Toxic Player Base

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gailith001, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Depends on your definition of toxic. Some people are so sensitive that they consider everyone who kicks them is toxic. Anyways I'm tired of people saying "majority this" and "majority that" when they have no proof or numbers. Especially when it comes to something as subjective as this.

    The majority are toxic to YOU. I think differently. See how that works?

    Again you name drop Proxy in a negative (and frankly, petty) way. At least I was able to show you how immature it was the first time.

    Me saying that comprehension wasn't a forte (which was proven) and hardly an insult =/= you name dropping Proxy and immaturely calling him toxic based on his justified* opinion.

    Reading Comprehension =/= intelligence.

    If you consider me saying Reading Comprehension is not a forte insulting then I could easily say that you saying I'm "out of the loop" is equally as insulting because you're implying that I'm ignorant on how the community is.

    See how that works?
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  2. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    I'm not offended at all so keep on, I will not sit idle and not say nothing if I know it's wrong.

    I stand up for what's right, something you should do, instead of blindly following and protecting someone you idolizes. Lol
  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Another miss.

    I don't blindly follow anything or anyone.

    I haven't protected anyone I idolized on these forums, ever. In fact, I don't idolize any forum members.

    You were triggeredT enough to say it was some insult.

    Nobody sat idle to anything "wrong" in this thread. For example, I responded to your comment to Proxy. On top of this you're saying most players suck while simultaneously accusing others of being toxic (page 3 of this thread). The irony.

    This is getting redundant so it will end here. This is my last reply to you to prevent further entertainment of this ridiculous discussion. Obviously you're beginning to reach because you have nothing else. For example when you implied that I idolized Proxystar because I disagreed with you and demonstrated how you were being immature by slinging unnecessary insults because you disagree with him. It seems that anyone who disagrees with you promotes or causes toxicity and I cannot continue to entertain someone with such a mentality.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    No problem apology accepted.

    My point really wasnt about whether they are toxic or not, it's always just been that people usually get kicked for a reason.

    Abusive kicking and just lashing out is rare and in any situation there is just usually more too it than is portrayed when one party involved puts forth their case.

    Occasionally these situations have spilled over into the forums with both sides getting involved before and if anything is clear from it; it's usually that both sides feel aggrieved in some shape or form.

    That's why its often better to just not take sides. ;)
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  5. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Exactly. Well said.

    Understanding the concept of being unbiased unless both sides are presented shouldn't be so hard.

    Not automatically believing someone because they appear to be the victim =/= being against them.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I'm not your idol? :(

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  7. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    This is my answer to your weak pitiful examples= why are people outcast as ugly and cute, oh that's right because we follow a factual system of our own personal taste, but in most cases everyones not really attractive in they own way, right?

    So you can paint your so call facts however color you want it's wrong.

    Out of the loop is not defined as ignorant, it is not knowing, unaware so how can that be an insult?

    Saying lacking comprehensive skills is an insult since it's involved in one's intelligence to understand things.

    It is ignorant to assume just because the majority voted you out means automatically you are wrong and they are not , same thing would be with bullies picking on one person, so that makes the bullies right? but I have comprehension problems.
  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    1. Personal taste =/= Fact. This was a poor example.

    2. Miss.

    3. Definition of ignorance: lack of knowledge or information, not about something specific. Another miss.

    4. Ok then calling someone ignorant is also insulting because knowledge also has to do with intelligence. I said reading comprehension, not general comprehension. Someone who doesn't speak English and can't comprehend an English text is not unintelligent. Thus, having subpar reading comprehension =/= intelligence.

    5. Nobody assumed that. It's a possibility though, with a high chance. Another miss.

    Complaining about players being toxic while namecalling (saying someone is rude, arrogant, toxic- what you said to Proxystar and saying most players suck which you said in the 3rd page of this thread), saying someone has a pitiful argument because you can't counter it, and generally being impolite yourself is pretty hypocritical isn't it?

    Sent to ignore now. Have a good day :)
  9. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    You must have a different EULA. I've read both the EULA and TOS, and there is nothing in either that prevents or discourages me from asking someone to stop being abusive.

    I don't see the person that the abuse is directed at as a victim. I just don't like that behavior in the instances that I'm in, so I ask for it to stop and leave if it doesn't. The players that don't say anything and go along to finish the instance are expressing through action that they're fine with the behavior, thus condoning it. You're right that it's not necessary to say anything; you can just leave. Or not, as I said before, it's your choice.
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  10. Saint Nutella Loyal Player


    Not exactly, but I do have much respect for you.
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  11. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    I do believe in bullying and grieving online, the situation is complex in itself, if players are being kicked they should know why, or be asked to cooperate with the team,
    if not then I understand the kicking, but there has been many cases of players including myself who have been ninja kicked, for no reason, top score kicked, best healer but dpses are acting as tanks kicked, best tank but dpses are acting as tanks kicked, and sometimes most people don't pay attention to the kicking thing because they don't know that person, so they would think " well I dont know this person or how good he or she is, plus I want to hurry up and get my rewards so kick".
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Getting involved, gets you entangled within a situation that either is a breach or can become a breach very quickly.

    It is not your place to moderate the video game which is what intervening is and that will be in the EULA I can look when I get home if you like.
  13. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    I thought about the ignore, but I decided not to because I am open to people's opinions, I can take the fact that someone disagrees, or maybe that was a miss too , puting me on ignore and the fact that i can no longer reply to you wont be a miss.;)
  14. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    The subjects/points of some of the posts on this thread don't make sense to me. If the OP had called out a specific person/league (against forum rules) or single instance or had demanded a change to the kicking policy or a nerf to the instance, I would understand the repeated references to both sides of the story and reasons why people kick.

    However, the OP was simply stating that she's tired of being harassed and that the negative attitudes and behavior negatively impact her game experience. This is on the same level as someone who often plays a troller coming on the forum and complaining about recently running into players that don't manage their power well and blame the troller when they run dry. While I certainly don't read every post on the forums, I don't remember ever seeing a response to those types of threads that say along the lines of, "Why are we only hearing one side of the story?".
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm not saying griefing or bullying don't occur. However what I'm saying is it certainly isn't as often as some are claiming.

    I do not agree that abuse and toxicity is rampant in game and I've been playing for nearly 7 years and have over 13,000 hours in game
  16. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    If asking someone to take or stop an action is considered moderation and is a breach, then there's not much point in having a chat function. Almost all of the chat text that I see within an instance relates to what the group or an individual in the group should or shouldn't do.
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  17. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    I guess everyone of our experiences are different in game, lets just agree to disagree.

    Cause from what I see shout, lfg, trade, and versus is full of hate, virgins, and weirdos that talk about nothing but negativity.
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  18. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Hahaha you're all losers! GG no Re gfg #rekt

    Just kidding. Have a blessed day, everyone.
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  19. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I didn't put you on ignore because we disagreed.

    I put you on ignore for being hypocritical. You REFUSE to even see where I'm coming from.

    I only put you on ignore because you were a distraction. I'm no longer busy. We can keep having a discussion if you want but at LEAST try to understsnd and don't be hypocritical.
  20. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I think we all have ran into some clowns with nasty tempers .I was in rotb alert a few weeks back and it glitch me so bad I kept getting one shotted and one of the randoms called me a bum like really mf say that to my face you wont live to see the next 20mins but whatever I put the stupid fool on ignore and went on about my day :).
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