What drives people away from DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Skandov, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. Skandov Well-Known Player

    As the title says, what specifically is driving people away from the game, in terms of leagues with no activity etc.
    I know we'll get mixed responses, but I'm curious to see why the game is in such a bad state right now.

    Discuss, don't argue. :)
  2. Saami Loyal Player

    How dare you say that this game is in bad state.
    I just logged in my EUPSC villain and saw other person in HoD.

    Seriously speaking. I think it is many things combined: Other games, Friends quitting, family, job, not liking game...
    It could do worse tho. Hero side is still active enough for enjoying.
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  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    just for starters the new skill point tree may look nice from a long term player point of view but i think its both intimidating and confusing to a new player who doesnt have 300 plus skill points. it "moves" slowly and has little wiggle room compared to how you used to be able to spec. players interested in a support role are going to be off put by needing to ignore their main stat in favor of might/power while weapon focused players are going to feel shafted by needing more skill points to do less. i dont care for the dividing of dps into different categories. weapon specialization, superpowered and hybrid are not working as intended. should have never been a thing.

    the game already had issues with retaining new players. i dont think this is helping.
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  4. Capitaine Courage Active Player

    Outdated long term progression paradygms.
    First of all tying feats to long term progression and statistical powercreep.
    But it's too late to revamp this aspect of the game now.
    Bad decisions based on what were current trends at the time were made in the design phase, and now the game has to suffer from it till its end.

    I tried to get one of my friends to try it.

    "- Hey, what's the max level ?
    - 30. It's quite fast to go there, consider the leveling phase as some kind of big tutorial
    - Ok, that's like that in many MMOs nowadays anyways, but then what are the post lvling progression systems besides gear, which seems quite obvious. There should be something isn't it ?
    - After leveling, then it will be feats.
    - Feats ? You mean like some kind of a secondary XP bar which unlock stuff on a ability tree or something like that, some kind of Parangon or Omega system on other games ?
    - No, feats like achievements
    - You mean like outdated gratification design tropes on 10 years old consoles games ? That's how they built their progression system ?
    - Yes, it looks like this (I show him the ******* mess that is the Feats menu)
    A facepalm later
    - .... OK .... well ..... Have fun with your checklists then, won't play that."
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  5. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    You mean like that creepy looking Curvy SuperGuy that's currently on the Test Server?
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  6. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    For me, it just gets boring. If the game was more alt friendly, like feats, styles and achievements being account wide would make the game a lot more diverse. Currently trying to shake the dust off my old healer. He's 132cr atm, but that grind is really slow going. Just trying to queue up for stuff in the earlier tiers takes sometimes up to an hour just to get in.

    I miss the days when I could run any role to help out my league. Now the grind is just overwhelming and I don't have the time :(
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  7. Xibo Loyal Player

    When WoW goes on PS4, DCUO will lose A LOT of players.
  8. nawanda Loyal Player

    Emotionally immature idiots getting obsessive and needy over the few actual female players.
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  9. Capitaine Courage Active Player

    Except there is no known project to port WoW on consoles, it's not a given that the gameplay will translate well with a controller, and it doesn't really needs it by the way.
    WoW, as every MMO has problems when it comes to attract new players, unless it's on new markets (China, South America and such)
    It lives mainly on its remaining playerbase, but as this players base is enormous, making WoW his own beast and an anomaly in MMO history, even if it erodes years after years, it's still obviously very profitable for Blizzard since it's still counted in millions of users, and Blizzard fans are ones of the most blindly indoctrinated you can find.
    Even if it was ported on consoles, I don't think it would be such a huge leap regarding its playerbase.
    That's also another of the things that can explain its succes : being able to run on old systems
    If Blizzard keeps WoW running it's because it's still very, very profitable, but the won't develop a new MMO, the went away from that like every other big player in the market. Only Amazon remains as a big AAA-able publisher, and they didn't deliver yet (the New World project) so we can't really know what they're capable of.
    Other genres, like MOBA, are easier to craft and monetise, and that's exactly where they went.
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  10. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Seriously? Out of all the things that he could of complained about. The feats section was his decision NOT to play? Idk, imo that sounds pretty silly. Outdated or not, but hey we can't have everyone liking the game, right?
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  11. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Ps4 does support mouse and keyboard, it doesn't necessarily NEEDS to be controller. And have pc and ps4 on same server, and add the option that you can use hour controller, I think it'll transition just fine. It'll just need some time and effort from the devs if they really want to, and if sony throws some money their way lol
  12. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Despite there being some more changes I would like to see, the game as a whole is still good, but the community has to be either the worst or worstest I've seen in any mmo, I've never got this in champions online.
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  13. Ringz Dedicated Player

