0 SP... and the dark side of the Forums

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Multiverse, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Actually.... I was calling Backseid....... but you will do. ;) ;)
  2. Saami Loyal Player

    Its all about experience.
    I did t5 quests in gotham wastelands naked ( just weapon, necklace, rings and utility belt) when i wanted some challenge.
    That was some time ago. With 200sp around i guess. It was doable. Without AM. Just plain old countering and soder when needed.
  3. Apolloin Well-Known Player

    you say skill points don't matter. I get it, most of us would like them to mean something. As I'm watching you use your flash powers they are tick for 800-1200. I used those same powers on my 275 toon and was seeing numbers range from 2500-6000. So to say they don't matter is a fallacy. They do make a difference. However, talent still outweighs skill points
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Casuals mean more then not having much time to play.

    Time is one factor..... but someone could be Casual;
    Because of their skill level.
    Because of they Role-Play and don't care about playing end game.
    Because they just want to fly around exploring the world as oppose to grinding to get the latest OP gear.

    And not everyone has the same skill set.
    What you can do..... maybe many others do not have your skill level to do the same.

    As for SP will matter the most.

    Many interpreted "Stats Matter" as "SP Matters".
    For them.... it seems that SP is what matter the most.

    How many people still tell players to farm for SP BEFORE the farm for Gear??
    Even though the Lion's share of the Stats comes from Gear.

    Why tell people to farm for SP instead of Gear if some don't think that SP matter the most??
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yeah... the Jordan Dark Energy thingy always hurt a lot is you did not roll out of it.

    When it first went live..... it pretty much depended on your CR and your Power.
    My Quantum did the mission at CR128.
    But my Electric just could not do it at that CR. Had to wait to be 131 to be able to do it.
    At the Time.... a 2 CR difference was a big deal. You could tell your character was more powerfull after raising your CR with merely 2CR.

    If you try it with your Alt...... let us know how it went. ;)

    As for the sad remarks.... that is part of the Dark Side of the Forums sadly. :(
    All you can really do about it is not being shy about using the ignore option.

    So far... the powers I have tested seems to work like Electric used to.
    Set up your PI and DoT..... use your weapon a bit..... PI and DoT..... use your weapon a bit..... PI and DoT..... use your weapon a bit..... rince and repeat.

    Is that how they balanced the powers?? they turned all the powers like Electric??
    I am sure that is not the case.... but that is how it feel with the few powers I tried.
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  6. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Pretty much. Aside from some of the more "OP" powers where you spam the same move over and over. With Sorcery the best damage I have been able to produce is from a 2 move combo. Apply DoT > Spam power that instantly is available again 2-3 times and then repeat. Luckily I can heal and find some fun out of this game. For now.....
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    But.... how "easier" does it make it??

    1% easier??
    5% easier??
    10% easier??

    And as I mentioned before.... when a mission fails.... it fails for a LOT of reasons.
    99% of the time....... it has nothing to do with SP when a mission fails. (yes I don't have the data.... it is a guesstimation based on personal experience)

    Ironically.... we see people insult other players saying those players used WM or AM as a crutch.
    But oh sweet irony.... those same players use SP as a crutch.....which always makes me chuckle a bit when I see that. ;)
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Light can ask all he wants. It is allowed.
    He can gather a group himself.... and share the result with us. He is allowed to do that too. ;)

    And here we have the biggest problem in a nutshell.

    What is the point of the game???

    To succeed in completing the mission??
    To do more damage then everyone else??

    One of the biggest problem in DCUO is that generally speaking we have two types of players.

    Cooperative players.
    Players who played D&D, LotRO.... who played games where you cooperate together to complete a quest.. an adventure.

    Competitive players.
    Players who played CoD and other similar shooters..... who played games where you compete against everyone else..... even against your teammates.

    Sadly with Competitive players.... they will be so focuses on being top damage that often they will sabotage the mission just so they can be TOP of the Scoreboad.

    They will not pick up other players just to be able to do some extra DPS.
    They will not do the mission objectives just so they can do some extra DPS.
    To them it is more important to be TOP DPS then to complete the darn mission.

    And often... THAT is why misisons fail. SP has nothing to do with it.

    Heck often even when we complete the mission....
    even if the run was smooth sailing.....
    The Competitive player will be angry because he was not able to top the Scoreboard.
    Often the Competitive players will act as if we failed the mission even if we actually completed it..... and even if it was a smooth run.

    Being TOP DPS....
    What SHOULD be important is completing the mission.

    If I play a mission and I end up last DPS.... even behind the Healers an Trolls...
    What does it matter??
    We won.
    We completed the mission.

    That is what should matter.
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  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I had a sore throat recently and my throat is still a bit raw from this... but yeah.... that is pretty much how I sound.

