Why are there no instance caps?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scha, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Scha New Player

    Question is the title. Caution: Rant.

    I have been playing for 3 weeks now and i am still baffled by this concept.

    Today while playing my new cr100s i got kicked from the instance by 3 idiots who found the instance 'tooo hard' and since i didn't speak spanish i was kicked so they could invite someone to carry them.

    After seeing the 2 new anti-matter event dungeons i understand that the devs are capable of adding this feature to all tier instance to scale players to that level.

    What else is bothering me is that, what do these people get from being carried??? They are not learning their class, not contributing, not even playing...... What actually drives these people to do nothing? What do they get from it???
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  2. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    People don't care. All they want is loot. Everything must be fast and easy. Screw challenge. Screw mechanics.

    Also, the community would riot if any kind of cap were even hinted at by Daybreak.
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  3. Delta796th Loyal Player

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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    From what I have encountered. Any content outside of AF3, players in that under CR166 range tend to want to be carried by high level players to get to AF3 inorder to be able to join LFG groups.

    One of the biggest problems is CR differential being too severe, especially in duos and solos.

    Thus players look to 8 man and 4 man content to get carried to high content so they can go back and run old content and repeat the cycle.
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  5. Scha New Player

    I dont' even know what to say now, in fear of being the odd one out and getting picked on. I always thought that 'I was the community.'

    Isn't the whole fun in these games to have a hard crack at some tough encounters, to test your limits? Teamwork, group play, synergy, friendships? All made better by some phat epics in the end of course.

    Isn't the value of a loot item or an achievement proportionate to the difficulty of achieving it? Otherwise it is just pixels on a screen, graphics and coding. Though i can understand appreciating these items just aesthetically, after all they are the work of amazing artists.

    But this is supposed to be a videogame... isn't it? Not the kinds I am used to perhaps.

    End of rant.
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  6. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I enjoy the challenge of new instances, figuring out what to do and how to complete them. I also enjoy the fact that 4 years later as I've grown my toons stronger that if I want to go back and smash Prime that I now can. When I was 78CR it WAS the most difficult raid in game and now at 189 it should not be.

    The unfortunate side is that some people "want" to be carried...(as you found out) Others like me don't. What I and many other people
    have expressed is that artificially weakening our toons that we've spent years and $$ on strengthening is not what we want. You'll find just as many people are like you (vs the jackholes that kicked you and wanted to be carried)

    Similarly you'll find people at my level will often ask lower CR players when entering a low level instance "do they want to us to hold back or go Hulk smash?" If had that ? answered both ways many times.
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  7. Scha New Player

    I really appreciate all the responses. It has helped me understand the situation much better.

    I would most cautiously like to add that perhaps if there was an in-game feature that would allow you to accept or deny the help of players above your bracket might not be a bad idea.
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  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Just did a Centennial Collapse random queue pug run today where two people ran before it even started. Why? Because there was no healer. Opened up the instance, got more DPS, and between the tank and troll, it was as smooth as any other pug run I've done so far (15 minutes seems to be my average for a good random queue pug run).

    My point is that if people run from instances if they get even the slightest whiff that it might be slightly hard for them (omg, you need to use a few soders for health and power) then if you start clamping they'll keep running and never stop.
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  9. Swamarian Committed Player

    Also, not all players/toons are created equal. With a fixed difficulty, a character can go off and get stronger, and then come back to try content again. With content scaling, that isn't possible.

    For example I was playing Champions a while back as a mentalist, and hit a mission that I couldn't beat. I checked online, and only the DPS classes had the burn to kill the boss. Any other class, he'd enrage before you could kill him, and one shot you. Not fun.
  10. Scha New Player

    Thank you all for your responses. I have a much better understanding of the situation now.

    However, I still don't want to being carried. So for the moment i am just going to quit instances that have very high levels joining. :(
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  11. Kokeshi New Player

    I leveled a cr100 to test a new power I was unfamiliar with. A league member gave me good load out advice and took me in some appropriate duo missions to level. He sat back and let me do the majority on my own only stepping in when I bit off a little too much and only had a sliver of health left. It was great for learning and got me armor upgrades I otherwise would not have earned. There are good and bad players. Befriend the good ones, and it makes the game infinitely better.
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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    People will complain about free feats being handed out, but won't complain about new players getting gear handouts from high cr face rollers.

    Guess they only complain when it doesn't benefit them. That's the type of community we have.
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  13. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I disagree :p

    I get called a complainer even when things benefit me (both benefit in quotes and benefit in non quotes).

    Than again complaints exist in any forums, you either live with them or you don't go to them.. that's my philosophy.
  14. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    What you need to do is start up your own League. Head into duos and find ppl around your CR who are like-minded and just want to enjoy the instances instead of expecting a 5 min run on everything. Truth be told, 9 outta 10 duos you'll get stuck with an idiot who will stand in one spot for 1 hour + expecting to be carried, but every tenth you'll find a decent one.

    Pug groups just wont help here, cause there seems to be a heapload of ppl stuck in the past who think we're still doing Episodes every month and are convinced they'll fall behind if they let even one so-called "noob" into an instance. While realistically we could be 4-5 months away from the next Episode now. With a league you wont need to rely on that to advance at your own pace.

    Trust me, one of the biggest mistakes ppl make with most MMOs is they dont take their time and just enjoy the content. If thats what you're into then do it, the episodes will still be there this time next year. Building that league will take time, but it'll be far less frustrating than getting kicked for delaying an alert by 3 mins and far more rewarding for your playstyle.
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  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Oh I don't mind people complaining, freedom of opinion, all that I ask is people be consistent with their complaints. Don't complain about one thing then support something else that's basically the same thing as what you were complaining about
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  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    But I like flip flopping :oops:
  17. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    A lot of people like to go back to run feats that they've missed. I think they should just implement the choice to be in a clamped group or a normal group.

    If I go into an instance meant for like 100 CR (I am at 186) I would ask the group if they would like for me to remove some gear or if they want me to keep it on. I would only switched if we die so many times to the point where people are begging for a high level.

    I think they should add teleporters of some sort (if they can now) or something that allows high players to solo for certain feats.
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  18. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    I don't mind scaling players to the tier of the instance. It would be fun.

    It's common sense that a lot of the players that are playing instances AT CR are not nearly as prepared for these instances as the veterans were when they ran them. Running instances at the appropriate CR is much more difficult for newer players today who don't know the mechanics of the alert/raid, or their own power for that matter. I'm not at all saying you're one of these people OP, but I don't expect any group of individuals at CR to finish a raid. It's just way too hard for them. Alerts are doable, but a lot of people will just take the easy way out because the instance is usually not organized and a lot of the time 1 or 2 of the players are noobs for lack of a better term. If the alert is 1 - 1 - 1 - 1, I could see people trying to tough it out. There just aren't very many good players that aren't at endgame content, so running instances and trying to beat them like you should is going to be nearly impossible. It's a bummer for people like you.
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  19. Jim Berry Well-Known Player

    Hope I'm not thinking this wrong, but it seem that the Xbox Community want it easy, quick, fast, without putting in much work (a simple Feat of killing x amount of mobs get over-looked, and you're kicked if you stay behind to kill these mobs).

    I know at this rate, my Xbox character will NEVER match my PSN character. Some Feats, such as the one you get in the Speed Tunnel when waiting for the Legend character(s) to pop, will be a pain, because it's a race to see who can reach the exit portal first.

    I am almost ready to give up on my Xbox One character and go back to PSN.
  20. Kreachure Committed Player