Tactical weapon mods, when and why???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Nov 4, 2017.

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  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Why is no one talking about how none of them no longer trigger with superpowers anymore?? Yes I'm aware blast adapter was adjusted awhile back but now NONE of them do, which royally screwed over combo powers since they suck with hybrid, they have no choice really but to PFtT if you wanna be competitive. Now none of the weapon mods benefit them.

    When was this change made and why?
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Did more testing and pretty much confirmed restorative, replenishing, and absorption adapter no longer trigger with super powers. That means atomic tanks will have to clip in weapon taps to get the absorption adapter going.
  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    May I ask what exactly makes this so important?

    I've never really made use of tactical weapon mods, and found myself doing just fine.
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I state it in the thread. Combo powers are limited to how they play because they aren't very effective as hybrid for two reasons:
    1) limited powers to hybrid with
    2) accidentally starting a combo when you didn't intend to will royally screw over your damage

    Also replenishing adapter was very useful for PFtT, just cause you didn't find much use for them doesn't mean others haven't.
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  5. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Weapon Blaster or Adapter whatever it called only works for weapons. The Absorption Adapter however is the one that works for powers and gives you a shield. I use this one, others use the weapon one which is useless unless you use a weapon in your rotation.
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not anymore, go test it again
  7. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Wait, you saying Absorption Adapter stopped giving the shield? I'll test it later today and will pay attention. It was working when Artfiacts launched. Maybe something happened during Nov 3rd, 2017?
  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    No it stopped triggering with super powers, only triggers with weapon attacks now
  9. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It is a Weapon Mod and Adapter. Thus it should activate when you use a Weapon.
    That makes complete sense.
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Tell that to atomic tanks that have to work harder now to get the same absorption as other tank powers.

    Yes it makes sense in theory but not everything plays the same.
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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    By that logic Tactial Head Mods should only trigger if you use your head. Many DPS I came across should have an issue then.

    On a serious note: The Weapon Mods are great supporters for certain playstyles (best ones obviously are Replenishing and Absorption Adapter). They support certain playstyles and should trigger through superpowers as well. A PftT player is now just forced to phantom triangle just to get the Mod trigger or to use their weapons in between. It is obvious that combo powers like Rage, Atomic, Celestial, Hard Light have a problem with that. Clipping powers yields more dps than letting the animation end just to sneak in a ranged tap from your weapon.
    I really dislike this decision..
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  12. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Combos powers shouldve had something extra in place for power regen. The weapon mod thing is pretty self explanatory, though.
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm speaking as someone that primarily plays a combo power
  14. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I'm going to HOPE this is a bug from the recent GU. All of my toons (that I actively play) are combo powers, and this is a massive hindrance. This effects my Atomic toons more than any other.

    I get the "logic" behind weapon adapters benefiting from weapon attacks, but tell that to the Atomic tank who has to maintain combos to maintain the aura...If this is indeed a new change then I expect to see some combo specific weapon adapters implemented. Combo powers were created for pftt, and taking away all the weapon adapters from those players isn't fair.
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  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Isn't that the point?
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  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

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  17. Saami Loyal Player

    These freaking AM, WM, PFFT... are something that should never saw daylight.
    I blame playstation players. They were the ones crying about clipping is too hard with controller.
    You can blame me back, but i cant change facts.
  18. VariableFire Loyal Player

    To the smart alecs who keep bringing up that weapon use is in the description: when these mods were created, everybody had to use weapons. Yes, there were might builds, but you still used your weapon the majority of the time. There was no such thing as PftT.

    And oh look, a clip lover. I suppose you worshiped at the altar of Hard Light.
  19. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    This isn't about PC and PS. That shouldn't have even been brought up..All that's gonna do is stir unnecessary ****.

    I'm a clip lover and worship at the altar of Celestial. Got a problem with that?
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  20. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Considering Precision Combo powers like HL and Celestial were what caused the biggest imbalance that this game has ever faced, yes.
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