DCUO 2018. What does this game need?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WesPypes3679, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    I'm sure there is few threads about "fixing" DCUO. Why not a different approach? Where is the middle ground? Where the majority is satisfied with the game. I for one really enjoy the game and have very little to complain about. Here is what I'm thinking about what is needed. DCUO community... Please just hear me out and bash my ideas my only intention is to help see this game succeed. If you disagree then give suggestions to make the idea better.

    Open communication from DCUO. Q and A. The community and the Devs have a common goal. We want this gane to not only survive, we want it to thrive. If we had appointed ti mes once a week to discuss tge state of DCUO and had Devs responding more instead of us just guessing, that could potentially alleviate some toxic people in the forums.

    Time Capsules. Seems to be a big issue with mostly an extreme left or right on the subject. A sore subject in many threads. People want the feats and style, not all are willing to pay for them. There has to be a middle ground. Make those TC styles available in game too. Let me give you my suggestion. New TC drops. Old ones are shelved. Why not put those old TC styles (including auras and materials) and feats for collecting stuff in older TC's in appropriate content relating to it as much as possible in previous episodes. I would buy replays personally if I knew I had a chance at some of those missing feats and styles. If those things were available in a (hear me out when I say this) stat clamped or raised versions of older episodes (just alerts and raids) giving appropriate rewards like MoV's, currency for a vendor with styles from that episode, the older rewards, and style drops from them plus a chance at a collection from older TC's...people will revisit and it not be a blow through group. Skill and mechanics will be a necessity. It will not leave high level players twiddling their thumbs bored.

    Bring back SM. The "elitists" want that challange. Elite content is not enough for them. Maybe make it a membership only perk to enter SM. I also had an idea of League vs. League [cross factions included) of 4 man team (more if possible) Survival Mode. Each 4 man team has isolated areas that cannot be invaded to fight swarms of enemies just like the original SM. Make roles count. Not just a stack of DPS's and a tank. Each role is needed. 1 of each.

    Drop PvP or fix it. PvP is in a terrible state. This is by far my biggest complaint about DCUO.

    Fix the Bugs. Some bugs have been around for a long time. A game that has been around for 7 years should Not have as many as DCUO does currently.

    Add PI's to WE players. Give them some CC and Immunity too for using Just weapons. Make Hybrids regen better power and give a buff to precision. Make it rewarding to use weapons again. Make those that choose to use weapons have their powersets effect them (HL weapons when PI'd for HL players, Weapons on Fire when using PI on Fire players. Visual cues and some stat bonuses tobattacks using them.

    Make the Controller role more powerful. Allow for more power out to Tanks and Healers and other trolls. Like 25% buff to power given to those roles. DPS's remain the same.

    Find a closer balance in powersets. I think we are getting closer and closer. Hope that continues.

    Get rid of Gold Sellers and Hackers gotta go. If we had a captcha type filter that has is used for inactive toons just sitting. A damage per second cap for hackers. A red flag should go up when a player wipes out another in less than 2 or 3 seconds in PvP content areas.

    Edit: forgot to mention these. If "Stats Matter," then make them matter a little more. Mods and SP should have a bigger impact than they do currently. Those 2 things require time and effort to get...they should be a bit more rewarding.

    These are all just my ideas. Anything else I missed? Chime in. Better Idea? Chime in.

    Happy Gaming Guys.
  2. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    All I'll say on the Time Capsule business is, I've said it before I'll say it again:

    As a Subscriber id like to at least see 1 fully formed Stabilizer received per Stabilizer Event instead of Fragments. Then Maybe you can justify Time Capsules. That sounds more than reasonable to me and then you wont make your players feel taken advantage of.

    With that said, it's a urge to log in daily for your Time Capsule! These days there's 12, YES TWELVE collectables to a collection, bundled with many other stuff you don't care about. 1 Stabilizer a day isn't really gonna hurt your business. But it would give us HOPE to WIN that chance.
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  3. Mr Furious Well-Known Player

    Some way to tell if you have a base item, without going back to your base?
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  4. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    A bar :)
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  5. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    this thread caused a moment of self reflection in me

    I've been here 7 years despite all the issues and fun, with no one to blame but me.
    7 years...

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  6. Mr Furious Well-Known Player

    There is a bar, it's just really low.
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  7. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    i miss this game smh just clean house and give us dcuo 2 with character transfer
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  8. Maddie Xin New Player

    As I see it, those with several characters, or 2 systems/2 instance running can then open say 12 a day, and send over duplicates to other side for gaining even more auras, materials etc that they can put on market for absurd money only RMT users will afford mostly (some might be loaded legit too).

    I love the idea of 1 a day though, but im afraid how it could be abused. If anything it must be 1 a day account wide and not per char.
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  9. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    Of course 1 a day. Account bound.

    I thought it went without saying because it would be CRAZY! lol
  10. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Puns?...PUNS!!??? ...that is so....Marvel :p
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  11. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    Stabilzers are account bound anyway, so that's why i never mentioned that fact.
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    To answer your title, money.
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  13. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Could use more cowbell
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  14. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Of course. Where's the middle ground then? They need it to operate.
  15. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    We need better players
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  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    What DCUO needs is simply to stop sell feats by RNG. Much more better to gambling in Monte Carlo.
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  17. AlanR80 Active Player

    I like the idea of one stabilizer a day account bound, but also reduce the drop rates of the TC. Also put the previous contents on the Quark vendors, so we can farm for what we want.

    They could implement a system similar to FFXIV duty roulette. You choose this, can get put in any previous instance you can do, but get a daily reward for it, such as bonus currency, or a stabilizer etc. Would help low level individuals get into content sooner, and the higher cr players get compensation.
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  18. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    R.I.P "Right tool for the job" feat in New genesis now :( stupid glitched weapon
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  19. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    We need things the game engine can't handle such as customizing out own vehicles likenjets, bikes, and cars. Batman and winder woman have the bat mobile and invisible jet. We should have vehicles as well. Ones we can customize completely. Have vehicle boss fights, chases where we have standardized equipment like missiles and guns but can aquirenweapons from boss vehicles we salvage such as lasers etc.

    Another idea I'd like is to completely customize a sidekick like their appearance as if you're making your hero from scratch with power and weapon choices and appearance.

    I'd also like a system where we face our own doppelganger. Ever conic book/action TV show does this on some level. This game should allow us to. Fight an evil version of the hero we use.
  20. DaPhun48 Well-Known Player

    Simply put - it needs sold to a company who’ll not blatantly try and suck its (remaining customers) dry with ever-evolving strategies on how to do so.

    We all get it’s a business. But there’s ways to make money without ramming it. This guy jax or whatever his name is, had been brought in to monities EVERYTHING!! Head office have made sure they get as much as possible before they sell it, or shut the doors.
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