Do away with mebership

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    If wanting both MT and Membership makes me 'close minded', then so be it
    Show me where told you to go somewhere else, if anything, it would have been in reply to you saying you have played other F2P games
  2. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Meberships... are not mmo genre? I thought they were RPGs? Shirley, there is not subscriptions to a Mebership, no?
    I am not in favor of a subscription to a MMO at all. the way. It's like having a subscription to Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, or Centipede. No. I payed separately when Pac-Woman came out. All games should be pay to play with DLC for purchase... ok, I like Marvel Heroes... how about free to play with variant costumes? Oh, you have variant costumes in the user characters with relatively no ties to Main DC characters other than we fight them.... whoops. We have long since past bought items from main DC characters as Vendors... Vrendors are robots now a days.... DC characters as vendors.... it makes some sence, to have them more constantly present... but then we get robots as vendors... takes away from that point, no?
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  3. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You claim that said there were other games for PS4, show me that post

    You also claim that F2P will bring in more players, completely ignoring that the game has been F2P since 2011!!! That's over five full years
  5. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    You mean this post? And then I responded tell me what other game I can play with membership on Ps4
  6. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    This game is hardly F2P nowadays. Free to download, sure, but free to play? There's so many paywalls and pointless microtransactions for so many things it may as well be a mobile game, and this is mainly from when I decided to stop playing before Light War 3 dropped or shortly before Atomic was released. Judging from forum posts, there's only been more paywalls added over time, and I'm not talking DLCs either.

    Its more like an extended demo playing 1-30 and maybe tiers 1-3 without spending anything, but seeing how I recall the inability to play instances with much "challenge" mainly stemming as a community issue of overgeared players joining things like Bludhaven or Lv 10 Area 51 can draw players away from the game too, unless that kind of nonsense dropped over time, but I doubt it.

    Also, Galaxy is right. All Access is multiple games for PC only, console only allows for membership through DC alone and nothing more. Planetside 2 is the only other DB game I recall existing on console while H1Z1 and the others are PC only.
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  7. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    No where in that post even mentioned PS4, and replied stating have no idea as don't have a PS4 and not the one telling you to look for one

    You were the one claiming knowledge about other MMO's, guess that made me a huge *** to believe that meant you had played other MMO's
  8. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Your back tracking
  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not backtracking anywhere, you are coming up with bullflanks that never happened

    Which one of us is wanting DBG's to remove a paying feature because they don't feel the 'perks' or rewards are worth it, and which one of us is saying why not keep both?
  10. bmce84 Loyal Player

    It's a miracle a green name hasn't come in and said "Our membership is so great you should feel honored we let you pay for it".
  11. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    The Internet is a great thing, man. It's changed the world, we can only hope it's for the better. Personally, I don't know. When I was younger, I remember feeling as if something wasn't a good deal, I just wouldn't buy it. I wouldn't take to the streets in protest and hope that the vendor would lower prices or change his business model just because I didn't think he knew what he was doing.

    And I NEVER saw ANYONE try to convince OTHER people how to spend their money. This place is nuts... maybe I'm looking at the world with the nostalgia filter on, but to me, this dude has made his point (however poorly he has) and he should have moved on by now.

    And to all the ppl that think the mods are heavyhanded here,this hasn't been modded cause most if not all the devs r on holiday vacation. Regardless of that however, this thread was up and allowed to be up WAY ahead of them leaving. If the devs were half as bad as you rabblerousers paint them, it wouldn't have survived the day.
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  12. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Yea you are man just take the L
  13. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Screw all the excuses. Keep membership the way it is. It's worth it if you enjoy the game.
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  14. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Trust me, you didn't win. Dark gave up on you because he realized you couldn't be serious.
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  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    You're not a cook are you.
  16. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Yep. I thought the same exact thing. But it's no biggie. The analogy wasn't great but I can see where he's coming from.
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  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    No not really. Lol.
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  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Very well said
  19. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Mebership is Shirley different from Membership, no?
  20. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I think we should keep mebership, and etend it to more peple.

    Jut saying.