High Level Players Are Such Jerks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ob4maCare, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Ob4maCare Active Player

    I decided to level my alt up this past week and boy did I tell you it was tough from 160-170. I am a tank/dps, and everytime I got into an instance someone left.

    Get rid of the darn CR number at the end of my name and put my SP or something to show that I know what I am doing or something. Run with leaguemates you say, but I do that I have to PUG as well cause I run with league on my main and 1st alt toon so that is sometimes not the option.

    I understand that people want to get in and out of the instance as quick as possible but what is the rush.

    I recently found out the reason and I believe it is because my CR is showing and not my SP.

    I know this isn't an important issue and would just like feedback of the idea of displaying sp instead of CR since leveling is incredibly easy in this game.
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  2. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

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  3. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Are you sure it was because of you. Maybe it was someone else. maybe they got DC'ed. maybe a friend got on they wanted to group with. PUG life expect there to be quitters.
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  4. No Crying Committed Player

    Yet since you have no communication with the person you are assuming what happened.
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  5. ShadowGhost Active Player

    But aren't you a high cr

  6. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    Just because someone doesn't want to play with u, doesn't make then a jerk.

    Some might say that a person, making a thread, calling people names, just because someone didnt want to play with them, is the jerk.

    Also if every instance u go into people leave because they think your too low, then maybe you are. It might be that its not everyone else thats the problem. Maybe its u. Just food for thought.
  7. Ob4maCare Active Player

    I am not too low if I can enter the instance sir/maam
    Which proves you are one of the douches I am talking about
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  8. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    What instance were you trying to do specifically? If you're under the minimum cr requirement chances are you really don't belong in there.
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  9. bmce84 Loyal Player

    So let me get this straight.
    1- You are already a high CR and are saying people left because your CR was low, so your reason makes no sense at all whatsoever.
    2- You seem to believe SP makes you better than others, it doesn't, you could have 1000 SP and would still get killed by a boss if you aren't careful. Also if they showed SP rather than CR then premium players would be forced into buying content just for it's SP, making this game pay to win.
    3- You claim the reason was your CR, well newsflash it wasn't, you probably queued as a Tank for alerts which most don't want, so had you said you queue as a tank then I would believe that better than just "it was my CR".
    4- STOP PUGGING, make your own group or join other premade groups, when you randomly queue it's a game of chance and most times groups full of OP players will still fail.
    5- Oh and saying you found out the reason isn't the same as believing, finding out the reason it's just that however saying you believe means you think that because of what saw that the reason is your CR only.
    6- And lastly, if it's so easy to level you wouldn't have made this thread on the first place.
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  10. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Ermm No, in fact HELL NO, anything bellow the suggested CR is low, it's basic math, so if you where bellow the suggested CR then you where low. You call them jerks for leaving because of your CR, well if we go by SP then someone else will do the same thing you did and come here complaining people left because of their SP.
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  11. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    just because u meet the min cr doesnt mean that your geared enough to contribute to the group in any way.

    Fyi, your kind of coming off like that kid that doesnt get picked for kick ball and throws a little tantrum. Heres a tip, get better at kickball and you'll get picked.
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  12. Ob4maCare Active Player

    My Tank is 172 now and I am still having people leave the instance and it is mainly by the people with low sp who got carried through the game. It is mostly by the dps player base who are 170+ with 80 sp how do I know cause I look up every player that leaves and guess what their sp are below 100 every single last one of them so yes display sp instead of cr...

    How many skill points do yall have?
  13. Ob4maCare Active Player

    Like why the crap is a 170 Dps leaving Wayne manor why not run with a support role that will benefit the run
  14. Ichiro Loyal Player

  15. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    I see you said wayne manor now. Maybe they don't feel they can do enough damage to complete the run in the amount of time they want to complete it in and would prefer a 2-dps run.
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  16. Ob4maCare Active Player

    And how dare someone say SP don't matter when I out dps a 173 Mental toon at 156?
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not all high CR players are jerks. Way to generalize and label every high CR player. Ridiculous. The minimum cr is there to allow players to skip episodes. Queing in at the minimum does not mean u can survive in the instance or contribute. Wayne manor duo, if u go in at the minimum and someone else is 174 or 175 then they are carrying u thru that instance w/out a doubt. Some people do not want to carry other players. The unwritten rule back in the day was be 5 CR above the minimum. Old school players will know what im talking about.

    But now there is suggested CR. So dont queue into something unless your are at the suggested CR. Or maybe 1 under the suggested.
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  18. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Considering a lot of Leagues can (and unfortunately tend to) carry a bad player through content to get them feats instead of training them and instructing them on powers and mechanics and AMs and buffs etc etc etc, how exactly is displaying someones SP instead of CR going to change things?

    Ive met as many low SP bad#sses as I have unrealistically useless high SPs. It means nothing and should be a measure for nothing accordingly.

    I just stick to a simple rule, especially in duos; if you try you absolutely get help and tips, you dont then you're screwed and will be leaving the instance soon. A display of Laziness is the problem, not whats on display stats-wise. (Not saying thats you btw)
  19. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    This isn't HIGH cr players, this is the carry me guys who don't learn mechanics and believe everything is about burn.

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  20. Ob4maCare Active Player

    And people wonder why the game is dying people think they are elitist but cant even beat DWFE. Group full of 175 WITH 90 SP sorry ahhh players

    But this post is irrelevant now because all my toons are above 170 now so yeah and give me yall ingame name so I make sure I don't run with yall as well
  21. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Well, most of the community act like jerks, that's not news, but nothing is stopping you to join a League and play with people that you like or find enjoyable to play with.
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