So about Paradox Wave...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Evaleigh, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    It's been more than a year since they disabled the walk-in teleporter (June 2016 IIRC).

    Is there any ETA for this issue or did it just become forgotten like many of this game's issues?
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Is anyone even going to be able to make any use of it now? xD
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  3. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    It's still easily soloable if that's what you mean.
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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I think this is just one of the many things in the game that got broke and will never cease to come back.

    Me and a handful of players used to bring it up during their #AskDCUO sessions on Discord; but nobody really discusses it anymore because the developers didn't confirm on when they'll fix this or if they'll fix it.

    So yeah, there's next to no chance of this being fixed as far as I can tell.
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  5. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I doubt walk-ins return.

    My point of view after the revamp and stats being flattened,

    They would rather make those who wish to ignore queueing into old content, to use the queue so those who just love the way it is now have quicker queue times.
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    See what bothers me is that it was disabled and said it was going to be fixed. The nexus walk in is still there. But people ask and ask and no definitive answer is given. And eventually people forget about it. It really feels like outta sight outta mind when it comes to some of this. Repeat the same answer or ignore the question long enough and people will simply forget and stop asking about it :confused:
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  7. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    This specific question wasn't asked on September 8th, but a question about queuing teleporting into older content was. Mepps said they have been monitoring feedback and are working on a solution for queuing and the on duty menu. I'm not sure if it applies or not since that was a rather vague answer, but that's actually the most I remember them ever admitting to when it comes to these issues.

    Question was asked at 51:25
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    It was disabled when me and a friend went and did super dox EO in about 19 seconds and broke it. Sorry, it's just never recovered
  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Maybe if you clear the tunnels one at a time, try soloing EO
  10. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I think you are missing the point..
    The walk-in has been disabled, so you can't go in without full group. That can take a LONG time thru LFG or even random queue
    (like forever)
  11. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    They disabled it because people kept "breaking it" for extra loot. Don't think it would hurt anything now to enable it back.
  12. Mazahs Loyal Player

    It was shut down, because of the crashes-
    Mepps said:
    Looks like we disabled this walk-in while we track down a couple of issues with it, related to the crash reports. We are still early in looking into just what is different/wrong with the walk-in version of the instance.
    Mepps said:
    Yes, absolutely there is something bigger with the whole instance we are trying to track down. We were able to reproduce similar/the same/more severe things much more frequently with the walk-in, so we removed it temporarily. We need to identify what the overall issues are, and just haven't found them yet.
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  13. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Do you know what was causing the crashes? I do, the dev's did.
  14. Mazahs Loyal Player

    But go back and look at the thread from the day they did this.
    You'll notice Fatal, BumblingB myself and others discussing it.

    We had no need for extra loot as at the time were were WAY above relevancy band. You would finish the instance and crash
    But do tell what you know- cause as usual the devs didn't give any real indicators besides what I quoted from Mepps

    (edit I assume your talking about the extra loot picker at the end that was randomly happening?)
  15. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    You had to be way above relevancy to break it..Lots of leagues farmed certain instances every Thursday morning for prestige, MoV, salvage/materials, etc. Going in to break PW was an easy way to do any of the above. People walking in and exploiting and breaking this raid was what was causing the crashes there. I know it wasn't stated on the forums at the time it was taken down, but it became painfully obvious why it was disabled and never returned.
  16. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Yeah forgot about that tbh-
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Just an FYI, you could still get double loot after the walk in was disabled as well as still crashed. So it has to be something else.
  18. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Was quadruple loot, and yea I know but having to have 8 people to go in and actually going through on duty tab seemed to stop the crashes. My guess would be a lot less people doing it since you couldn't walk in anymore.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    It would still crash afterwards, I stopped random queueing because I actually hate that instance even if I could smash it. It would happen on zoning and it was weird, because you could zone out and then zone somewhere else and then crash. Not right after zoning out of the instance.

    It could be something to do with the loot bug, but it might be related to instances being left open. Like that Necropolis bug or those constant spawn bugs that happen in Gotham in certain areas. Doesn't crash the whole server, but doesn't close out.
  20. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I'm positive it's to do with breaking the instance for the extra loot lol. If it's not crashing when the instance isn't broken for extra loot then that says it plays a direct role in what causes the crashes imo.