RNG is Broken, Time to Get Rid of It In DC For Good

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Just want to add my voice to the many frustrated players dealing with the extreme brokenness of the game's loot system. Just completed my third DWF run and received my second piece.... another belt. smh

    Devs: this system makes me never spend replays. I used to buy and spend them all the time but the abysmal drop rates have made me take a strict no replays for raids ever stance.
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  2. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Working as Intended.
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  3. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    So trying to be respectful during this but you have a 66% purple drop rate from the newest raid and have the stones to call the drop rate abysmal?!?!?!!?
    So you think what? That every boss should drop the best gear everytime and you should get to pick exactly the piece you want?
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  4. Envoy Active Player

    You are clearly new to the whole concept of mmos and loot drops xD

    Try raiding in WoW and ending up with literally nothing yourself. This is the fairest loot system ive seen in an mmo to date.
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  5. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Best gear in vendor !!! (upgrade materials drop in the raid and alert in set amounts).
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  6. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I think you misunderstood my post. Two purple drops from nine bosses, and the two purple drops were the same.
    I'm a day one DCUO player. WoW isn't relevant to this conversation though I do wonder if they have the same strict loot locks we do, even as subscribers. The loot system in this game is broken beyond repair and needs to be discarded yesterday.
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  7. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Poor baby. You got 2 purple drops !
  8. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

  9. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    IJS. I got 2-150 legs in the same run. You dont see me complaining
  10. The Doctor Loyal Player

    When I quit this game the first time (for about a year and a half) it was after Halls of Power I. I ran the three raids approximately 25-30 times combined and was 0/8 on imperial insect drops. That's not an exaggeration either. At first it was a joke with my league mates, eventually they didn't think it was funny either.

    Loot picker drastically improved the situation, but I can empathize with anyone having this problem.
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  11. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

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  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I don't get how other successful mmos have guarenteed gear for beating the instance and other mmos that use RNG don't become loot locked so you can farm constantly. This is why the game is failing.

    The instances need to be brutal and we should gear up to beat them with a guarenteed reward at the end.
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  13. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Best gear in vendor or half and half.
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  14. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    People need to drop this, I'm sorry. #statsmatter is going to fix this. The difference between the stats is going to be so minuscule. You're going to perform pretty much identical with either set. The CRs are going to be irrelevant.
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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So let me get this straight. You do not only get real good chances out of your example above, but you are also one of the most vocal people when it comes to nerfing instances, this raid in particular. So what's your agenda? ROFLStomp raids and insta-loot? Get out of here.
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  16. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Completely agree people seem to think that if they put gear in the vendor they will not change the mark system back aswell. If they put gear in the vendor only that raid's marks will be able to purchase that gear.
  17. Ully Committed Player

    Agreed. I absolutely hate it. :mad:
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  18. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

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  19. Saami Loyal Player

    I havent spend replays in months.
    When enough players stop using replay badges, then devs will know that something is wrong.
    At last raid (bbs) i got one purple ring and i ran through it atleast 5 times.
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  20. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Calm down.