see the threads after threads complaining about those 77SP. ;) ;)
  17. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player


    Fact: I get a lot more stuff that I'll actually use out of 10 capsules than out of 1 bundle.
    Most of the contents of Booster Bundles have no value to me and would go unused.
    The only incentive for me to buy a Booster Bundle would be to sell the rare on the broker.

    The worth of either of these is entirely down to preference.
    Anyone saying otherwise needs their head examined by a trained medical professional specializing in loot box disorders.
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  18. Multiverse Creator League

    Apparently it's 145SP. o_O
  19. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    No matter what anyone says. The Booster Bundles are still RNG loot boxes that people buy for the styles. The difference is that Booster Bundles cost $10.00 ( no feats ) & the TC's cost $1.00 dollar ( with feats ). The TC's sell better because of the price point and always will.

    Either way that you look at it both loot boxes need a bad luck timer on them so that customers do not feel as if they are being screwed after buying so many boxes.
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  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Well if you can go off-topic quoting me, I can talk about your 100 alts lol. Point still stands, no matter your preference BB's are a much healthier alternative to the game in terms of cashgrabs than TC's are. For many, many reasons that's been state not once, not twice but probably hundreds of times by: you guessed it. A VAST majority. ;);) :cool::cool: :p:D:eek::) *insert more emojis here*