Devs, Why Are You Ignoring The Gold Spammer Problem?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Feb 11, 2018.

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  1. Twilight-Man Well-Known Player

    Thats what I keep wondering about. Where is this site getting the hordes of in-game cash that they're selling, or why is whatever duplication cheat they're clearly using allowed.
  2. myandria Item Storage


    This issue with gold spammers is the result of cross network play involving the PC; before this I have NEVER seen a gold spammer on the console. In my opinion, the *fix* needs to happen on the PC side, since consoles make it difficult to have spam accounts. Of course, that will take time and money because the PC version will need a revamp that will either have to be compatible with the console version, or isolate the PC version and lose cross network play. Since that will never happen, guess I better keep ignoring gold spammers throughout the game for years to come.
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  3. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Here's a funny thing. I have to prove I'm not a robot when I sign onto the forums but not when signing onto the game.
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  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    So on other words it's my job, a paying customer, to do the dev's job? Because do you know what it takes to file a ticket with DBG? It's really, really time consuming especially compared to how Sony handled tickets. And I honestly believe that tending to tickets is far, far down their list priorities. IMO they simply don't care.
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  5. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    You will never get rid of gold spammers in a free to play game.....fact. Disprove me? with facts i might add
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  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    And yet they have no problem banning paying customers who have been guilty of taking advantage of certain glitches so this notion doesn't make sense.
  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    As crazy as this sounds, I'd be willing to bet that you're 100% right. This would be akin to airline employees selling their buddy passes for a profit. I did something similar when I worked for American Airlines before I found out it was illegal. We got a 75% discount from Federal Express and when I was big selling on eBay, anyone who wanted FedEx delivery, I would get the 75% discount, charge them the full price, and keep the difference. But when I found out that it was taboo, I stopped the practice.
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  8. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    For the record, they are real people. I’ve read an article and seen a docu about it, it’s actually pretty sad. At least the ones in China.
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  9. DC Urban Committed Player

  10. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Maybe it's just not so easy as we expect it is, small staff so it's probably at they bottom list, or if on, as long as the money is not being interefered than they are not focused there.
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  11. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    But they have enough money to have what, 4 or 5 moderators of these message boards? IMO they actually don't have a problem with gold spammers because if they did, they would have done something to prevent it like they did with flooding the market with exobytes completely destroying the market because once upon a time exobytes were moneymakers but now, not so much. In fact, I don't even gather exobits anymore because I have such a glut of bytes thanks to TC's.
  12. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Then what about other games having them?

    I honestly don't see the big deal, were we will theorize such lol.
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  13. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    But how would they go about removing players, that are you know playing the game, using shout non offenses etc. What if someone just has a dumb name who is sincere. Idk but that is not my problem with the game, but I do hope they fix it.
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  14. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    There is a few operations called trim, str_replace, sub rejex for example. What thoose do?
    Trim->removes empty spaces;
    Str_replace-> can replace lets says the char '_' for spaces;
    Regex->Doesnt even allow special characters;

    So yes, lets say they Invent a new wheel to sell their site.
    For example: w w w. T ori Gold . c o m
    What trim does is remove empty spaces so the word we get is:

    If the words www ToriGold com are black listed u will see:
    # # #. # ### #### . # # # for isntance or they could not even appear on chat.

    Now lets the gold sellers got better T 0rl G0ld . c 0 m: "They even swamped their i and l's"
    1. Apply escape(rejex), any Invalid char? No.
    2. Apply str_replace(rejex), any number that can be converted as char? Yes. 0 and convert to string-> Torl Gold . c o m
    3. Apply trim, any word is black listed? Trimmed word->; Yes. blacklistedwords->TorlGold and ->.com


    Well this selling companys are ilegal, daybreak can make charges against them very easy.
    So again what was the problem? Cause the solution is right above your yes.
  15. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    No, sometimes I do this and get rid of them for a day or two but it seems as though I am the only one doing this.
    If I leave them alone they stay there.

    Why do you think that there are days that you do not see very many? It was probably me & only me sending in support tickets with screen shots. It normally takes about 20-30 minutes after I send in ticket for the gold spammers to be removed. I know I have assisted in having a few hundred removed from the game. Do you remember the name reclaim? At that point in time I had so many removed that they were having a hard time finding names. LOL People keep complaining but yet they do nothing. Doing nothing gets nothing done.
  16. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    We are not talking about speed hackers in pvp or you breaking TOS by blacklisting people in the forums. We are talking about goldspammers & I have heped DCUO remove plenty of them.
  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    TBH, if they are running the hands off approach like we know they do. Then it is our job to report issues in the proper manner. I can guarantee you that if more than a couple people including me kept sending in support tickets with screenshots this would be a non issue. As you can tell someone ( me ) has not been reporting them much recently. Why do you think I asked who else is turning in support tickets? I know what needs to be done because I use to do this on a regular basis.
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's hard not to pay attention to them when there's 4 or 5 spamming one after the other. Even though LFG is super slow compared to how it used to be, it's still too easy to miss posts on there for whatever you may be looking for, or calls for help (which I occasionally answer when not busy/bored).

    Having said that, there aren't many real options for the company to take that doesn't require an expenditure of money that they're not looking to spend (since it would be an ongoing expenditure)....and nobody here with a PC is volunteering to do it for free.
  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Vegas and Atlantic City would LOVE you.
  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Wouldn't this also affect someone who gets put on ignore for totally different reasons???
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