Trying to run a league

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Neidler123, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    So to me. Trying to build and maintain a self effecint league is pretty tough.

    First of all getting keeping decent members is tough. Second it seems like the instant I log on I start getting whispers to help with this or that. It. Gets to the point I get on my alt to play in piece.

    It can be rewarding and frustrating at the same time.

    See I'm trying to build a massive active league that has

    people of all tiers and levels constantly running and

    beating content whether they want to play a line wolf

    random que/just do whatever style, or have people

    independently form groups for both leveling and post

    level 30 content. I want a sort of shadow empire where

    my league is everywhere but you don't even realize it.

    Running a league in my experience can be tough.

    That said I'm proud of my little army. Going on two years

    old, currently have around 150 members active enough

    we hit the prestige cap same day as reset and have

    people playing from the time servers come up till the

    time they **** down. Plus I'm proud of how the league

    halls turned out so far.

    Any way just a bit of musing on the joys and frustrations of building and trying to maintain a stable league.

    I'm curious as to some others experiences good and bad on running leagues of various sizes from small 1 to 5 man leagues to massive 400 to 500 person leagues
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  2. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I used to run a small league of friends. It was amazing, but as you could imagine it started to fall apart when those friends started leaving the game. Due to how small it was (no more than 10), each person was heavily relied upon to be active. At one point they all left and it was just me and one other still active. We still managed to keep all of our proficiencies up and get content done, but it just wasn't the same without the rest there. Now with Time Capsules and some people seeing Stats Matters as something they don't want, the game is continuing to drive people away.
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  3. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    That sucks man.
    See I would love to get 3 or 4 leagues like hours and absorb them into my league.

    A few independent cells under the same league umbrella. Where there would be dedicated groups remaining active while at the same time of your unit starts to dissolve you will still have the larger league to fall back on.
  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Best way to tell early on who is going to stick around and who isn't, is whether the person actually communicates. Either they're fast with the keys or they have a mic. Wallflowers will disappear on you. Don't start recruting people in the T1 range or under. Especially under. Most of those players just join the league to be carried. They play the game for a week or two and call it. You want to find the ones that solo'd the campaign and are already doing their on duty instances via blind queue.

    Jump into some of those old missions. When you first get in, ask if anybody needs a feat from the instance. That's a test. The person responding 'me' or 'I do' isn't what you're looking for. You're looking for the person that tells you exactly what feat they're looking for. IE: You jump in Coast City and ask the group if they need (vague) a feat from the mission. Somebody mentions beating the final boss without using a battery, you help them get the feat and you ask them if they're interested in joining your league.
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  5. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Dang, dang, dang, my silly mind added an "i" to the original title. So I guess.... nothing to see here :D
  6. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    I am in charge of a small league. But run my league different then most.
    1st and foremost everyone is equal. Ranks are based on role. And everyone has access to everything except kicking a player.
    I'm allowed this luxury because everyone in the league has known each other for years in game. I don't actively recruit because you don't know if people are a good fit personality wise until you tin with them for a few months.
    When needed to run feats we call on friends to finish our groups.
    Prestige is usually complete by Sunday.
    But overall the league runs itself because we all have each other's back when needed, because we enjoy each other's company.
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  7. Sw33t Well-Known Player

    Too much drama in all leagues if you ask me............
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    This^ and keep is casual and laid back. Meaning run stuff when people are on and have fun.
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  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I used to be a leader (we had like a core of 4) in an active league, but it sadly broke down when my husband and I took a couple months off when we moved. When we came back, we didn't want to rebuild so we just created a duo league. It's been good ever since.
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    did it for 2 1/2 years myself in the beginning and while it sucked when it all went down hill im much happier now not having to deal with it and letting someone else deal with the drama
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yep the larger you grow the more of a chance to have conflict between players as personalities dont always mesh well its always better to grow slowly and only invite people you get along with instead of blindly inviting
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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I've ran leagues on and off for almost 5 years. Not all were successful but it's about learning from your past mistakes to ensure that your future is much better.
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  13. Here2Help Devoted Player

    If only the game could do that :rolleyes:
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  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Being a league leader is tough no matter the size of the league. At this point I am down to a league of ONE since all my league mates quit the game for one reason or another. But I was also a league leader on City of Heroes for years and we had a BIG league with lots of members so I Know exactly what you mean about just wanting to hide at times. Oh and as bad as it can get here .. be thankful this is not set up like COH was. Over there you had a global address and ANYONE could find you no matter what alt you logged on. So it was even harder to hide and get any peace and quiet.

