I'm sorry to tell you this...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LighTning Emperor, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Why do people keep saying nerfed? They created a new baseline for us to start at due to the new system. After a few dlc gear increases we'll progressively hit harder.
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  2. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Thanks to a handful of people getting what they wanted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I started my console 2 times this week,,,

    Tuesday, didn't even do the dailies in game just ran the stabilizer and vault....

    Friday, turned it on, turned auto-renewal off, turned off console.
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  3. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    If only that was the case. But I think I get where you are going with this.
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea i could be wrong of course, but that seems to make the most sense. They said in the beginning this revamp was gonna make a new start so they can build on this, making it the new standard.

    Why keep building on the AM era when they knew they couldnt satisfy everyone ya know? It was time to scrap it and start fresh, so now we'll go from 17k crits gradually to 50k. Well i already got 36k with a SC so maybe 75k etc lol
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  5. majosea Dedicated Player

    til the damage is so high again this happens [IMG]
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  6. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Lol! That's actually Funny but not at the same time because it might be some truth to it.
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  7. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    splitting tunso hairs was never the answer in my opinion...AM/WM was never the answer either...they had to leave that all behind imo...
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  8. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I agree, but what's the relation with Tunso's hair? :v
  9. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    I can easily deny that. It's a literal illusion. You're doing the same damage by percentage that you were before, or close to it. You just FEEL weaker, because the numbers are lower.

    Think of it this way: When you were doing close to 3 or 4 times the damage with AM as you are with revamp, the Adds and bosses had 3 to 4 times the health they have now. In revamp, your damage has ben reduced in actual raw numbers by 3 to 4 times what it was before, but the adds and bosses health has been reduced by 3 or 4 times what it was before revamp. Percantage wise, you're doing the same damage. you feel weaker because the numbers are smaller, but you're not. an illusion, meaning not real.

    So no, going from 100,000 to 15K doesn't mean you are weaker, not when the same percentage adjuustments have been made to the adds and bosses.
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  10. majosea Dedicated Player

    [IMG] players are now struggling to beat content . because of the revamp . when before the revamp players did not struggling to beat content . high cr in low content in fact what I'm taking about . the same amount of damage , there are ton of players canceling there sub , hope the rest the players that are left buys ton of time capsules to make for the lost subs .
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  11. Tilz Loyal Player

    You just feel weak because you are still in that AM mindset. I compare my numbers with other ppl playing at the same time. So an actual comparison. Just did alerts with the league and the other dps has the same power, so we could compare damage numbers. They are lower..yes.. but running both alerts in under 10 minutes doesn't give me a feeling of being weak. Running without earth/nature in the group took me around 10 mins for every alert today..i was healing. So the power argument is just stupid.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Don't think people realized how easily they're being replaced. For every sub canceled it's a new one gained from a returning player and/or someone new picking up the game. I've seen more new players since the Revamp started then I have in a few years and that number will just go up after water comes out and more adjustments are made to lower tier content
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  13. Tilz Loyal Player

    Yes, because they don't have any clue about mechanics and they don't want to learn mechanics. I mean.. just blind pew pew is stupid.. mechanics are kinda important again
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  14. majosea Dedicated Player

    lol just because there new or old players return don't mean they sub , its unsure thing
  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the game has always had a steady influx of new players. having it available in the ps store as a free game with the DC logo insures that.

    the game also has a problem with retaining new players.

    very often over the past few years i'd encounter new players who are excited to play. i put them on my friends list. they play heavily for a few weeks and then they just stop. disappear. log off and never log on again. now maybe some of these players decided to create a new character and are spending their time there...but for the most part this is an established pattern. i used to make it a point to group up with newer players who had questions and to run them through content to show them whats whats and every single player i've helped along this way is no longer playing the game.

    prior to the revamp my friends list lit up with players who quit the game some going as far back as battle for earth and origin crisis. none of these returning players have remained. couple dozen. the only names on my friends list are the same few hardcore dcuo addicts that were here before the revamp.

    whenever this subject comes up i always come here with my rose colored glasses and make excuses. its summer, its the holidays, schools starting, theres an exciting new show to binge watch...but i also know i'm trying to make the most out of a bad situation while supporting the game.

    we're in a bad situation. i really don't like all the negativity i see in game. its much more so than the usual prattle. i'm pretty sure i'm going to stop playing alltogether when my sub is up in a few weeks and i once swore i'd be the last person here.

    the revamp is a flawed baseline to start building on.
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  16. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    A lot of people that claim to quit are actually still playing. They still sub because they only pretend to have standards.
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  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You're right. We don't know whether or not they will stay. Only time will tell and only the devs have access to those numbers. Until then it's all speculation that people are building from their own personal point of view.
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  18. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    It's better than what it was. Yes it has its flaws but the AM/WM era was absolute ****. It spoiled people with certain powers and now they're getting a taste of what it was like for Nature/Electricity prerevamp.
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    As someone who made an "I quit" thread and unsubbed for a couple of months, I understand the frustration people have. I was there myself. Unfortunately the game went on with or without my sub, with or without my complaints. Been that way for 6 and a half years.

    The only thing we can speculate from is our own personal view and experiences. No one has access the super secret files in Daybreaks computers with the population numbers, we can only assume based on what we see, and everyone sees it differently. What you see is the opposite of me, I had quite a few friends come back and are once again active players of the game. Yes some came back and stopped playing again, but the number that stayed is higher. We all knew there was gonna be a population drop from the Revamp, it was inevitable regardless how the devs decided to go about it. The real test is seeing how well the population bounces back from the revamp, whether or not it can hold people's attention better then advanced mechanics.

    Stay tuned and find out I guess.
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  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    Game is 100% better, few balance issues, pvp issues however the game is in the best state its been in for 2 years.
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