Just Learned My Lesson About Buying Stabilizers: Never Again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Dec 15, 2016.

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  1. Soul ReaperX Well-Known Player

    Lol yes this is my point I bring to people I just can't ever explain well enough. It's their own money and they spend it however they like but its not going to be a fair investment for them. A friend of mine needed the shim back and I watched him open 134 before he got it. I told him he deserved it for blowing that much cash. I can see some people doing it and walking away empty handed.

    The ODDS of getting the Phoenix Feather from Tc's is on even odds of winning the lottery
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

  3. Soul ReaperX Well-Known Player

    I'm all in for supporting the game. I have no problem doing it but I refuse to spend my last bit of mortgage on TC's. With that being said I still need the phoenix feather and some pieces of shim gear. I put 15 bucks into the game every week just so I can support the game by opening Tc's or If i need RB's I use some for there.

    I figured there is no way i'm buying the phoenix feather from broker I will NEVER be able to afford it. With my chances as slim as they are now, I'm hoping the dev's see this post and raise the rate of it or give me the phoenix feather Inside my next promethium box :) lets say about 4 pm tomorrow??? o_O
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  4. Nodens Dedicated Player

    WHAT did I do??? HMM??? Well, shortbus, counter to your snarky and totally incorrect assumption, I have been storing all that ******* crap on a lot of alt mules, selling what I can. Same as I'm STILL doing with all this **** left over from the FIRST set of TC's (which had an actual rational drop rate)!!! Do you have any idea how long it takes to get rid of 53 useless glimmering auras that nobody wants? -because I do. You talk about LOTS of people selling this ****, totally oblivious that for every one that does, there's apparently hundreds more who either get their crap returned after not selling, or just put it up for a wimpy price because it's the only way to get rid of it. Instead, you just assume everybody's deleting the junk. Newsflash, bro: At the prices we were extorted for those stabilizers, not many people are just deleting this junk, regardless how useless it is to us.
    Learn facts before you make snarky, uneducated declarations.
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  5. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Your post was cool and all, but my comment towards the op was because he regret it after buying it. Which is why i said what I said.

    Theres a difference between buying something to fund the game vs buying something to get something else out of it, plus put in an rng system?... One of the buyers is gonna be pissed and the other isn't if they're both unlikely.

    Persoanlly giving them more of my money would just add to the disrespect we're already receiving. If you want me to put forth money into the game, give me a reason why. Last i check the core mechanics of the game is still in need of attention than them putting in more content for the game. Pvp is still a mess, and the 3day test of a early version stats matter build just so they can stall time, plus it not even being that good. To me as a player that likes this game, thats an insult to me.

    Sorry, I bet you had a legit way to turn a negative to a positive. I just get triggered when people say funding the game will make it better, after all the internal stuff thats been happening. You just sp happen to be the one
  6. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Um, at a 20 min drop rate for TC's, there will NEVER be a future in which you have more stabilizers than capsules, short of BUYING them. and we're all smart enough to know that, so I don't know why you tried that argument.
  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Do I complain about the price of popcorn at the movies? YES, everytime. I love popcorn and would buy it every time I went if I believed the price was reasonable. But with business, there's some person or team of people that set prices, and they choose the price that maximizes profitability (IMO). If we went to a movie and I pulled the manager over and raised my concerns with the pricing to them, would you be mad at me?

    Now that doesn't even take into account the fact that we're buying 'a chance at popcorn' and not actually popcorn itself. Say they sell boxes for a dollar with the chance it might have popcorn. It might also contain black jelly beans, a ringpop, and maybe a handful of glitter. Some people might get popcorn on the first or second box, but with comparison to how these TCs are designed, there's thousands of black jelly beans and glitter on every surface and maybe 6 people with popcorn.

    I'm after the feat, I don't really care for the style, I just don't like that the only way to get the feat is through the TC (or buying off the broker or trading with another player). I feel that anything that gives you feats, which impacts gameplay, should be obtainable in-game.

