Playing with the intellectually bankrupt.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Not forgetting those that bail out of duo's as soon as they see your not high enough to carry them ,one of the most frustrating things i come across when leveling alts.
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  2. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Get a second playstation. Make a fresh account with some new alts. Use open episodes to gear up those alts fast. Carry yourself through duos. You do the work anyway so why not carry yourself - and why PUG with some random stray if you can spend time with yourself instead? No complaining, no stress, no "could you please solve this part of content my way?" and no one who ninjas your collection nodes (un the duos that have them).
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Just needed to point out one little error here. The need or use of two Tanks as the norm was most likely in year one of the game...way before WM/AM or anything else was a twinkle in a Dev's eye. By the time I started playing in March 2012, I never saw two tanks in a raid as the norm except in FoS 2 for the split...and that was a rarity. Weapon Mastery and then Advanced Mechanics with powerback is what finally killed the need for two Trolls. But that was already a trend before those things were introduced.

    Also, a very HUGE difference between us as noobs then vs today's lot, our willingness to learn and ability to pay attention. A lot of players now can't be bothered to get on a mic and ask questions or listen to instructions...and don't even realize that things are being typed in the chat box. And the ones that do notice seem to take great offence at the mere thought of being told what to do and how. Now granted, not all present their advice in the best way, but that's not always the case.
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    AHHH yes I forgot that one. Walk into a duo and see someone about the same Cr as me and think "Okay we can do this. Just take a bit longe....rrrrrrrr HEY? where the heck did he go?" I have often wondered if those players are the same ones I used to see begging for help with a level 4 mission in the East End or Little Bohemia.
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Very true One thing to keep in mind though as the trend toward speed increased not all the blame can be placed on the new player.. GOD forbid you joined a team and had the nerve to say "So this is my first time doing this mission. Anything special i need to know...... (short pause while the load screen passes before your eyes) .. Hey why did they just KICK me?" I have seen that occur and it got to a point where a lot of players simply stopped asking the questions and just trailed along behind hoping no one would notice them and they could learn MOST of what they needed to know for the NEXT time by watching.
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  6. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I got abandoned in the Wayne Gala duo for using Synth Mods in my trash gear (cr 185 at the time).
  7. Malachee Committed Player

    But....but....disengaging my brain makes it so much easier to keep subscribing. :cool:
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  8. IamINC Dedicated Player

    This ^^^

    I was never afraid to ask league members or people in groups for advice and help with load outs back in the day, I hope that's made me the player I am now compared to them , everyone's a cardboard copy you tube load out (not dissing you tubers) and because it's on you tube you can't tell 'em anything.
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  9. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I was going to point that out, you can't compare the players from 6 years ago to today's players, first thing they see is the filth box that is the game chat, a complete and utter mess you don't see in any other MMO. Then the wonderful idea the devs had to disable LFG but keep Trade for new players, which as we all know is by far the worst thing you can do to a new player. But mainly 6 years ago people had no choice but to learn since it was a new game but that isn't the same anymore, even WoW has a tutorial system that actually teaches you what your abilities do before sending you out into the wild. Now people can say that's what the ship is for but when you have line after line of abilities just teaching you how to block, counter and lunge isn't enough.

    And at the end of the day most vets don't care anymore, they don't want to teach anyone even if they ask and will kick players who ask anything. A change is needed in both the tutorial system and player attitude, until both change we can't just expect players to spend hours watching 20 different YouTube videos about the same power or reading 300+ pages of tutorials that started in 2012. I've been here for 4 years and got my fair share of kicks (I used to buy troll gear for dps because I thought just like every MMO both roles where the same), but by the time I reached T5 I could solo troll Nexus and AaB (never on DoX and honestly to this day I still don't know how to troll it) , and why?, because I know my weapon recharges power which is something the game doesn't tell you and most people will just say "use your AM" which isn't actually a solution for trolls.

