How Many TC You Had To Open For Zeus Orbital Strike

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by HEALER35, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    Hey guys,
    How do you like the new zeus orbital and how many tc you had to open to get it?
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Over 50 for some people. Over 100 for many people.
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  3. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I opened almost 40 and didn't get a single rare collection so it has to be an insanely high amount.
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  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I think I have opened 3 or 4. I open them when I have a stabilizer. I just buy most of the stuff from the broker. Not day one. I'll wait a few weeks and see how prices are looking.
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  5. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    Wow!! well I'm going to get like 80 stabilizers and hope I get it, I really like that orbital. I done used like 30 stabilizers already but as usual I get nothing.
  6. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    That's a lot to get nothing, I did not get a rare emblem or collection either out of 30 opens.
  7. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    Yes me too, I buy then off the broker as well because I never get anything. My league mate gave me a cosmic aura from the old ones after I opened like 45 and did not get anything.
  8. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Strikes again!!!
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  9. arcfussion Well-Known Player

    I havent gotten the Zues trinket from the AT capsules at all.I've gotten it 3 times from the boxes in typhons invasion area. All three dropped to me on same day several resets apart. One of my league mates did get it from the atc's though. As far as the rares go I got all the collections finished after I opened 110 atc's .Lucky I guess.
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  10. bmce84 Loyal Player

    my count is I believe up to about 35 give or take, still nothing.
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  11. Dirty Deeds New Player

    Actually got it on my first time capsule. Was happy then disappointed that I couldn't sell it.
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  12. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Think I've opened 120-140 TCs and still haven't got one yet. League mate said he bumped into someone who got it from his second or third TC and didn't even know what an orbital is :mad:
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  13. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    So you can get the trinket there too?
  14. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    lol, that's crazy, but that's a shame you invested so much in the game and still no luck. I was going to get 80 stabilizers and try my luck but I m not going to do that now, I really want that trinket tho but I rather get some replaystotal recover kits.
  15. SEMPER-FEAR New Player

    U think u guys have bad luck on your Toon! Try this one on for size: 40,000 marketplace cash spent all on stabilizers. Zero rares, no Zeus orbital. Mepps would really love u to look and my toon's luck ratio lol.
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  16. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    That's terrible, WOW!! I really not buying no stabilizers now, I will just buy feats off the broker and never get orbital strike.
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  17. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. you need to get the stablizers.. cause I need there to be no one outside of myself that does this to keep prices down!
  18. SEMPER-FEAR New Player

    Yup..... it sucks
  19. SEMPER-FEAR New Player

    Yup..... the drop ratio and Luck factor is really broke for some ppl. I'm an example of that.
  20. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Anyone know the item level on this trinket?