Toxic community

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morsy808, Dec 9, 2016.

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  1. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    hmmm....I'm going to start taking off gear to drop my CR and see what reactions I get in some of the duos

    Also, <deep breath>


    you are wasting your time and giving them free prizes...that will sure teach them! :confused:
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  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Sounds like a few bad eggs, and the Zam-duo-to-Desecrated-Cathedral hump.
    If he was dying at 170, maybe he really learned the error of his ways, and really meant to type
    /say thank you
  3. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh yeah.. Been a while since I had any alt low enough but I used to see a LOT of that on the Malfunction duo you got after CR111. A high CR player would be your partner when you warped in and then you'd TRY to keep up as they raced straight to the security area... Clear the mobs in there and then the BOSS would appear. As soon as that boss battle ended POOF they were gone.. Obviously the only reason they were even on the mission was to try and get that last boss to appear so they could defeat it and get the feat... after that.. No marks and armor that would just wind up being salvage so POOF they were gone.

    Let's see what else.. I actually had one guy on an alert that joined and helped us take out some mobs and then.. watched him click a briefing he'd apparently missed previously and then POOF wasn't even around for the first boss battle let alone the last.

    NUMEROUS times on the Stryker's Alert had higher CR along and left right after battling the Rogues... Even had two in group chat asking "did they drop for you? I got mine." ONLY there to grab a pair of , I believe, Captain Cold's glasses. A few mobs away from the Gorilla Grood final battle and now we needed to replace not 1 but 2 team mates.

    I've told this one before but just to make sure we don't assume it's ONLY the HIGHER CR ruining stuff. Qued up and joined a Flash Museum and my "team mate" was CR 110 or 111.. Obviously 113 Overall or he couldn't have even been on the duo but so low I switched to TANK to TRY and help him stay alive a little longer .. and basically defeated every mob and every boss by myself. Now I figure its his first run so I am even taking the time to pop all the balloons so he gets that feat. I am battling one of the final mobs before we take on Captain Cold and end the ordeal and he is on his way back from I think it was his 5th or 6th death? And the he finally says something in group chat. (first time since we walked into the mission).

    He has a plan.. He will TANK Captain Cold while I run around and click on all the bombs so he can get that feat as well. So okay by this time I have close to 30 minutes in on a duo I can complete in 5 or 6 minutes with a REAL team mate that doesn't die when some one looks at him funny and actually can damage stuff. I don't think he clicked a single balloon to get THAT feat and now he THINKS he can tank the final boss while I run around getting him another feat I ALREADY HAVE? I told him outright NO we aren't. I have a buddy logging on soon and I am finishing this thing so I can go switch alts. I went in, kicked Leonard's frosty butt, and and finished the thing. Oh yeah and of course Mr. "Tank" had died in about 4 seconds and was back at the entrance rezzing and repairing armor. Grabbed his loot drop and walked out the door.. never even said a word.. probably upset because I wouldn't let him have HIS way. Forget the fast that he could have stood there at the entrance while 5-6 or more team mates entered, saw who they had been teamed with and walked right back out. OH and before anyone says it... I have died on THAT duo before and my league mate managed to finish off Capt Cold while i was rezzing at the entrance and YES you do get the gear drop from there JUST like you would standing outside the door to the subway platform so No way Mr. Tiny Tank was mad because he didn't get his reward box.

    He just didn't get his way so he was pouting
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    And what exactly can they do about these bad individuals??? How do they punish them without hurting the rest of us??? What do YOU want them to do about this??? The last time they handled an in-game problem, we got suck with a 3 hour kick timer.
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  5. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I tried to help an earth DPS use his AM properly because he was using robot sidekick and not crystal... He was 141 CR and this was in wastelands duo. I kept telling him we couldn't beat it because my DPS couldn't carry us through (I was 139) and it's not normal for me to do 10x his DPS. He got frustrated and said I can't tell him what to do cause he was a veteran and older than me blah blah blah. I told him that I too was a veteran and the conversation ended with him saying "kys."
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's mostly true. Some leagues have a rep that sticks no matter who's in their certain leagues whose country initials are on their league names. A few of them get treated badly and get bad mouthed by players just based on their league name alone.
  7. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Sigh, hate people like that. Just take the advice and get over yourself already.
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  8. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    I always tell others how to run their power.. It's the only way they are going to learn. If they won't listen, I proceed to tell them to leave or kick them. You can't coddle these players anymore. The game is going to be 6 years old next month. Look I'm here to help you be as good as me, if you don't want to listen to reason.. I refuse to listen.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There's not much the Devs can do from a technical standpoint to "fix" the bad people issue...especially when there are so many little issues caused by these people. The company on a whole is not interested in using their profits to hire in-game GMs to better monitor these situations. So that leaves us with only one recourse...put these individuals on your ignore list, and move on.
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  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    Duos have an additional problem: for example, you get to the final part and suddently the other player doesnt move anymore, his status goes away, and/or disconnected. Frustrating, you can only wait untill either player 2 comes back, gets kicked after enough waiting or you go out and leave final boss loot or you leave and run the duo again from the start...
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  11. Gimpy Loyal Player

    It has nothing to do with CR.

