Getting sick of the pay wall...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reigningkaos, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Everyone not satisfied with the current risk/reward, loot, payment, content or whatever: just leave, this very month, over Christmas, do not return before next year. Try other games in between:

    Star Trek Online - available on PS4, Xbox (both released just some months ago) and PC (ooooold); can't say about PC but the console version allows you to grind for everything the game offers (including the life-time subscription) - long grind, but payments absolutely optional (though saving huge amounts of time to get players into microtransactions).

    Neverwinter - available on PS4 (this year), Xbox (last year) and PC (older); again console version allows you to grind for everything while the grind is excessively to get players into microtransactions of course.

    Paragon - PS4, PC (both this year), not on Xbox

    Google F2P + your platform, you'll find something to take care of you for a month.

    PS3 players - use the time and persuade your family and friends to get you a PS4.... but don't play if you have "beef" with the game.

    Be consequent, pass on this seasonal, do not buy holy leaves before leaving, do not buy anything. Ask yourself of you even want to come back in case you found something you really like (don't leave money in the other games either unless you plan to stay there) and watch the forums burn with "Q takes forever", "can't get event Q to pop!" and "Is this a scheme so we all HAVE to buy the holy leaves for cash?"-threads. Fuel it with "I'm taking a break because...." and "I may even quit" threads and wait for/if the players who ridiculed you start asking where all the players went. Stop accepting a product that is not to your liking, and stop PAYING at all for a total that is not giving you back the entertainment you're looking for, and all of you manage to do so in the same month (and TBH: there will be excessive DDoS attacks around Christmas and New Year again anyway so it's the best month to do so). And don't forget to tell your "friends" ingame about it, especially the ones who can't stop complaining about the game in league chat anyway :D
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  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Which is the point. Eventually players have to choose: either fork up for a membership, or you're stuck at lower levels.

    This is intention. It's deliberate. Daybreak Games wants you to subscribe. They give you a huge portion of the game for free, but eventually you either have to subscribe or not advance.

    This is not a "problem" to be "solved." It's the reason DCUO exists. Eliminate it and the game is shut down, unless you can come up with a better way for the game to make the same or greater profits. And, no, "micro-transactions" is not in itself an answer.
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  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Because you're intended to go buy an armory. So either buy one, or don't buy one. But don't complain that the company that makes the game makes the game in order to make money. That would be ridiculous. Of course they do.
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Did you redeem the armory you bought on the Marketplace? You don't get any permanent things you buy on the Marketplace without redeeming them first.

    Then you'll have the new armory icon in your inventory; click it, and you'll be able to put the armory down in any of the utility slots in your lair. Then do a complete imprint once to start it working.

    Otherwise, be sure you don't have more than 10 skill points left available, or you can't imprint.
  5. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer


    - the armory is an consumable, a one time use and not available for all characters after purchase, but can be moved with the shared bank
    - after purchase, it is dropped into the inventory
    - it is consumed from the inventory and can be placed like any other base item, it cannot be placed in amenity slots
    - if a stack of armories was bought, the stack must be split before use

    Thus, if the purchase succeeded and the armory is nowhere to be found in the inventory, then something clearly went wrong and the support must be contacted.
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  6. InvisibleInk Active Player

    Which would be a fine argument if the game existed in a vaccum and didn't sell the higher levels of content ala carte. Now the credit cap gets progressively smaller as you progress through the content tiers. I'm at CR140ish and dying one time takes like... 900 credits, but in order to get to CR140 you either need additional content which you either purchase or have granted, now if you're purchasing the content and the credit cap scales with the content then it makes sense to purchase that content.

    Since it doesn't you end up with buyers remorse and people that did purchase the content get effected by attrition. All in all, you're arguing that its the intention to kick those players out because they aren't spending money, but it isn't tied to spending money its tied to spending money in a specific way, which again... bad design. The problem has gotten progressively worse over time and it needed to be addressed when the feature was launched.

    Having a credit cap is bad for the overall economy, but having one so capriciously low and keeping attrition so high will never give you a surplus of players to figure out how to monetize. It'll also make it so that a lot of players aren't reaching the higher echelons of CR which is bad for the game overall.

    You personally might think the complaints are stupid, but the vast majority of players that it has effected think that your apologetic attitude toward the bad design is silly. There is nothing but upside to you, as a paying player, for doing away with or otherwise modifying the system to make it accessible for any player that chooses to download the game and play it.
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  7. urtrangar New Player

    The other question about that credit cap might be "is it really necessary to push players to legendary"? "Is subscription needed for the game to be profitable"?
    At the current moment an amount of episodes (and their summed cost) is quite enough to think about subbing by itself. Not like at the start of "ftp".

    If "only subscribers are profitable" then that credit cap seems at least partially sane.
    But if it is not so, if a player buying half of episodes (and nothing more) is still profitable - then the credit cap, in its current form seems outdated and is doing more harm than good.

