[AFiii] Review of progression by Oly.

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by VV, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. VV Dedicated Player

    You're really bad at math. That's all I can say.
  2. dresserball Dedicated Player

    You stated about getting one box at the end of an instance. It would take 8 boxes to get it all. You also only stated one raid.

    Since you have to have a progress point, it takes 2 weeks to get one box.

    8 times 2 is 16

    So 16 weeks.
  3. Telangana Dynamite New Player

    I am pretty much okay with a Grindfest, but it has to be reasonable. Whatever on Test right now is pretty much ridiculous.

    We asked for good content to sink our busy hours into, not a mark munching fest with zero enjoyment whatsoever. Grinding for the sake of grinding is stupid. It should be fun. I won't even talk about the Renown.. :mad:

    Please look at this Dev's. Do something! :confused:
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  4. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    Can you quote part where he states "one raid"?
    According to calculations:
    You are farming everything from new content on per-daily basis, never miss anything and it tooks 12.5 weeks (3 month) for you to get WHOLE GEAR SET (not 8 style-pieces). You also have elite set, off-role, days you can't (or won't) play.
    If you're feeling OK doing EVERYday the same (and full) job and not being FULLY rewarded - you're very strange person.
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  5. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Dude I already support the game. I'm subbed, that doesn't mean I should spend money to replay content.
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  6. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    So you're on the opinion people should only have one role?

    That means goodby to most of the tanks and support roles btw there are a lot of dps that have the support role as second role.
    Don't expect fully geared support roles in every raid from now on.
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  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

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  8. dresserball Dedicated Player

    This is what he said:

    I agree that RNG is a bad way but I have completed sets way faster with RNG. Grind isn't the better way. How about getting gear boxes for finishing instances? No RNG. Finish an elite raid - get an elite gear box. Finish it 8x get 8 gear boxes. Trying to make a newer system is just ridiculous. So I'll just be realistic and ask for a price reduction.
    If this dlc hits live with these prices - I'll just quit being the player I am. I'll stop chasing gear, feats and such and just be casual.
    I don't see a point in wasting so much time grinding the same stuff for months for just 1 set of gear. None.

    You guys don't eve believe yourselves.
  9. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I don't expect full geared players period. Look at OP pieces. If you are wearing those and your CR is not max then you aren't fully geared at the moment.

    When stats matter happens people won't be as concerned at they are now about being max CR and such. This whole thread is about people getting elite gear. They should be good enough players to play content as a role without being max CR. How are you going to beat the raids to begin with if this is truly a problem?
  10. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I would still like to know who Oly is and why they have been so silent.
  11. The Anxient Loyal Player

  12. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    Your missing the point of the cost
    You are not meant to get fully geared until next Dlc. By doing this you are always making progression in the game.
    Lets say they lower the cost, now players like me will be fully geared in a month an feats done in new Dlc.
    Now I get to turn game off an wait to next dlc. with 22 feats left other then the LPVE crazy grind, there's not much left to do.
    I think this is a great set up they have coming with cost an gear
  13. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Yes you are, we aren't meant to just keep getting gear over and over and never be done. That's the whole point of feats and mods, so you get the gear first then start to work on other things. And they can lower the cost to compare to that of other vendors, we don't have as much content to get coins from so if you gear up in a month, it's on you for using replay badges not everyone else.
  14. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    I'm subbed also an because the way the loot system was I got geared in two days on one character when last Dlc came out. I haven't spent more then about 6 hours on game in the last 2 months......not much to do anymore!!!
    Being subbed (legendary) I now have like 600 replays because I didn't have to use them for last Dlc.
    Don't forget just because you don't spend money on replays doesn't mean others don't and the devs consider this when developing new content, making game fair and enjoyable for everyone.
    In my league it's friendly competition, Highest Sp, who can get top CR first or even who can take a new character to top CR the fastest, an by the way can be done in 4 days from new to into the 170's with some replays. So yes gear grind is needed.
  15. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Sorry but basing content on people who spend replay badges isn't fair or balanced, it's pay to win and that's what kills games. This one is on a slippery slope of losing a lot of players if the system continues as is. You chose to take shortcuts others can't afford, it shouldn't be what determines how long content should last, maybe the best solution is to remove replay badges from the game.
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  16. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    No thats how you personally feel......player that feels they should get instantly rewarded for playing.
    In 2013 that's the direction the game went and it broke it
    Between that an making all powers dummy proof has killed this game. That is why all the new changes with gear and stats coming also no AM or weapon mastery buff. I also bet you won't see another Dlc for 4 months or more.
    You may not get fully geared an modded but there are a lot of players that will......your not the only player!
  17. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    This game has lost a ton of players in the last 2 or 3 years
    You say pay to win? How is that possible in this game? As it is now we have to constantly carry players through content.

    Tell me...what do you win if you pay? because I pay a lot an haven't won anything yet for spending more .
  18. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    So cuz u're using replays to "support" the game they should make costs for everyone to be very high. Yea, I got what you say.
    I bet you should donate your money for them and do not suggest making a progression system based on replays not for those who are using them to climb up faster but for everyone.
    Also I don't think you play 2 roles (DamageX huh), probably don't have alts and THATS WHY you have nothing to do in this game. Otherwise its not possible to get all the gear withing 6 hrs without replays.
    Now tell me how is this (new system/old system) not a P2W if reasonable time to complete set withing timeframe based on replays?..
  19. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    Not a word about just 1 raid.
    Saying "Finish an elite raid" never means that it is just one raid.
  20. RL Chick Level 30

    I'm premium and don't buy replays
    members will def have an advantage and will gear a little faster, and that's ok because they pay membership
    looks like gearing up to max this episode will take much longer
    even longer to gather materials to craft all your mods
    the addition of collecting more types of materials for crafting mods will take up already limited inventory/storage space.
    bigger stacks might help
    this results in my playing game longer more time on game, good for game but would take away from real life stuff
    I have the most fun when I'm winning or at the top of my game