Rage suggestions for the revamp....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. RLManuel Committed Player

    1. Make Rage an active tank or give it the ability to be active. Blocking is not fun especially with Rage since Rage is supposed to be destructive. If Rage tanking was similar to Atomic it would make sense because Rage is not a turtle type power, even though it has been made to be one...

    2 . Take away Rage crash. Rage is the only self healing tank that can commit suicide, how is that ok? I thought red lanterns only die when their ring is removed or if the ring reject them.
    (Fire and Atomic are self healing tanks yet they don't have a crash mechanic that kills them, so how is that fair?)

    3. Add more range type abilities.

    These are my suggestions for the revamp when its Rages turn. 1 and 2 will make Rage tanking easier for everyone and ease up the stress that Rage tanking causes.
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  2. Ringz Dedicated Player

    So basically make every power the same?
  3. RLManuel Committed Player

    Could you explain how that would make every power the same?
  4. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Besides 1, which is probably the only reasonable suggestion that can go furthur into details on.

    You ask for rage to not have a consequence or mechanic for its 100% self heals back. You do know you don't have to put stats to contribute to rage damage converted to heal back, so if you take away the rage crash your telling me you wanna receive all your heals back for free with no consequence.

    Then you ask for rage to have for more range moves. The intent of rage being created in the first place was to be a melee power. Of course it hasn't been that way untill you get geared enough or just have to play melee smart.

    Then you end it with to make things easier and less stress for people. Why should this power be less stress and easier for people when other powers are already shaped for beginners like ice and atomic?
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  5. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I wholeheartedly agree with 1. Rage tanking deserves to be active, the way it is currently feels counteractive to the idea of being an angry, unstoppable force.

    I also agree with 3. Rage should have better options than Dreadful Blast spam.

    However, I can't agree with 2. I think Rage crash is at the core of mastering Rage. After being Rage for over 2 years, the risk of death in the back of my mind keeps me on my feet, and there's a thrill to that. It gives Rage skill, and makes it unique and fun to play. Also, as a high risk - high reward power, taking away the risk won't allow the devs to balance the reward, which has been an issue for a while now in both roles, which you touched upon in this thread (making tank role more active, making melee DPS viable in raids and hard content, giving ranged DPS more options other than DB, etc).
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  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Comparing Fire and Atomic with Rage selff heals ...lol

    So...it would be 100% heals back, no crash and incredibly high health buff? Anything else? dont you wana add a god trinket too?
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  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    All tanks were suppose to get the "battle tank" treatment back when Stats Matter was announced. So point 1 will most-likely happen.
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  8. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Atomic for beginners?
    I think you've never played with atomic right?
    Because atomic is not equal to any tank that exists!
    The form that works as a tank in the atomic is of total combat!
    No defense, always beating, without using weapons, that is, nothing like any tank! It's a completely different philosophy!

    About rage I like the rage, and I think that in renewal we can fight more than you think! Since when using weapons you will have power return! This will be very over for the rage tank!
    An experienced player can become immortal!
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  9. Korlick Loyal Player

    So...basically constantly spamming powers ... yep. That sounds really really hard to do. So pro.
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  10. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Not for beginners huh? Self heals like a fire tank, defense like a ice tank, and damage absorption like a earth tank, and able to dps like its a full spec damage dealer. SOunds like a all in tank too me. And I hope its not the combo aspect that makes it a a difficult tank?

    As for rage we can save the debates when the time comes, Its one of the next three powers to hit test.
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  11. RLManuel Committed Player

    So you are saying that the DEV's couldn't fix rage healing to compensate for removing rage crash?
  12. Ringz Dedicated Player

    What is there to fix for rage healing? You get 100% health back from the damage you received.
  13. Castrato Well-Known Player

    Just FYI, rage tanks can be active. They have a move to were once you hit it, the more damage you do the more heals come back. This move makes rage tanks active.
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  14. RLManuel Committed Player

    You said "if you take away the rage crash your telling me you wanna receive all your heals back for free with no consequence"
    so I assumed you had a problem with removing rage crash since you can heal back all damage, so my response was "So you are saying that the DEV's couldn't fix rage healing to compensate for removing rage crash?".
  15. RLManuel Committed Player

    Rage tanking is not active... the best example of an active tank is atomic since you rarely have to block.
  16. Castrato Well-Known Player

    With that rage ability popped you rarely have to block too.
  17. krytine Loyal Player

    I dont know how you rage tank but me i attack each power makes you harder to kill the self heals are awesome just pump up your dom and precision and your tank will be a bad ars
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  18. RLManuel Committed Player

    I'd love to see a video of an active rage tank...
  19. krytine Loyal Player

    Check out massacr3 or pyrotechnic rage and i cant remeber the others right now but i know of about 10 different players but it doesnt mean i never block i do from time to time but rage you just have to have the mindset to do it raise your precision above 2500 minimum and your attacking self heals will crit over 10k over 3k precision i was getting 13k s3lf heal crits and loved it. I wont lie rage can be trickier then most of the other tanks but its there to battle in rythym work with your rage crash rage mode and you will see but i spit mod dom precision and the 260 sp it works and i think rave is one of the best put together tanks in the game
  20. RLManuel Committed Player

    I know what ability you are talking about but no. With rage you start you're rage crash mechanic, stack you're health, block and wait to cancel rage crash so you don't commit suicide. You can use the move you are talking about to heal yourself based on the damage you're attacks do but if you are not mostly blocking you will die very much.
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