    Now what we did was established a "League Night" which in our case was on Friday since it worked out with most members schedule and played together for 4-5 hours. the rest of the week you were free to do what ever you wanted and of course could always go the league chat and see if anyone was on line and wanted to join your team but nothing was mandatory.

    One thing we did was assign certain duties to specific individuals so that ONE person wasn't strapped down trying to do EVERYTHING. Personally I was the group architect in charge of the design and building of our base. Bases were very different there and you had different plot sizes available and could add rooms and details as you went along. We also had one guy in charge of League night.. picking what mission or missions we'd do and making sure everyone knew when and where to meet to start. If you have a few members you get along really well with, very important so you spend more time running the league and less time fighting about HOW to run it, this allows you to share the work load. You get a lighter load to deal with and those players feel more important and enjoy being in the league more.

    From personal experience and one of the big reasons why I quit the first league i joined here and formed my own... Don't try to force things YOU feel are fun down other members throats. That league was BIG on PvP and they never bothered to ASK anyone they invited if they were too.. they just assumed it. I was in the middle of a raid one night and a leader is PMing me wanting to know my PVP CR and how much PvP armor I had. I was the team healer and SORT of busy trying to keep 7 other players, and myself, alive the last thing i needed was some one asking ME about PvP since i couldn't care less if i ever participated in a PvP match. That was not the final straw that drove me to leave but having him repeatedly asking questions over and over, because i was involved in a boss battle and not about to stop to respond, stuck in my head and made the decision to quit a whole lot easier
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  15. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    here you have a hard time running a league and here me i have 4 leagues and its just a nightmare to keep people active.
    (Hero) House of El - My main League - Iconic Kryptonian - 10 Members or so - Only Me active.
    (Hero) DC Legends - My Alt League - Iconic and non iconic - 200+ members - Only Me active
    (Hero) Justice League Dark - My Alt League - Iconic Magic Type - 1 Member
    (Villian) Speedforce - My Main Villain League - Iconic and non iconic Speedster - 3 Members - Only Me active

    Now my main issue is with my DC Legends league. 200+ member and not one even online, the other day i went through and deleted more the 30 members who have not been online for more then 3 months.


    So my advice is forget running a league be a lone wolf. have your say in everything you want to do. my House of El League is fully unlocked. All statuary all Bank slots everything. it also started to take shape in terms of base items.

    Hall of solitude is open to everyone to visit.
  16. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    A lot of interesting responses.

    I'll tell you what's crazy A lot of people delete their characters of get to the mod twenty levels and never play again.

    At the point it barely even phases me when I look at the roster and see empty spots from deleted characters. It also doesn't bother as much when I see people have left the league.

    I mean it sucks when it happens but at this point I kind of approach it in the sense that no one is so vital that the league can't survive without them.

    While it sucks to loss good earners and good people I kind of run the league in the sense it's my own little criminal empire.

    So I try to make sure my ranks are filled.
    I get the perk that prestige is gained quickly and my team gets the perk of the buffs plus various level of bank access
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  17. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    I'm kind of harsh when it comes to that. I don't tolerate overly dramatic people or a lot of infighting.

    If someone is being problematic I remove them and move on.
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  18. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    I'd suggest adding a rank specifically for players who are open to run anything. (I call it a 'standby' rank - previously 'on call')
    This way people can designate when they are open to run whatever, and the rest of the league knows not to just try to invite one particular person (usually overgeared) to get them through content.
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  19. Kontakt Active Player

    This is why i will never join a league, i always play solo
  20. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    I'm not sure I follow.

    Frankly I would prefer if more people in the league prefered to run solo.

    You do your thing I'll do mine and we can all get the little added league buffs.
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