    It is nothing specific, rather a great mix of things. Especially with the bad publicity dcuo gotten during 2014-2016, that won't leave the minds of vets who compromise of coming back to the game, nor will the new players not be to keen when deciding of playing dcuo if they research up the game on media.

    Im not sure when you say the statement "drive people away" do you mean folks curious on playing dcuo for the first time or those playing now leaving? But for now ima say the ghost of dcuo past. is the biggest factor for people leaving or not joining. The devs need to come out with great releases of content, game updates, and systems to overcome their ghost, not one single bad update should happen. Especially with the new market coming to consoles in 2018. They need to do whatever they can to retain the players on the PS4 at all cost.
  14. Skandov Well-Known Player

    Then you should see CSGO (I know it's not an mmorpg though) xD
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  15. Skandov Well-Known Player

    I mean why people stop playing the game or step away for a very long time. Every league on the EU server suffers from inactivity and the queue times are also extremely long. I won't say the game is dead, because only idiots say that, but I will go as far as saying the game is slowly dying.

    Now, I know they just announced that they'll drop PS3 support next year, but I did also see that Mepps said we shouldn't expect anything major in terms of how the game is gonna improve for a while, which leaves me pretty worried and I wonder why they wouldn't try to get passed the limitations as quick as possible and go crazy with what they can do after the PS3 is gone. It just doesn't make any sense to me...?

    Here's a list of things I would expect to see as quickly as possible, when the PS3 is dropped:
    - Iconic characters updated to Rebirth versions.
    - Graphics Enhancement
    - New UI
    - Advanced styles
    - New Animations
    - More open world / freedom (Lesser loading screens)
    - And last but not least, a performance boost on all platforms.
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  16. Tarif Committed Player

    A Stats dont matter much at all anymore Nerf, um, Revamp, then cash grab after cash grab that tries to sell my stats back to me, after Ive already paid for them, and earned them in game over years of gameplay.
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  17. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Oh, then yea ima stick with the ghost of dcuo past. I don't wanna assume you are new by your forum title as I know the forums makes up an extremely low percentage of dcuo population, but everything was definitely not pretty for dcuo during 2014-2016.
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  18. Skandov Well-Known Player

    I've played the game for atleast 4 years :)
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I feel like they are trying to make this game a little bit more like other MMO's in aspects where it just doesn't fit. DCUO is not like a lot of other MMO's and it shouldn't be. They should keep building on what DCUO got famous for and what worked for the longest time, not experimenting with stuff left and right. We are 7 or so years in, right? And we still don't really have solid direction for the game.

    To add to it with the obvious, we have too many cashgrabs for a game with such a low population. The game is really starting to cost way too much to get things that should be included with actual gameplay. We get less and less out of content and gameplay in terms of rewards, but the cashgrabs keep increasing.
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  20. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Two things for me.

    1, lack of challenging content. Face rolling thru new content on Day 1 is ridiculous. We.need to move away from this mentality of everyone needing to complete new raids and other end game content. When did this stop being a game?

    2, lack of content in general. This past year, or since AF3. We have spent more time killing trash mobs in multiple worlds for these 410, 411, and 333 missions. While getting the marks is great and all. This should either be more difficult or something. You get almost the same amount of marks as a raid. Items should be dropping from these trash mobs. Collections should be in these open worlds, not as a RNG loot drop. Seasonal collections need to stay out of the RNG table all together. Not really looking forward to the Xmas crap. Those collections will dilute the RNG just as the Halloween ones did.

    My question to everyone, where is the game at? You don't need to run raids anymore. You can just do dailies and complete the gear. I've seen they are making the elite gear a higher CR gear now, but it's to late. It's been very obvious this past year that elite gear is not needed. Now we have the artifacts bonus.

    DCUO is lacking in the challenge department.
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