    Tried to hire Sean Connery to do the narrations on my videos..... but sadly he never returned any of my call.
    So I had to do it myself. :)

    As for my gear.... I am CR 132 using Healer gear... so...

    Do the Math??

    I can post my gear next time I make a Flash video if you really want to know?? ;) ;)
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  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I used heat vision in us and jfa last night in my electric toon instead of a super charge, heat vision hits like a truck
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  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    When I play in groups.... it is as Troll or Healer.

    So I only have one set of gear.... in this case Healer gear.

    So this is me in Healer gear with 0SP.

    Yes I see the frustration if people focus on damage.

    But what is the point of DCUO??

    Being TOP DPS???
    Completing the content??

    As long as you can complete the content.... what does it even matter??o_O
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    completing the content in a reasonable amount of time, which 'reasonable amount of time' is always and will forever be subjective, your 12 hours may not be ideal for someone else, just like my 20 minute raid runs may not be ideal for others. Its all opinion.

    Do I like every aspect of the revamp? No of course not, but the parts I do like out weigh the 1s I dont.

    ask anyone who knows me, all I care about is 1) completing content and 2) feats. The rest of it I could care less lol
  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I was also wearing Healer gear. ;)
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  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    For the reasonable amount of time..... I saw lots of players go crazy if a mission took 30 seconds more then they were used too.
    Lots of players are used to play with overgeared players and have a distorted expectation for how much time a mission should take to complete.

    Not to mention how even when we get the speed feat.... players still manage to complain that the mission took too long.

    So.... when even the speed feat is too long for players..... ??? o_Oo_O

    So.... I don't really worry what others find a reasonable amount of time because they have some very unreasonable expectations when it comes to how much time a mission should take to complete.
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  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    for the record Im not 1 for caring what others do or want in this game, I mind my own business usually and run my content ;)
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  16. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    I don't have a clapping gif on tap but exactly. When I first came to DCUO I thought I had made it to paradise. All of the players I had met in game were nice, and I assumed that the entire concept of the game for the most part was to cooperate and get through the mission for the rewards. I was way wrong. I by far enjoyed being pushed to the limit and overcoming it as a team as opposed to playing with people who were complaining because I was doing my role good. I've had runs where I wasn't notified until afterwards that it was a competition, runs where right in the middle a team mate stopped to express that he couldn't wait until my Supercharge was nerfed, and I had one where right in the middle of the first boss a guy with the exact same power as me flat out left only because of the scoreboard. I've been kicked from groups for out damaging people. Even within a couple days of the revamp hitting; while pursuing one of the toughest feats in the game, I have had a team-mate complain over me killing the ads with a supercharge in content we had to run a minimum of 5 times to achieve success.

    Things like that are exactly why I switched my power. Sure I still have a DPS build but I typically only queue up as a healer. The entire point of the game is thrown out the window in pursuit of a 15 second window that I always closed down right out the gate until I got to that level.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    That's a lot of sides! :eek:
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  18. xD25x Dedicated Player

    See that's what people are failing to see. For instance I was fire hybrid playstyle and lost to a quantum pfft by 250k. Now before the revamp that wasn't bad. But....when the overall damage numbers are about 2 mil that's quite a big gap. But it doesn't look as bad.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Hold on roll back the truck here a little.

    What I was saying was your test did nothing about "seeing the difference" but only rather "you personally completing solo content".

    Now you only need to go as far as watching 'Ala's' video and you'll see the person that accidentally set 0 skill points got absolutely destroyed in damage. I actually purposefully made the comment of "imagine if they all did that".

    That wasn't to say Ala's group wouldn't have completed the content anyway, they're skilful enough to players to do so, but it would have taken them a whole heap longer to do the necessary damage to burn down the NPC's and bosses.

    That my friend is progress and difference by the very definition.

    You're attempting to twist this around a little to suit your argument of making a blanket statement of "SP don't matter".

    In actual fact they clearly do and to try and make this a time argument, well that actually backfires on you magneto, because people want to be as efficient as possible so when you're doing a raid in 20minutes compared to 120minutes because the players have 300sp as opposed to 0 then that is a significant difference.

    The reality is skill points matter a lot, just go watch Ala's video... Your video, if anything, only serves to spread misinformation in my opinion.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Exactly right. And all the video in this thread showed was a player can complete old solos they have already run many times before with 0 sp specced. It tested completion rate. Thats all. But the time of the completion rate shows they matter. Content taking too long is 1 of the biggest complaints right now. Like i said in that longer post in this thread, all of this has been explained and talked about. But people are ignoring all of that and saying some really silly stuff. Im really starting to question IQ levels at this point. Im really bad at math but ive able to understand and figure this stuff out. Btw waiting on 1 league mate to come on so we can do that run and record.
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