Buff Soders... Do you use them or dont you and why?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jpharrah1010, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Ever since i started this game... its always been a bad stigma if a dps used a flex or a nitro... "he beat me but i saw buff soders on his belt so he wasnt playing fair"

    I dont under stand this thinking... buff soders are obtainable by everyone... specifically nitros and flex's

    Why is it such a bad thing to use them? Why does it invalidate someone's performance?.... is there a reason the community made up this rule that buff soders and their use by dps is considered dishonorable?

    Really when i used to dps on my main ... i always felt it ridiculous that people would give you a bunch of crap for using one which is why i avoided it ...i didnt wanna be the guy being called out on it...

    I know some groups dont care... so if you are part of that group this doesnt apply to you .... but if you are among the group of people that find using a dps buff soder a bad stigma... please tell me why?

    We dont care if trolls heals and tanks use one in fact its encouraged

    This has always bugged me...

    From my stand point if you arent using one you arent helping the team my personal opinion
  2. Batmatt Active Player

    They're part of the game the way I see it. Until dcuo starts drug testing for overjuicing I'm using them lol.
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  3. majosea Dedicated Player

    what about if Experimental Serums is the new buff cola ???
    random boosting stats
  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Buff Sodas are fine to me. I don't see why people complain about them. They are easy to make and some people are lazy and prefer to buy them off the broker. To each their own. I just laugh at the ones who pop an omega before joining something.
  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Thats just funny when they pop an omega in their base so that they don't help the team ... i dont know if its funny actually maybe just sad and pathetic
  6. nawanda Loyal Player

    Very rarely use nitro or vitamin sodas. Only on the most difficult feat attempts or SM.

    I've never used an ultimate soda. Have about 200 in my inventory. If the devs monitor player behaviour in the way they suggest they do, then never using them is my middle finger to the concept of ultimate sodas on the marketplace.
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  7. Korlick Loyal Player

    During the AM era i didnt use them, everything was about CR so there was no point. But since the revamp i started to use them again.
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  8. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I use them but I don't think I need them.
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  9. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yes i usually omega and soda at start of raid.
  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

  11. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Sounds more like a PVP thing your arguing about. PVE people dont care, atleast the people I know. In fact its encouraged but PVP people want a clean fight without the help or aid from sodas or trinkets. Even though yes they are available to everyone essentially but they still frown upon it so it is rather annoying, I agree.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    They just shouldn't be used for benchmark testing because they can skew results.

    Other than that I have no problems with people just using them to play.
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  13. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I have a few buff colas.....haha
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    This is what i like to see like why would people purposely not use them haha

    The only complaint i have with the soders we craft... is unlike a lot of other mmos... dcuo makes them go out when you die.. other mmos... they last for for the duration regardless if you die... i know thats how the ultimates and omegas and i think complexes work but i think the ones we craft should do that as well
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  15. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    This is why I have never used them unless given to me in an SM or something. Don't use omegas either since there's always someone who pops one but I have a few stacks just incase. I have started using seasonal colas since the love shard and leprechaun base items came out. Speaking of those, where is the troll ones??? And why are the health ones not percentage based like the heal and DPS ones? Dev logic ftw.
  16. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Wow, I only make one special forces stack and it last a long time. 2 Stacks for elites though.
  17. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I normally don't have this many but today i made some new ones and i made a bunch for my alt to and took the pick before i mailed them over lol. Some of them are also resto colas for this character and my other.
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  18. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    "Stats should matter!"
    "You used stat soders, you suck!"

    People are just idiots is all. Nothing wrong with using buff soders especially considering how cheap Exobytes are nowadays.
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I've never used them, never liked them. I like knowing what I can do on my own without having to rely on buffed stats. Is why for the better part of playing DCUO I've always been league-less.
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    I bet there are MANY reasons why you are leagueless LMAO