    If we look at the other ftp games models we see some of them use episode-like structure (lotro, ddo) and non-sub players made somewhat weaker in these - but all these make "free" slower and implement "timewalls" be removed by paying not outright gimping. So why not use some of these ways?

    For example - if someone would want to turn "credit cap" more like "timewall" they could allow to spend "escrow" like credits with a double price. So if an item costs 3000 credits (and is inaccessible directly to premiums now) would instead cost 6000 escrow, while 600 credit repair would still cost 600 credit if you still have them or 1200 escrow if you are out of credits.
    Or maybe just including credit cap rise in episodes. (Or even as a separate sellable).

    Anyway making credit cap a soft cap instead hard cap seems more sane now. If an assumpption of "premium" players profitability is right, of course.
  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    It'd be nice if they made armories account bound. Like if you buy a second armory you can redeem it on every character and not just one. Just like legends. Or at least make armories half price for subscribed players. Just my opinion.
  9. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Would be totally nice for the players, but it would cut deeply into Daybreak's sales. Basically, that is why we have time crapsules - even if you managed to get all styles you want within spending an amount of money you deem acceptable, you have to do so again if you want a certain style on an alt of yours in the time crapsule sales model. If you buy the Batman cowl package, you have both variants on every toon, so for the players - even if most of them deem the cowl package expensive - it is the better deal. That's why Daybreak cut down on adding account wide style and functions to the marketplace (except for episodes of course - imagine access codes to certain raids etc becoming time crapsule only and you need to get one for every toon.... thankfully that one would cut into RB sales :D)
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  10. Seethra Well-Known Player

    I dont understand, if you run armories, you still need the equipment in your inventory right?
    What is keeping you from just equipping w/e you wish to equip? Or am I missing something.
  11. Tilz Loyal Player

    Or you Keep it in your bank.
    The Thing is your skillpoint and powerspec.
    As a heal i spec into crit. heals and restoration.
    As dps I spec into crit. damage and precision/might.

    Also the loadouts are totally different.
  12. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    However, here's the thing. The fine line between being rewarded for spending money on a game and feeling the want to spend more on the game vs feeling unrewarded for spending money on a game and still feeling forced to pour more just so you don't fall behind or some such thing.

    Currently DCU follows the latter to not give you that sense of feeling rewarded for spending money on their game no matter what you do unless your kicks are pretty skewed or twisted. I can say back then that I felt rewarded dearly for purchasing the Fight for the Light parts 1 and 2, and I didn't feel cheated or anything after those payments. But when it came to things like Amazon Fury, Last Laugh (especially last laugh when they made pretty much all of it free and you spent $10 for a freakin shield that's otherwise sold for $5 last I checked), etc. I didn't feel rewarded at all, more like I had to pay to keep up with my friends or leaguemates to the point that I just said **** it and uninstalled, especially with the "top CR/power meta" at that time going around which helped nothing at all.

    But Daybreak has A LOT to back up on and fix those glaring issues to make people actually want to spend money on their product vs trying to nickle and dime a mf out of their mortgage or entertainment budget as a soulless machine like corporate america has reached.
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  13. Seethra Well-Known Player

    Ah right, completely overlooked the most crucial part - my bad.
    Thanks for clarifying.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    why make a game that reaches out to what the players want when players are perfectly content paying for things as it is?
  15. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    You know why I don't have sympathy for all of these players that are demanding freebies? Firstly, I'm probably older than the majority of you guys, so I just look at the generation coming up as a whole. It's not a nostalgia thing either, the current generation has an awful sense of entitlement. When I first started playing MMOs, we had to pay more than $20 a month. When we broke it down, we figured it was a great deal because it gave you something to do that kept you safe at home and saved you money. Going out anywhere will cost you more than $20, so what are you really losing? One Friday or Saturday night?

    Given the fact that this game is only $15 a month (and how 15 bucks now is worth a lot less than 15 twenty years ago) it's an even greater deal. Mix that up with the discounts these dudes give you if you buy months in advance... for me, the crying and whining just isn't merited. I know if my kid told me she wanted $15 a month to play one game, I'd find something for her to do to earn it.

    So what's the real problem? That the game isn't free enough? We're you expecting them to put out a game that didn't profit? Maybe they could be slicker about how to get money outta you, but they'd still be eyeing you like a juicy steak either way. Let's stop the entitlement man, and get real. If you wanna make an argument that it's overpriced because of the current atmosphere of gaming, that's a separate thing altogether.

    Although, then again, this is the ONLY game on PS4 and XBOX 1 that allows you to play with a major comic book license in a MMORPG setting...
  16. Helderman Dedicated Player

    Not sure if you're trolling or if you really think freeware and free to play are the same thing. One clue: these Flash games you play in your browser and download to your smartphone are freeware, not free to play.