I'm sorry to tell you this...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LighTning Emperor, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. Fed up player #10 Well-Known Player

    I agree with the removal of the AM and Cr differential but i also think they went to far with the revamp. I have also played and paid for this game for 5+ years. I disagree with the notion that we end game players should not be able to just smash older content. The math just doesn't work out when you talk progression. If you follow logic then something that is good at 10 then should be 10x better at 100 but in this game someone who is Cr 205 can be taken out by a Cr 97 boss with little to no effort but the 205 needs to work hard to beat the 97. How is this right ? I should not be penalized or disadvantaged because lower level/new players didn't like higher rated players ruining their experience. Have you tried something new that others have been doing for years and expect them to take it easy on you? Not gonna happen in other games or life. If you wanted to preserve older content then just make it a setting in the game like role optional and task force X. There was no need to Nerf all of us this bad.

    I agree with those disheartened by the state of the game and the feeling of being punished for being dedicated to making my character better only to feel mediocre now that stats don't really matter after all.

    BTW I have 336sp Cr 205 Fire DPS that just got crushed in damage out by a Cr 196 196sp earth DPS who was just standing in the middle of the room pounding nothing by jackhammer over and over again. Balanced yeah things are balanced and stats matter, Yep they do.
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  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Incorrect. The damage output is not a measure of strong or weak. Strong or weak is a measure of the difference between your damage out and the npc health. In the case of the revamp, there were actually three changes. Damage out was lowered, npc health was lowered and the progression curve was lowered. You're actually trying to prove your point with the wrong thing. You should be focusing your attention on the progression curve as that determines the difference between your damage out at end-game compared to npc health at lower levels.

    To get yourself back to a point where you can faceroll (let's be hones. that's really what you're asking for), the progression curve needs to be raised so that your damage out at any particular level is much higher against npc's at a much lower level.

    Do you feel weaker? Perhaps
    Will adjusting individual stats fix that? Perhaps but to do so would mean overriding the progression curve and creating a big old mess.
    Is it worth making a mess to give you back the ability to faceroll right now? Nope
    Will you ever be able to faceroll older content? Yes, eventually. Unless Devs make some other change to the curve, you will be able to faceroll....somewhere around cr350
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  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    TL;DC Can I have your stuff?
  4. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    Every single time the devs announced something good for the game idk what colorful glasses they wear to see how it's gonna be better for everyone overall but come up with the most annoying, frustrating and slapable ideas to implement alongside them when in reality just the simple stats matter we asked for would've made everyone happy.

    it's should've been a simple fix of bringing the game back to before GU47 and tweak our damage to match up. Now they got trolling all broken and **** and out of level content to some extent feels harder than at level content. I ASKED HOW THE **** DO WE KEEP GOING THIS ROUTE EVERY DAMN YEAR DEVS??
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  5. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    if there would still be powers that out perform others then why the hell did we get this stupid revamp for in the first place??
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  6. majosea Dedicated Player

    all the stat clamp threads ,. disappeared since the revamp hit
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  7. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I just can't take someone seriously once they start talking about "a ton of players cancelling their sub". your clever little gif aside, you haven't got the slightest idea who's cancelling their subs, and that's an actual fact, not just something you made up.

    Players are struggling in older content because they have no idea how to do the mechanics, because they never had to learn before. Maybe instead of complaining about how it's too hard because you can't one shot the adds and bosses, players who are struggling should learn the mechanics, instead of expecting to whine and moan themselves back to facerolling content.

    Facerolling isn't coming back. I would suggest players learn their roles, learn the mechanics, and stop expecting the road to endgame to be spoonfed to them like little children.
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  8. majosea Dedicated Player

    I don't have to make stuff up . I read feedback on the threads
  9. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    To get rid of CR relevancy, which in turn meant we had to lose AM/WM and that was a whole other can of worms.
  10. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Funny. Before revamp low level players did not want high levels in their content (or at least that's what we were led to believe), they seem to be singing a different tune now...
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  11. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Well, I mean, if the 3% of the community that comes here actually says so, it must be true, right?

    give me a break.

    Reading some "i quit" threads on the forums isn't proof "tons of players" are quitting. So yes, you're just making stuff up.

    All the clever gifs in the world won't change the fact that you're using your subjective opinion as fact.

    I reiterate. Learn your mechanics. learn your role. Stop expecting to run an 8 man raid solo, no matter what tier it is. Problems will be solved.
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  12. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    i was the first in line to hear those were gonna go away but it really didn't change anything at all
  13. majosea Dedicated Player

    waits for sub numbers before and after revamp
  14. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Yes actually it did, if you don't see that, you haven't really been playing.
  15. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    i'm saying in terms of dps balancing which was the point of the revamp...
  16. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Nah, there were quite a few players who liked the easy mode of having high CR players in their groups. There were probably only a handful of vocal players who did not like it when high CR players ran in their groups, myself included. I did not find it enjoyable (most of the time*) not really being able to participate in content. I guess I'm too used to other games that offer options to play both avenues: being overpowered or playing content as intended.

    *I did at times like getting gear quickly from certain content, e.g. Oolong Island, Arkham Asylum, and other longer instances. Even that was a day to day thing; some days I just wanted to get in and out while other days, I did not mind the longer time spent.

    I also think it hurt groups in higher content having new players reach that content so fast that they learned very little along the way. The design of this game really did not allow both parties to benefit. What we have now is closer, but we still have people who are upset that they cannot wreck most content in 5-10 minutes anymore. Until this game provides a method for those players to queue/walk-in separate from new players, one side will probably always be unhappy.
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  17. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    It's a work in progress...
  18. JasonIsley Devoted Player

  19. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    It could have worked out better if everyone wasn't in a hurry all the time.
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    My problem with the revamp and why my playtime has decreased is mainly because of the power cost changes to support roles. Healers in particular.

    But for the most part the complete imbalance of Hybrid, superpowered and weapon only based combat. Why create 3 ways if 1 is superior for all roles.
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