Been gone awhile..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Plum Crazy, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    So I have been away from DC for almost 3 years maybe idk 2+ at least and recently came back. Lots of stuff has changed and Iam learning all the new acronyms and whatnot but I remember back in the day there were all kinds of sites that would tell you say the name of said alert/raid/content ect and then list what dropped out said alert/raid/content. Dcuo-db was among one of these I uses to hit up like 5 or so years ago for info but now it just goes to like virus page or something and Google is no help finding out where anything drops either. In the years since I left have sites just gave up or something?
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I dont know of any sites that still have that info.. there is a thread or two here I believe in the oracle section that have some of the locations of styles in the older raids alerts and duos etc. but but i dont think any of those have been updated or added new content in the last several years
  3. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Look through the DCUO Wiki by episode and it will show you the content that is featured in each. Unfortunately a lot of the information is missing, most content does not display the equipment or styles that drop from it but it might still help.

    If you're curious about an acronym in game, just send the player a tell and ask them what it means. I'd like to think that our community isn't so far gone that they wouldn't help a new player out with that.

    Welcome back
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Welcome back.

    Some site have info that have not been updated for quite a while.

    Others try to do what they can to help out new players or returning players who need more info. ;)
  5. Gimpy Loyal Player
  6. Controller Devoted Player

    Three years, huh?

    You deserve this.

    • Like x 1
  7. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    The game has expanded that's for sure lol. Main problem right now is this new mark system they have and the way it works, everything shares 1 universal mark now mainly moV lol. The higher your cr now the more handicapped you are it seems at earning marks which would been fantastic back 2011, but Iam adjusting. Now I just have to actually find people who do anything other than the last 2 raids and earn some marks lol.
  8. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Queue up and you will find those you need, granted you may not want ALL of those you get grouped with but you will get what you need to gear up.
  9. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Been trying to q for brainiacs bottle ship for like 15 mins lol. I did manage to q into the last boss in blackest night though finally, progress although they were rude because I didn't know what to do lol. Not my fault every so called guide online has 5 mins of loud annoying rap music that makes me tune out
    • Like x 1
  10. Multiverse Creator League

    All my guides are Rap free.... scouts honor. ;) ;)

    Will have to start making more 4 players and 8 players mission guide. ;)