We need filler so why is the event ending?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I know I know this "event" is designed to forcebyou to replay or do without so there is the core reason.

    My question is why take it down when we clearly have some time before new content drops? Way way back in years one and two we learned inbetween docs we needed filler. We have filler and someone at Dcuo feels taking it away is the thing to do.

    I believe its time they consider players pay over a hundred dollars a year just to play.
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah cause there's not a Valentine's day event dropping shortly or anything right? Between SM, the anniversary event, and two time capsules back to back in a month, I'll take a short lul before getting anything new.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    We have a valentines event launching right after. I am pretty sure people are overwhelmed and burnt out of the current event.
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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    At this point, I really don't care for the event and won't miss it if it goes away until next year.

    Not directed at you OP, directed at the makers of the event.
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  5. Here2Help Devoted Player

    The event has now gotten stale and boring in my opinion. It was fun at first, but I personally think it doesn't offer more than a month's amount of fun gameplay, if even two weeks. Of course others are still having fun with it, but we do have the Valentine's Day event coming to the game shortly.
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  6. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Everything posted above and it actually frees up some time for the Testers to actually do more Test Server instead of grinding an event and doing test.

    I'm ok with it giving them up to a 10 day(?) break. Since the announcement only says "starts in February" and not on February 1st which is Wednesday this week.

    Tired of being tossed around like a toy rag doll in the CC myself with no known method of escaping.
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  7. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Yea but I pay a sub to play. I don't pay to take a back seat to teating.

    I gotta say I very much appreciate those who test and do take time away from their regular accounts.

    Thing is it is a choice. We the customers should not be forced to replay or do without and imo there is no good reason to take an event away while we are in a period of not much to do.

    I agree the event stinks especially being tossed around but anything is better then IT. That was mind numbingly boring day one it was so easy and now its hard to even enter. The duo...... When cut scenes are longer then the content I find that awful and a waste. Dailies run dry fast so as bad as the event is its not as played out.

    Is like it to stay long enough to grind out the feats and obtain all the items via marks.
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    To the OP .. Fatal is absolutely correct. I have been running the anniversary event daily since it started and while i know a lot of players have had some awful experiences I really can't complain. The armor drops in the raid along with what i have bought with the crowns I've earned have helped a couple alts increase their CR ... But I have to admit yesterday as i was getting bounced around like a ping pong ball every time I tried to attack a Shadowling I began to wonder.. "WHY am I doing this to myself over and over and over?" I don't have all the feats available but i have all but the 5 minute overall time for the raid and the one for assisting 23 heroes/villains defeat Qwardians. Taking a break from i9t today and tomorrow I'll run it one last time and buy what I can with my crowns ..

    Then Please god yes a break before it all starts over with Valentines' Day.

    Now think about it a second. So back in October we had the month long Halloween Event, Then a lull in November, Then in December the Winter event, followed quickly by the current Anniversary event which will end and we don't even get a full week off before the Valentine event begins. That's 4 events (three of them month long) in five months and don't forget after a couple weeks break in February the St Paddy's event will kick off making it 5 events in 6 months.
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  9. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Keep in mind the Anti-Monitor event was the first in their new "Limited Time Event" initiative. As others said we have Valentine's and SM coming in February, so I would guess we would have the next LTE around March or April. Maybe more April since March will have the Paddy's Day seasonal.
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  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay well TWO things have made that more of an issue than it should have been..

    1. The actual amount of content we got combined with the fact that we got an entirely new form of cash (ancient coins) that replaced the mark. So .. you get

    1.a three daily missions in the Typhon Monster Invasion zone
    1.b One solo challenge that begins in the Gotham under siege zone
    1.c One duo
    1.d One alert
    1.e Two raids
    1.f One weekly mission (410 monster defeat) in the Typhon Monster Invasion zone (that can not even be replayed)

    Now without using pile of replays that doesn't give a player a whole to stay busy day in and day out does it? Heck even that once a week mission to defeat 410 monsters doesn't take long when you join one of the many 8 man teams churning through it.

    2. Now add in the fact that when the brand new, at the time, Amazon Time Capsule arrived it contained a complete set of CR 164 armor that could get a player to Cr 188 0r 189 and two days later we had a bunch or players between 188-190 that could churn through that small amount of content in no time. Then the Anniversary event began and the gear there was able to get as high as 164 too. Hey at this point without even trying really hard, and without spending a dime on stabilizers my main is sitting at 188 as both a troll and a DPS with exactly three pieces of gear that are not CR 165 or 164 .. and all of those 3 pieces are CR 163.

    Oh and just for the heck of it lets add in

    3. While every bit of the AF3 content is considered Tier 8 ..the older Tier 8 content doesn't give out any ancient coins so at some point its totally useless to even drop back and run that anymore because all your gear is so high you don't NEED marks anymore only ancient coins.

    Now .. if we eliminated the time capsule gear then all those players that were at max CR by day two would have taken much longer to get to that point and boredom wouldn't have set in nearly as fast. Although honestly my MAIN has been at CR 188 since 18 days after Amazon Fury 3 went live and again.. I never bought stabilizer to grab all that armor and I don't use replays to rerun raids more than once a week. But that was only on the DPS side and it was a little longer before I had the TROLL at the same point.