    For the majority of what you're saying, I agree with you. But I also have concerns about the trend and direction these TCs are taking. I think that's what most people here are addressing.
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  8. Nodens Dedicated Player

    He's posting because he has a right to, and has something to say.
    As for ME, I AM a paying member, paid into April of 2018 for that matter, and have spent literally thousands in the marketplace because I used to think this game was worth the expenditure.
    That being said, all that stuff he said about the game he chooses to pay for is also true of the games I am now devoting my money to. The Devs here aren't required to give away stuff "for free", but they DAMN WELL better start giving us product worth what we HAVE paid for, if they don't want to see their coffers dry up. As I've said, they've already just lost any further money from me for as long as their going to be this F'ing greedy. As I've seen in countless posts here, I'm not the only one who's not giving them another cent. -and considering my own purchase history here, and new purchases in my other games, it's a good example that they're bringing a ban-hammer down on themselves.
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  9. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Guys, I think it's becoming pretty evident that someone here has a brown ring around his mouth.
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  10. Pults Loyal Player

    It's anational sport, son.
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  11. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I got that same luck thats why i don't buy that kind of stuff. Yesterday i ran around 11 raid runs to get some of those extra coins and gear up, I got one purple drop....ONE out of 11 runs!!!! Like what the heck :mad:
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  12. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Buy 40 stabilizers and then probably get nothing good from opening forty time capsules. Don't do that to yourselves guys :(
  13. Kayla El Committed Player

    I know someone who opened 800 of them and no he did not get the flaming phoenix feather collection. Now that right there is really insane to be honest. The scheme they pulled off this time around with time capsules is really heartbreaking. Loved the game and i'm sorry to see what it has become.
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  14. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    You're actually the one repeatedly missing his point.

    your #1 is irrelevant, because he's only talking about people willing to spend money on time capsules.

    His point, is that if you ARE going to spend real money, then you should maximize how you spend it, by spending a small amount in real money, and selling off the stuff you get for in game money, to then purchase the things you WANT with in game money, rather than spending $300 or more dollars trying to open that box with a flaming phoenix feather in it.

    His concept is pretty simple actually, and shouldn't be hard to grasp, but keep burying your head in the sand, thinking he's talking about one thing, when he's clearly talking about another.
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  15. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Please learn the meaning of the words you are always using incorrectly. It's not a scam, or a scheme, because you knew exactly what you were buying, a chance, nothing more, nothing less. Nobody put one over on you, or the guy who spent $800 dollars. He knew what he was buying, and so did you when you spent your money. You just let your expectations get the best of you.
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  16. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Actually, there will, because after a certain amount of time, ATCs will stop dropping, at which point the stuff that comes out of them will go up more in price, because it's harder to attain, and black dawn will be sitting on a finite amount of ATCs to open while he/she collects keys.

    To your other post, I'm sorry, but if you can't make money on the broker from the stuff that comes out of TCs, then you're doing it wrong. Using glimmering auras as an example is awful as it's widely agreed they are the worst auras in the game, and it was widely agreed as much before the BB that had all the common variants was released. A little foresight wouldn't have left you with a giant supply of unwanted glimmering auras. Bad decision making on your part doesn't make DBG the evil empire.
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  17. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Guys I think its pretty evident here, someone has a short temper when he's challenged, and resorts to childish behavior, like insults when that happens. Grow up dude. As fast you can.
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  18. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Some people around this game just have some weird addiction to gambling.
    P.S. I´m not a fan of the Time Capsules btw.
  19. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    Just because someone doesn't agree with you, and advocates for personal responsibility doesn't mean they are kissing butt.
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  20. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    I don;t think the person you know was a victim of a scheme, just a lack of common sense. Seriously, how many stabilizers could they have earned since the ATC's dropped? 15? Not sure the total possible but anyone who spent that much money on stabilizer's and is upset has no one to blame but themselves.

    With all the info about terrible drop rates and rare items, no need to spend that and still be surprised you didn't get everything you want.

    Very poor self control.
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