I asked the Tank in Blackest Night why he wears dps-gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kentasaiba, Aug 3, 2016.

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  1. kentasaiba Well-Known Player

    And he said he plays the game just for 3-4 days and asked what a tank-role does :(

    I still have a dream of dps-focused DCUO. :)
  2. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Hmm....DESTROY HIM!
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  3. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    And our kick timers are 3 hours folks...

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  4. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the community is why they are there in the first place
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  6. Streven Dedicated Player

    Instead of freaking out you might just take the time to actually try and help the guy learn his role. Drop him a link to some guides on the forum for tanking . Lord knows we need more tanks.
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  7. IceRaven198 Well-Known Player

    Wow if I had him in a group I'd teach him how to be a tank like I've been doing for the past week
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Does he deserve to be kicked or explained the difference between them?

    And man, 3's Company gif with John Ritter. Props man, not a lot of people know them. (Unless it was a simple reaction meme and you have no idea who that character/actor is.)
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Can I ask how you "spec for max aggro"? :O
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  10. OmniDevil Well-Known Player

    So, rather than giving him the 411 on Tanking and helping an obvious new player out.....you decided to come to the forums and cry about it? It must be really hard being you....
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  11. Streven Dedicated Player

    Yeah I was wondering about that one. I'm so tempted to say something stupid about dominance right now but I'll keep quiet.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh, I know what my powers do, but explain the "spec" part?
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  13. Streven Dedicated Player

    This is really starting to get interesting.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh, so you were attempting to troll me? Gotcha. Because I actually think I caught you in a knowledge issue and now you are trying to play it off.
    Please explain the "spec for max aggro" part to us. There is a lot of misinformation about tanks and aggro that still float around in game and on the forums as well as websites.

    So again, what do you mean by "spec for max aggro"? As if it is what I think it is, you have been misinformed.
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  15. Streven Dedicated Player

    Please don't go I need your help. I've never been taught how to spec for aggro before.
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  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Actually you're making yourself look really really silly.

    The reason why you've been asked the same question twice ("how to spec for max aggro") is because there are guides on this forum that actually tells you how to tank with each power and debunks tanking myths (explaining that dominance does not affect aggro).

    The devs also have stated that dominance does not affect aggro by the way too.

    Again these are just a few of the reasons why folks asked how one is supposed to "spec for max aggro"
    • Like x 6
  17. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player

    ahw yizz, this gon be gud :D
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Aww, you gave it away. :( I wanted to hear it from him.
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  19. Korlick Loyal Player

    Get all the dom you can with your sp. Mod all your gear with dom 8. And use all DoTs powers in your loadout...cause you know...DoTs are way better at holding aggro.

    Youre welcome NooblingB.
    • Like x 8
  20. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Is there a particular stat involved with achieving max aggro? Please help me learn how to tank.
    • Like x 3
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