    And lastly many players don't just play DCUO, again 6 years ago the MMO scene wasn't as crowded as it is today where even consoles have PC quality MMOs, for me it's not easy to just play DCUO only anymore as opposed to back then (well variety and that I have strong feelings about the current system), we have to understand not everyone will put in the time as we did back then, they wont come in day after day and people do have lives and devs needs to realize that (again something other MMO have found ways to work around). And the system is designed to reward speeding through content so again you can't put much of the blame on the players for that.
  10. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Do Healers count?

    I think I can get a note from a Healer,,,maybe.......
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Depends if it's a healer in this god forsaken event they're usually doing anything but healing ;)
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Even when u try to explain or tell someone something in a nice way they still take offense. Something very simple like "come to the next shard please" and people lose it. Thats if even they see whats being said cause most times they are in their own little world and pay attention to nothing.

    Ive tried explaining and helping in the new event, using the chat and ingame voice. Its so not worth it. No matter how u say things or what u say these people just simply dont care. They dont care they could be screwing up the run for the other 7 people. They dont care about learning the role they are playing and dont care about getting even a tiny bit better. Sure there are some out there who take advice and all that. But finding someone like that is like stumbling upon a unicorn :p

    And u are right when u say people take offense if anything is said at all. Wth is wrong with these people? They all seem so angry all the time and lose their **** the second someone even speaks to them. Do these people act like this in real life? Its really weird.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Today i queued in to an event where one guy was hiding in some fire somewhere doing nothing and the tank was AFK under a waterfall for so long his status had actually been changed to AWAY...
  14. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I wish there was a way to prevent people who have done nothing from getting any rewards from an instance, besides forcing people to kick them.
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  15. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Speaking about the event,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    is the 8 man a preview of stats revamp???

    Sure has a totally different feel to it compared to the normal content where tray powers actually do something.

    I mean come on when a Quantum player tops the SB with over twice the damage of the 2nd place spot,,,,,

    all because I used the Qwa-Bombs??


    Oh well, at least I got the feat for 20 in 2 minutes.:)
  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I have said this before but it does bear repeating.. The "TUTORIAL" program in this game basically sucks. Aside from how to fire you weapon and how to duck and lunge properly the Brainiac ship teaches absolutely nothing. You arrive on ship with exactly ZERO powers in your attack tray and battle the first mob with JUST weapon attacks and THEN get to pick 1 power. By the time you leave the ship you are level 4 and get to pick power # 2 when you arrive at the safe house.

    Then the tutorial continues since supposedly everything below level 30 is designed to TEACH us the game. Now aside from learning how to DPS exactly what do we get the opportunity to actually learn?

    1. Until level 10 ( 1/3rd of the way done with tutorial of any kind) all of us are strictly DPS because you don't see a single bit of role specific armor until Oracle or Calculator hand you a ring once you hit TEN. After that IF a player gets really lucky they may see 1 or 2 pieces of role specific armor drop by the time they reach thirty level... Every other piece of gear is designed specifically for a DPS.

    2. The alert ? First of all go back to the paragraph above and the part about armor drops. The alerts are all designed to be run by a 4 man team comprised of nothing BUT DPS because exactly how much healing or power out will anyone do with nothing but DPS armor? Also since our first role specific armor is the ring we are awarded at level 10 .. exactly how many players even have THAT when they can run Area 51 at level 9?

    3. TEST Dummies the only thing they test is how much damage an attack can do. There is no way any player can test to see.. How much power out is this attack generating? How much Heal over Time is that attack doing? How well is this attack helping me hold aggro? It even gets interesting TRYING to test out different powers you have available because TRY to access your power tray and change anything while still standing in front of the test dummy. you will get a message saying access not available while engaged in combat. WHO IS ENGAGED IN COMBAT? I am at a firing range testing weapon systems.. NOTHING IS SHOOTING BACK AT ME.. so why do I have to move away before I can access my power trays and switch powers?