    It has everything to do with who that individual is in real life.

    Growing up as a kid, I learned a lesson about fishing that carried on into most aspects of life.

    My Granddad had just sat us down beside the tackle and walked over to a stranger loading his stuff into a car and spoke with him for a few minutes. I asked him, If he knew the guy and he said "No, We've never fished this lake before, so I asked the old man over there if he was from this area and if he knew what the fish liked. He told me he was, showed me what he had caught and those little red minnows. Load up the tackle we're going back to the bait shop."

    Any time I go fishing somewhere new, I listen to the old man who's catching fish.
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  12. Ichiro Loyal Player

    The toxic players in this game. Any similarities of the descriptions of actual individuals is purely coincidental. No real players were harm in the making of these descriptions.

    the Me be's - Or more commonly known as the me only crowd. these players believe only their league and friends are the only players in the game that can beat content, even though everyone else has beat it already. Even if they are in a random pug you will hear non stop about haow much better they and everyone they know are to the current group. These players may be good, may be able to beat elite content, but most generally look down at anyone in the population that hasn't joined them. They look for anyway to try and prove they are better than everyone else be it sp, elite styles, titles, etc. Any small difference between you and them is cause for them to snub and berate you. This player will come to the forums explain how bad the player base is compared to their elite group and then explain on how the game should only have content that they and their friends can beat and no one else. You will usually run across this player in LFG because they are too good to even pug a solo.

    the we be's - or more commonly known as the the want to be crowd. Unlike the above player this play wants to join the "me be" crowd but lacks the resume to do so. This however does not stop them from bragging about mediocre accomplishments to everyone else in the group or trying to berate other players to try and keep up with the "me be". they tend to fail a lot and when they fail they resort to kicking, usually the lowest cr player, to make up for their own incompetence. They will come to the forums begging for hard content not because they have the skill to beat it but because that's what the "me be " crowd is doing. This player is usually found in random blind queue pug raids.

    The lone raid feat hunter - This player will solo blind queue pug into a raid at level with random pugs who are not capable of even beating the raids and then try to get them, via text, to do the hardest feat the raid has to offer. Then when half the group doesn't pay attention they will write expletives in text the rest of the raid about how everyone there is a scrub because we didn't help with his feat.

    The high cr scrub - also know as the content rusher. These player usually have next to the highest cr but only 50 skill points. this player rushed tot he end and then when they were unable to beat the easy content are now polluting the lower levels. Because of there high cr they are assumed to know what to do but after observing them you soon realize they have no clue. Either they have no clue how to use there powers or have no clue they can't just burn through everything. this player will usually tell everyone on multiple occasions about how they are an elite beast. You usually find these player in tier 1 and 2 content.

    The low Cr scrub - so blissfully ignorant of the game they just run forward into everything until they die once then disconnect from the game to annoy the remainder of the group

    The High Cr observer - this player will pug into a duo and stand there watching the other partner do the work.

    The quitters - these players will leave a raid if they die once, if the group wipes, or for no reason at all.

    The exp only lfg shouter - this player will come out a few minutes after a raid is released and ask in LFG for max Cr exp only players.

    and so many more it's hard to list them all.
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  13. Infamous Hacker Active Player

    I could write a dissertation on the terrible hoard of players in this game ive been forced to come into contact with. I have never had a good or active league, that tragic fact has made this game incredibly difficult for me. Ive had people condescend to me because of my CR, kick me from raids where i was actually out dpsing higher CR players, tell me im too low to join their groups for raids despite being above the suggested CR, and feign authority to tell me how my loadouts/powers are terrible choices.

    The worst part of it all has come from the new content in AF3. Now there is even more of a HUGE gap between casual players and the elitist hardcore players. The game itself is making things harder, rather than focusing on making things fun. The best gear available has had its price jacked up to ridiculous record breaking levels for no reason. Everything hits so hard that it forces players to IGNORE the suggested CR in favor of higher numbers, this allows elitists to discriminate again inside of the content if someone makes mistakes due to the ridiculous adds/bosses they get blamed for whatever the reason (usually their CR) and kicked. If you dont spend real money on the Shim tar gear you wont advance quickly enough, and will be subject to CR discrimination longer. Each of these things poisons the community by reinforcing Cr and skillpoint discrimination.