    Now the Holiday events do present a distraction although to most of us, aside from this new anniversary event, the holiday stuff is basically just the same thing we get every year. It's not NEW content its just new furniture and styles to grab playing the same thing again. And my guess would be that we will see yet another offer in the store where players can BUY Valentine's Day Hearts rather than run the content to earn them. So for the crowd out there that pulls out wallet and just pays for everything in sight... even the holiday events have now become much less of a distraction.

    Of course let's be honest... The same people now spending hundreds of dollars on stabilizers and holiday cash rather so they can have everything as fast as possible are more than likely the exact same ones that used to log in with a huge amount of replays in hand every time a new Quarterly DLC dropped and played like crazy until they had every new piece of gear and all or just about all of the new feats and then .. a week later (if that long) were on the forums saying they were bored. You know that group that convinced DBG to switch from Quarterly to Monthly content to begin with.

    The times and some of the tools have changed a bit but the insanity remains exactly the same. Like I said it didn't take me three full weeks to get my main to 1-2 CR away from the max without spending a dime or doing ANY content more than one time a day or once a week and as Februray approaches.... we still aren't even 100% sure we will get a new DLC in early March.
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  12. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I am not sure why it says you quoted me... but the forums did, dont see a quote or anything kind of related to what I posted P
  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    we really need a new dlc.

    theres nothing worse than going backwards. i enjoy the open world content so all my toons quickly grind through typhons monster invasion every day but i'm sick of the duo and alert. ive got 2 toons to 190, 2 to 189 aand all the rest are 188. i'm not resetting the raids. the idea of going back and grinding through the hades duo and UT alert everyday is kind of grossing me out.
  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    That would be because when you quoted ME you had your response inside MY quoted material so the forums assumed it was all one quote not a quote and response. Basically I was responding to you stating that the events were the ONLY fillers we have until MARCH?? or whenever the next DLC arrives. The reason why a lot of players are struggling to find ANYTHING new to do is listed in my post. Too little new content and too many ways to get to max CR way too fast. Its no wonder players are grasping at anything to entertain themselves.
  15. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Ugh didn't get much sleep yesterday and I thought I wrote it outside (I personally don't like writing in folks quotes, sometimes I do it but I always add something outside of the quote)... sorry about that :p

    I agree that the filler isn't fun (although I hate the valentines seasonal I love the things we get from it) and were all waiting for the next dlc.
  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh I have had a blast the past two Holiday events and looking forward to Valentine's as well. Actually I am in the process right NOW of closing out my "account" so to speak on the Anniversary Event. To date I have run my CR 188 Troll through for the last time and spent all his coins, My CR 184 DPS and spent all her coins and my CR 145 Rage Tank/DPS .. about three more to do between today and tomorrow.

    I know a lot of posts and threads about the "raid" and players not participating but I had a pretty good experience myself. ONE team all month where 1 guy never came back from the cave after rezzing so someone started a vote and i am not even sure he GOT kicked.. I was busy trying to beat the tar out of Anti-Monitor. Never had any other team that didn't fully participate from beginning to end. Got most of the feats except that 5 minute raid and the one for helping 23 heroes and villains defeat Qwardians. I had Five different alts that managed to go up at least a CR or two thanks to armor drops in the raid and then buying more armor from the vendor. So overall I was happy with the event.

    One thing I have noticed the past two events, Halloween and Winter, is a lot more players that have a grasp of what to do and how to do it. MAYBE I just got really lucky but when you run 7 alts a day through the outdoor and alert portion of the event.. You'd think at some point you'd see the BAD. Saw a little but a lot less than in the past. Hey maybe all the players that just never really gave a crap enough to figure the mechanics out BOUGHT all their furniture and styles this past year? LOL
  17. nawanda Loyal Player

    It's hard to have any sympathy for anyone who was CR 190 in November and who is now bored. Not that they want my sympathy, but I only completed Fallen God and Fallen God Elite this past week, I am still saving for the OP neck, and I haven't even attempted GOMe yet. I don't see why people have to rush to that extent - when it costs them so much money - to then find themselves bored.

    With regards to the OP - no I don't think we need filler. We need new content, yes, but other than the vendor style, everyone has had plenty of time to extract all they can from the anniversary event.

    Since July last year, we've had two actual raids and one alert. I think we should all be united in sending the message that we want the developers to stop holding us to ransom for feats, and to focus their development resources on new content, which should take priority over gimmicks, cosmetics, fillers, unrequested combat changes, and of course, trying to fleece us for every penny they can get.
  18. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I'm not 190 yet, and I'm over this current DLC, I've been bored with it for awhile now... it feels like work and that's a turn off for me (and this isn't a debate about grinding, I've played FFXIV on and off since it's been out and worked on their silly relic weapons... I know what grind is and don't mind it to a point). I think the story is decent enough, especially considering what we've seen in the past... I don't think it's nearly enough content given though for the huge content drought we knew was coming (especially because we actually had a mini content drought before we got this one).
  19. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    I'd actually be happy to not have any event or something going on.
    It's eating up all of my time.
  20. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Because your reply is inside his post you quoted Wiccan??

    Curse you Tech for staying awake all night and catching it before I could.


    You 2 need to switch to decaff, because I'm not sharing the stuff that gets me to sleep.:D