    4. TEAM concept is a joke below thirty. Let's be honest there are a few missions out there that provide some challenge to newer players that have never been through things before but basically every single mission, aside from the alerts, can be soloed. So a player hit thirty level and suddenly finds that the majority of the missions available now require them to join a 2, 4 or 8 man team and it may very well be THE first time they have been on one since starting the game. Remember alerts below 30 are optional and not required to progress and its entirely possible to attain level 30 and never join a single one of them. The result of that? I have gotten a couple blind invites while leveling certain alts and joined a "TEAM" doing the same mission I was doing. How well organized was that team? Well 3 players were still on one outdoor mission while 4 others were on the next and the final player was actually inside the final mission and had have the stuff killed off before anyone else even stepped inside. this, by the way, makes it necessary for those players lagging behind to either quit the team before doing that final mission or do that thing over again IF they want to get any of the special feats associated with that mission.

    So where does that leave a new player trying to learn the game? On the web desperately searching for information. And the very first thing we can toss out is the "OFFICIAL" game wiki because it gives no specific details at all on any subject. Basically just an overview of the game. There are a few good fan based web sites available but the player needs to FIND them. There are some good U TUBE videos but again you have to try to find the GOOD ones.

    As example when the new set up to craft armor arrived I wanted to see how to do it and what all was involved. The first video I watched was 18 MINUTES long and for 18 minutes i watched some guy showing off every new piece of armor he'd crafted. We never went near an R+D station and crafted anything. He never actually grabbed a mic and said a single word .. Just 18 minutes of him donning each new piece of gear and then twirling around to show it from every angle. Fascinating! :rolleyes:<-- this would be me rolling my eyes in utter disgust and disbelief that I had wasted 18 minutes of my life on THAT lol Now eventually i found a good VID done by TORI on the subject and as soon as I recognized the name from the forums i knew it would be good but not everyone that plays this game comes to the forums so they have no clue WHO to look for or who to trust. Hey.. how many times have you tried to get a heads up on how to do a new raid or alert and sat through a U Tube video that was ??? how long, filled with curses, film quality was awful and basically all you saw was what the camera on the ONE team member doing the video had turned on and IF he didn't click on objectives did you have ANY idea they even existed? The videos can be helpful but you could spend hours trying to find the right one.... and how many players out there watched the WRONG ones and have no clue what they actually need to do on a raid or alert?

    Basically you leave Brainiac's ship and arrive like a new born baby with no clue how to do anything and they just expect you to figure it out for yourself. How many times have you seen this in shout? "How do I get from Gotham to Metropolis?" ANSWER: "Go to the Police Station" Second question: "Where is that at?" We arrive in game after creating a character on a ship with a very specific easy to follow map taking us from one end to the other while we battle robots and then spend the next 26 level running around outside, MOST OF THE TIME, on a huge map that no one has even told us how to access or how to read. And going back to the Toxic nature of our community what sort of help does that brand new player desperate for help get when they ask that question? They get called noob and then get an assortment of rude and totally useless comments. Its like a game to some of them. I actually gave a new player some good advice in shout once AFTER several players had spent a couple minutes taunting him and the TRIO actually got ticked at me for ruining their fun.
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  17. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I guess if you are below level 30 your level shows up. In one run the guy in healer stance was 23, everyone else 230. I switched to healer when I saw he had guardian out instead of watcher. He did end up 2nd in damage staying in healer stance, so I think he contributed more then most of the other people. So far my random queues seem to take about 15 minutes if at least 2 people use bombs and shields, about 20 if no one does. LFG groups have been about 7 minutes.
  18. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    Sorry Proxy for not using my QWA bombs, I'm saving them so i can sell them in the borker in hopes ill be able to afford the Void Essence before they introduce another #CashCapsule.
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  19. Gimpy Loyal Player

    There you go Tech, fixed that for ya!

    Oh and thanks for volunteering to help the new players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay I had 24+ years in the Air Force and retired a Msgt. i know how to swear at and belittle goofy kids. I'll join that detail.. Do we get any special perks for this assignment? LOL
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