Producer's Letter: State of the Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Katnikov, Aug 8, 2017.

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  1. Multiverse Creator League

    We don't know yet how they will update the Vault.

    Once the do update the Vault.... maybe Vault tickets will give as much value as Stabilizers??? Maybe by then Vault tickets will give MORE value then Stabilizers??

    Guess we will have to wait and see.
  2. Multiverse Creator League

    I had the same thought you did.

    But if you spend a few replays you should be able to buy the feat and get the discount for your Alt???
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  3. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I know we don't know, and I did acknowledge that, but.... the odds are quite good that they will make the thing that you can do every day on every alt for free not as good as the thing you can do for free once every 2.5 days on your whole account.
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Can't sell, trade or delete scaling gear before opening it.


    Minus the Vault necklace there, all those gear pieces between the two Soders gives the same message and they don't show up for being able to sell when visiting a vendor.
  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Ye of little faith.

    They will give some UBER gear.... so that people will want to run the darn thing more then once a day..... but that UBER gear will be a super RARE drop.

    So you will need to spend $1000+ to get that UBER rare gear...... or will have to run the Vault for 2 years daily hoping to get the UBER gear.

    Or something like that. ;) ;)

    But ultimately.... all we can do is wait and see how they do update the Vault.
    And we can speculate.... of course. ;) ;) ;)
  6. ChillCat Loyal Player

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  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    This is kind of what we've been asking for. Being rewarded for playing older content. Mepps said they will have a conversion system in place and MoV will still be here, so I assume marks from any tier will have some use, hence being rewarded in older content.
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  8. recoil Committed Player

    would be nice if they added some capsule styles as vault drops and also some of the removed styles like tech ninja sword, avatar bombardier, elite scythe, and more. that or implement a third vendor for them as they are all pretty much zilch in game. or they could add it back in older game content. i know i'd kill the avatar of sin a few dozen times just to get his wings now that we have them in game.
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  9. nakamura New Player

    entao meu amigo obrigada pelo que voce fez mais eu nao traduzi porque eu nao quis,voce acha que porque o jogo e americano eu sou obrigada a vir no forum e escrever em ingles?entao como disse eu tenho todo trabalho de traduzir para o ingles quando quero ler porque voce ou quem quiser ler nao pode fazer o mesmo?Quebra os seus dedos fazer isso?ou voce tem alguma dificuldade em usar o google tradutor?Porque voce acha que o ingles e a prioridade em tudo se o jogo foi disponivel em varios paises?meu comentario nao e melhor do que ninguem e nem o seu entao se alguem realmente quiser ler e tiver interesse traduza.É a velha mania de achar que temos que usar o ingles somente para poder interagir no jogo.Pessoas como voce fazem o jogo ficar horrivel porque se vc nao entende o que eu digo muitos nao entendem o que voce diz,foi o que eu mencionei no meu post a velha intolerancia....achar que temos que simplesmente agir americanizado.nao a dcuo disponibilizou para varios paises e nos somos players como voce e nao somos diferentes entao nao venha no meu post dizer que se eu quero ter respeito ou que minha opniao seja lida eu tenho que deixar traduzido no forum.voce nao e melhor que eu e eu nao sou melhor que ninguem.somos todos players e minha opniao vale tanto quanto a sua.mais uma fez obrigada por ter traduzido so aja com mais respeito com as pesssoas porque voce nao e melhor que ninguem e nem a sua lingua.Aos desenvolvedores ai so esta mais uma prova do que eu mencionei, a falta de tolerancia no jogo,falta de entendimento pra se fazer uma feat,por isso sou seriamente a favor de um tradutor automatico no jogo.Por favor pensem na minha ideia.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It will work just like it works in AFIII and AoJ. You can unlock the feat from your main, on your alt, to use the discount there.
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  11. TheDrone Well-Known Player open them and then sell them. It's not that time-consuming. Like 2 seconds per box.
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  12. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Are older OP items going to be added for marks or will they have collections or plans to get them ?
  13. PSYL0CKE X8 Well-Known Player

    just please don't start handing out feats
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  14. Bladejack Level 30

    I need to raise a ticket then, fully bought Amazon fury III gear and my alts do not get the discount, it's there at full price.. thanks for letting me know that you see it working as I thought it should
  15. Bladejack Level 30

    Doh !!! unlock the feat first !!! thanks !
  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you're trying to keep a character at a particular spot in the tiers or don't want to progress them that quickly, it's a bit problematic. ;)

    As I said in my post earlier, ideally I'd love to be able to just choose the style from the scaling gear boxes rather than gear as I'm not in a hurry to progress. If that's not possible as a change for scaling gear boxes, I'd be okay with either being able to sell or delete them without having to open them.
  17. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    Yes! #MakeVaultsGreatAgain

    I would also suggest giving vaults a small chance of dropping old OP pieces and making them account bound, rather than capping it at the lvl 78 gold rings and necks. Of course, that also means we need to #MakeOPGreatAgain

    "We assumed, and many of you assumed, that content felt harder after the revamp because players didn’t have the skill points they needed. After careful review, this really isn’t the case. The core of the issue is the content and that’s why it comes first in the plan. (This is precisely what I meant by waiting to understand the core before addressing an issue.)"

    The wording "many of you assumed" has me a tad concerned you are assigning too much value to the opinions of brown knights on the forums. Mepps cleared out a lot of the trash-talking "ha-ha-you're-just-a-noob" posts from the "too challenging" thread before he locked it down, but it was THESE people that were claiming it was due to insufficient SP, despite OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary (especially when people reporting their experiences started also reporting their SP). Don't take brown knights opinions seriously. They are very verbose, but when you boil it down, there is nothing backing up their claims. They are here just to argue, not contribute.

    And as for the "PS"...

    ... I don't want to have to say it, but...

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  18. M1234MMO New Player

    For end game tier players, if we gotta grind old content, could we at least be rewarded, oh I don't know, Marks of Victory perhaps ??!!
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  19. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I don't believe old style vendor will be no more redundant than it is on live.

    What we have currently is from the start of the monthly episodes, with mark relevancy, so that you didn't have to choose between spending 60 MoV on to progress your character forward in CR or 60 MoV on an out dated piece of gear to progress a style feat.

    From my understanding going forward, we will still have relevancy for MoV, and will be use for all the things that end game players currently use it for (HT mod rent, premium base locations, R&D materials from the vendor, the rare style vendor, and a few other things). But there will now be new currencies for each tier (or is it each episode) as well. Lets say I'm missing a style from a T3 vendor set. I would have to grind out 60 Marks of Krypton (lets just say you revived this currency) to buy the vendor piece, but there isn't that much T3 content to run. So I can run the few instances until I get the marks of Krypton needed, or if you leave vendor 00 in, I could just use MoV to get it. See its an option, what is more valuable to the player. Their time running spent running the old content, or the MoV that might be useful for something else.
  20. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Please remove feats from the Time capsules, make them easier to obtain or increase the daily amount of stabilizers.

    Rare drop luck based feats seem to have become prevalent and for those not willing to shell out extra cash for stabilizers are getting left behind. 50 feat points for collecting the phoenix material for example. Collecting a rare item should be a boon unto itself without attaching SP to it.
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