    I actually ran into a PUG God of Monsters raid. The tank said he could tank the raid just like he tanked Olympus. Half way though he revealed that he only has 58 skillpoints. People actually looked him up, and they told the group that he wasnt lying. we actually made it through the raid successfully. I hope that everyone learned something from that CR and SP arent everything. Did that make things harder on the healer? Sure, but the healer had the skill points to bridge the gap.

    With the stats revamp looming on the horizon its going to change things for better and for worse. Skill Points will be the deciding factor for every group now, and thats a crying shame.

    I let the devs HAVE IT on that survey they want us to take. I suggest everyone here do the same. I have a hard time believing that they play the game like we do. Joining and failing in PUG groups, trying to find good leagues, or a steady group to play with, and being forced to come into contact with idiots on a regular basis.

    A great deal of foolishness in this game can be ignored however by knowing the right people. My name in game is Karonos X. Add me, and if I can help you I will. Ill be glad to.
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  14. ghosts Well-Known Player

    One thing they can do about those people regarding my post is having walk in portals to all old content for people who solely want to complete feats, a thing that has been suggested before
    A solution for OP's problem is to always queue in for duos only when you have the suggested CR, so you can rely more on yourself to complete it if you come across those kind of people
    Had another experience like this just today in the AF3 duo, the person just stood on the door of the last boss with the dance emote after I walked into the fight, and I was able to finish it alone, added that person to ignore and moved on
    It's best to expect this kind of stuff happening since it's not an issue just with this game, you come across these petty people in all online games eventually
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  15. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    SP don't matter? To who? You? DPS? Johnny Pug from LFG?

    When you're a fire tank and out healing healers & rage tanks in endgame raids because you have 280+ SP, then tell me SP don't matter...
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  16. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    kicked a lot of people in the past for misrepresenting my league, long time since last time though
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  17. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Very tired of max CR players thinking their crap doesnt stink...I have beaten them on the score several times now with their barely moving DP spamming... or they just hang out at the entrance like Elvis waiting to be announced or paid...or something...fools...carried fools who dont even know the game. Very tired of OP power people who crap...I have beaten them with hustle and move for all their 1 button mashing delusions of godhood...fools...
  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yesterday we ran GoM. 4 league mates and 4 people from LFG. So we get to 2nd boss and asked 4 times in the chat and over the mic anyone need a combo for the feat. The entire group discussed it except 1 person who said nothing. So we decided on a combo and went forward. So we are fighting the 1st one by itself and then proceed to burn the 2nd one down. As this is going on the player who never spoke up was off dpsing the other 2 bosses, by himself mind u. Once the 2nd one was killed by us he types in the chat "thanks for ruining my feat."

    And at last boss we asked again anyone need any feats here. No response so we start. Same player starts running around breaking eggs. And adds are jumping all over because the tank didnt know we were breaking eggs. He didnt know this because obviously we asked about feats and no1 responded. So we wipe and after the wipe the same person from the 2nd boss shenanigans says "19 egg feat ruined." So some in the group had enough and spoke up and the insults started from the one player. So we kicked em. He then proceeded to tell us all to "die die die!!!" and we were all "noobs" and blah blah blah.

    All of this could of been avoided by simply communicating and paying attention. Which the other 7 people in the group were able to do. Apparently this 1 player thought we were all mind readers and had a crystal ball. I pmd the person after we finished and told em here is why we kicked u, u think its all about u, u dont communicate or pay attention, and u were rude to the entire group. As a league we very rarely kick someone but if we do i feel letting the person know why is the right thing to do in hopes they dont come here and say "i was kicked for no reason" and that maybe it will be a wake up call. It probably wont be but at least i tried.
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  19. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    Ehh what version of AF3 have you been playing? This Episode is the easiest ever released in my opinion (not counting elite). Everyone finnishes, never been in a fail group in AF3 regular content, even with average cr around or below cr 175. People struggle more in BBS than they do in GoM.
    Meaning most groups I've entered, pug groups or otherwise do not discriminate cr and sp, people with no clue gets pulled, the difference between casual and elitist have never been closer in gameplay (still on regular, not elite).
    However difference between casual now and again players and replay spammers are greater now in regards to best gear, you can thank the #BestGearOnVendor movement for that, some of the rich buy timecapsule gear though and difference is 1-3 cr from that to full vendor with omni pieces.
    No i'm not elitist, far from it even, just a veteran.
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  20. Infamous Hacker Active Player

    Well i deeply envy you... My experience is like the night to your day. Im cr 183 and still being told im too low for normal and elite raids. It happened again today in fact. Everyone i play with has to have the FASTEST dps available or they complain and kick until they do. Even if the groups im in are still going through the content successfully if its not fast enough there is a problem. Im drowning in a sea of idiots in game. Many elitists are replay spammers, thast what im getting at. the game is set up in such a way that it encourages their flawed logic and impatience.
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