Time capsules

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DaBatmanX, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Am I the only who actually likes these? I've been playing this game on and off since it came out and the only thing that gets me real excited besides speculating what gear is coming with next episode, is what's gonna be in the next time capsules. So what do guys think or guess might be coming in the next set?

    And their are enough posts on this board about how much u hate time capsules that u can vent ur distaste on. Please don't bring the negativity to this post
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  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    The only reason I don't like them is u can't get what u want let alone everything by spending a fair price. If TC currency was priced fair and EVERYTHING was in the vendor they would be great. I know I'd of bought every single item so far if I knew spending money got me what I want

    Spending money to not get what u want is a major no go here
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  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I like TCs. I always limit myself to spending a certain, small, amount of money on Stabilizers when a new TC comes out and I play the broker for all the people that like to buy the new stuff ASAP and then a few weeks later I'm able to buy up everything, or almost everything, at a much cheaper price. There are only a handful of TC items I don't have, and that's mainly because they're extremely expensive things that I don't actually like/have any use for, such as the Negative Speedforce material and Sandstorm aura.
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  4. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    What do you think we are getting for the next tc. Superman emblems?
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  5. Davenport Committed Player

    I love the items (minus the Dark Flame Aura), but hate the ridiculous odds and how big of a pain getting most of the stuff is.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I like what's in time capsules.

    I hate the method of obtaining those items.
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  7. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    We all like what is inside the time capsules and hope to see more of these style items and cool trinkets. It's nice to see so many year old requests finally being answered with the items.

    When it comes to the method of granting these items to players through time capsules (opening a TC method being either free, random and grindy or not free, and still random but less grindy), it can feel like they're saying...
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  8. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    There is neat stuff inside the time capsules. The only issue is that if you buy 20 or even 40 stabilizers you keep getting the same stuff over and over again, and you barely ever get anything that you need, or can sell and get money from.

    If this is going to be the case, then they should double or triple the amount of stabilizers that you get from content or that you can purchase at its current price.
  9. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    your joking...right...???
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I like Time Capsules. I don't like having to buy most of the stuff off the broker.
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  11. Backblock Well-Known Player

    I have everything from the time capsules minus the goon boxes but im not going to shill for time capsules and pretend everything is okay.
  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Dont like the fact that i can see something i like/want, spend money, and not get it. Lets say you're a ps3 player looking to upgrade to ps4 because the ps3 is being dropped. Imagine if u walked into the store, grabbed a ps4, paid for it, and then the cashier handed u a ps2 instead. Does that make any sense? Would that be acceptable? Would anyone ever spend money in that store again if that happened?

    I love many of TC style rewards. But like fatal said the method of obtaining them is rubbish. People like to say "u know what you're getting blah blah." No just no. If u are willing to pay for an item then u should get the exact item u wanted. Last i checked thats how the world works when it comes to being a consumer. Ive also seen it said we are adults and responsible for the $ we spend. Well not everyone playing this game is an adult ;)

    Btw i have every TC feat done. 95% of the feats i got by buying the items from the broker. That is a positive also. That items can be sold on the broker. But the price of some items on said broker are beyond ridiculous so the positive kinda gets canceled out by a negative there. Ive only once ever spent a decent amount of $ on keys. It was like $80 on the 2nd or 3rd TC. And i learned my lesson because i have never spent a dime on keys again. So yea like/love the rewards, hate the method of obtaining them.
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  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    U dont like the dark flame aura? U might be the 1st person ive heard say that. For me thats in the top 3 of all auras. Tbh i wish they would do variants of that one. A red/orange one, a white/gray one, a green one, etc.
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  14. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    First, worst analogy ever. If it needs explaining why this is such an awful analogy, then I honestly can't help you.

    Second, yes, just yes. TCs are billed as a chance to get something, not a guarantee, so Yes, just yes. you know what you're buying. Stop feigning ignorance. You weren't paying for the item, you were paying for a chance at the item. This whole paragraph is absurd. how the world works as a consumer, is something is advertised, and you choose to buy it or not. they advertise a chance, not a guarantee, so your version is literally not at all how the world works when it comes to consumerism.

    Lastly, if not everyone playing this game is an adult (which is true), the responsibility for those minors then falls on their parents to make sure they're not spending mom and dad's money. It's called parenting. Last I checked, DBG hasn't adopted all the minors playing the game. There are so many safeguards on PCs and the PS to prevent children from making purchases that the fact you even bring this up with your less then clever wink emoji, is again, absurd.

    You are responsible for your purchases. You are responsible for knowing what you purchasing and how it is advertised.

    You, and only you.(unless you're a minor, then your parents are).

    It must be nice to vacate personal responsiblity all the time. How does that feel?
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  15. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    I've been playing this game for 5+ years and this is reason why I stay away from these boards. All I wanted to do is speculate on what do guys think will be in next capsules not explain for the millionth time why you don't like them.
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  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    The 1st line of your OP said "Am i the only one who actually likes these?" If u ask this question people are going to respond.

    As far as whats in the next TC well some of us already know that ;) Its frowned upon revealing that info on these forums tho before its revealed to everyone. So my lips are sealed :p Obviously there is nothing wrong with speculating tho.
  17. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    You knew what you'd get by posting this, don't lose faith because not everyone stayed 100% on the topic you chose. That's how we roll in forums. Cheer up.
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  18. Davenport Committed Player

    I loved it until I actually got and equipped it. It looks so much better in the styles tab, and when you check it out on the broker, than when you look at it in the game while it's equipped. If it actually flowed better, and had more of a smoke type appearance on the outer edges instead of it all looking connected, no real embers flowing out like a real flame, I'd love it.
  19. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Perhaps you should have titled this thread "Next Time Capsule?" or "Theme for next Time Capsule".

    As long as I am contributing, I would like to see a Crime Syndicate Time Capsule with Alexander Luthor as the gear style, emblems for each of the villains with the Superman Rebirth being the rare one and perhaps some new aura like "Speed Force"
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  20. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    But isn't Alexander luthors suit just a gold Slimline suit?