Why I dislike the new gear system...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VV, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. VV Dedicated Player

    I attuned 3 Blue pants in a row

    All of them were scaled to 161

    I attuned a purple one

    It scales to 162

    They said every piece aids in progression. There's 3 pieces gone to scraps. Is anyone experiencing issues like this? I'm pretty disappointed....
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  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    save your drops untill u get the piece of gear that is the lowest you have on. then atune your drops in the order of lowest first
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  3. VV Dedicated Player

    I had 7 legs. All I get are legs :p
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  4. xD25x Dedicated Player

    From what I was told you should replace your 150 pieces first, then your 153, then your 156 pieces. And save the purples till you hit 184.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You're doing it wrong.

    After the first blue pants were attuned, you should have held on to the others, and played some more to replace other pieces. Same thing with the Purple Pants...should have waited to open that one.
    The order should be Chest, Legs, Back, Waist. Then you go to Head, Shoulders, Hands, Feet. Follow that up with accessories and weapon....rinse and repeat. It's really simple, even if it's a little annoying (nobody has patience to hold on to anything in this game...it's all about now, now now).
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  6. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    175 TO 180
    - attune green & blue gear
    - save purple gear

    180 TO 183
    - attune green gear
    - save blue and purple gear

    when you hit 184cr gear will attune to max item level

    Rough guide: purple gear will attune to 20 less than your CR. Blue gear will be one lower than that, green gear two lower. So, if you are at 175 CR, purple gear will attune to 155, blue to 154, and green to 153 (again, rough guide, it is NOT exact, in my experience).

    This is all based on work by HoiiowDreamz, but I'm using it and it seems to be working well.
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  7. VV Dedicated Player

    Interesting but the repeated drops make it hard to follow.
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  8. Evil Mind Level 30

    This is very good to know. Nice work
  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club


    Every time your CR goes up, the all of your drops attune to a higher item level until they reach the maximum item level stated on the piece of gear before you attune it.

    Once your CR is 179, every piece of gear will have a higher item level than the gear found in episodes 24, 25 and 26. When you reach CR184, the gear reaches it's maximum level and can't be improved upon, so that's when you should consider attuning any Purple drops.

    But yeah, don't attune the same piece of gear multiple times if your CR hasn't increased.

    I know if you follow my posts, I've basically been saying the same thing in every thread. But the more this information is spread, the less confusing the new system will be. It's honestly quite shocking that so many people just don't get it, despite having a few days to play around with it, immediately jumping to conclusions like "the system sucks".
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  10. dresserball Dedicated Player

    It is all based on your overall CR. If the pants didn't change it then they will continue to be the same CR.
  11. VV Dedicated Player

    I still don't see a point in storing 7 leg pieces with 4 rings 3 weapon boxes 5 chests 4 shoulders and 3 heads. It's like the gear takes more space that other stuff.
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  12. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Then just delet it and get vendor gear.
  13. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    I had a similar thing happen on live, it actually helps rank up xD I had like 4-5 blue weapons and like 5-6 shoulders and like 3 rings.
    I saved 1 blue piece from each and put it as important inside of my inventory at the bottom and put the rest in my bank.
    When I increased in cr, I equipped one. So basically I had a piece waiting every single time. Aka:
    175-177: I got 4-5 copies of 2-3 pieces of the same gear.
    178: attune 1st copies of each
    179: attune 2nd copy of each
    180: attune 3rd copy
    181: attune 4th copy
    182: attune 5th copy

    That's how I handled it ^ I didn't scrap until I after I hit 184 and replaced everything excluding when I bought the vendor ring, then all my extra rings that I wouldn't need got scrapped early.
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  14. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    refer to above*, If you have more pieces than cr remaining, then save it for support role or you can scrap it early. Your choice.
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  15. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Everyone posting the work around has missed your point.

    Each piece does not aid in progression, or else there would not be a work around needed.

    They are proving your point the more it is contended.
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  16. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Thanks for posting this! Do you remember what the pieces attuned to at each level?
  17. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    Making a stupid long guide right now for the gear system. I'll link after i confirm a few things. Few numbers off by 1 value.
  18. DCUO Addict Committed Player

  19. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    It's off. Cause I logged my drops from 174-179 on live but it wasn't reaching max item at 184cr like I said, it was actually 183 theoretically. I just tested it on test server as I'm typing this and at 175, I got a green drop for 154 not 153. At some point, it would seem as if there's an overlap and i want to find out where.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I just threw my stored pieces in a separate armory, and kept my 175 cr armory until I was confident enough to finally rip the mods out and trash it. There's ways to make the loot system work but I don't think should have to jump through hoops like that. It should all just be straight forward.
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