So, You Are Struggleing with Content?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alrighty Then, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Put on those white mods from your base!
    Seriously, who doesn't need a Supply Drop, Orbital Strike or Henchmen, now and then. And having Max Damage and Escalating Might, might give your damage output some boost. Not to mention the other Mods.
    And talking about Mods, at least Mod your crits!
    I'm also betting that your Skill Points aren't in your crits either.

    'Sorry for the rant; but when you enter a failed Phantom Zone and no one has Mods, ya got to wonder!

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  2. Kroye Loyal Player

    Crutches are for cripples.
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  3. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Ability>mods. Now you don't have to wonder anymore.
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  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Are crits still capped as Mepps revealed a few months back, or was that finally fixed?
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  5. majosea Dedicated Player

    I think more people might use them more if they were on forever or more marks given in content old/new , the same for other mods , more people did mod for old cr system ,we had to mod to cr up , love it because we had a ton content to run for marks from old /new content to buy styles , mods , white mods and it took longer to cr up than the new cr system ,and not rushing to the end game ,at this point in the game a cant blame someone for not having them on , because now we have less marks from content ,less content , no open world content , and the list goes on
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The marks really are not an issue at all. Since we are guaranteed at least one mark from every boss in the loot picker in every single raid (there are a few raids where this doesn't work yet, but it's no big deal) the whole "not enough marks" argument has gone out the window. There is also still the chance to get a mark in all On Duty solos, duos and alerts. I'm currently using marks to buy Matter Enhancers because I have way too many marks.
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  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    Having the white mods and affinities for your crits 100% means u do more dmg, give more power or more heals. Also the crits in the SP trees. I will never understand how people dont do this stuff but then say content is too hard :confused:
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    This^ i have 6 toons at 167 and i never ever come closing to running out of marks. Marks are so easy to get. Run content=marks. People dont have 21 marks for the white mods? No. U can earn that easily in a single day.
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  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I have to agree with you about how mods are easier to get..but I also have to sorta take the side of the folks who don't use them either

    Do I know for sure that mods help a lot with the game yes they help a ton... And I wouldn't play with out them...

    But they were first introduced into a dlc... And now they are a seperate purchase.... A few people may not have them to be able to use them...

    Also when they were originally sold to us they were "completely optional" and only to help boost your abilities not necessary for completion of content..

    Whether or not that's still the case or if the content is geared with mods in mind is a different issue...

    Also I completely support those who don't feel like running with people who don't have them .. Cause this is also their money being used to run content and time..and they should be allowed to choose who and what they require to run with ...

    So I see both sides of this argument ... As far as regular stat mods blues red yellows..that is free in the game and everyone should be using them....
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    Well when they were 1st introduced no1 had them right? So people were on same playing field w/out them. But once they were added using them means u have an advantage. Max dmg over no max dmg makes a difference for sure. Ive seen people who have access to the white mods and they done use em. Why? Idk. Just weird. Plus that episode is what? $3 or $4 now? Thats a cup of coffee these days. Even someone on a budget i would think could afford that. If u dont have em then yea the initial mark cost is a lot. But once u have that done u can earn enough marks to reup base stuff in 1 day.
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  11. megamanzero Loyal Player

    struggling to find joy in this game :(
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    You do realise that there are people who do NOT spend $4 on a cup of coffee because they can't really afford it??

    $4 for a cup of coffee may seem like spare change to some.
    To others.... that is the money they will use to eat for the next 3 days. :(
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  13. silikyan Well-Known Player

  14. Darklord Kitty Well-Known Player

    If these people use $ 4 to eat for the next 3 days, that means that these are poorer than the poorest folk in the world since the international poverty line is drawn at $ 2 per day.

    I can't imagine what these guys will buy with $ 4 to be able to even eat adequately. I do wonder how these people can afford computers and even play games?

    I think such people need to find work instead of trying to be DCUO champions.
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  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    As you say... them are poorest then poor folks...... and you would deny them the simple pleasure of playing DCUO???
    Damm...... and I thought Darkseid was EVIL!!!. ;) ;)

    As for finding work..... you do realise that many fell on hard times not that long ago.
    And many of the do work.... they work crappy job because in some cases that is all they could find.
    So.... it is not just those who don't have a job who can't afford a $4 cup of coffee. Many working people can't afford that either.

    Would you deny them being able to play DCUO on top of them going through some hard time???

    You are EVIL like the Joker and Lex Luthor combined. ;)
    Holy crap....... you are the BvS Lex Luthor.... aren't you??? ;)
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  16. Darklord Kitty Well-Known Player

    Are you sure the poorest of the poor want to play DCUO which is quite an expensive game? Don't you think that there are really good truly free to play games out there that these people would rather play than DCUO?

    Also, what part of the word demographic are we addressing here? In the US, the minimum wage rate is $ 7.25 per hour while in a poor country like India which has the largest population of the poorest lot in the world also has a minimum wage rate of over $ 0.90 per hour which means that by the end of the day, in either country poorest still make more than $ 4 a day.

    So, I donno, where you are coming from?

    Also, nobody should be the BVS Joker-lex hybrid. That's the most stupid thing ever and I kinda think you are not very bright yourself for liking such poop performance and being a BVS fanboy.
  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    As you say...... DCUO is F2P.

    So...... why would the poorest of poor not play it??

    Sure.... people do make more then $4 a day.
    But once they paid....
    the rent....
    bills (electric...... heat....... etc)
    their cocaine.... ;) j/k

    They may not have $4 left in their pocket by the time all the bills are paid.

    And assuming that they do manage to scrape together $4 once everything is paid......
    you want them to waste that hard earn money so that they can have white mods???

    They may decide to buy the latest episode instead and have new missions to play.

    BvS fanboy????
    Are you for real???
    Now who is not too bright???
    Of course the BvS Lex Luthor is poop. That was the whole point of my Lex Luthor comment.
    I was making FUN of the BvS Lex Luthor in my previous post by implying how it was actually a Joker-Lex hybrid. :confused::confused:
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  18. Darklord Kitty Well-Known Player

    DCUO is free to play only in the most twisted manner, it's nothing like actual F2P games. If you play TERA, you don't have to spend a single penny and you can play end game content for free, not like DC where everything has a paywall. DCUO is at best free to try and nothing about it is truly free to play.

    If I were part of the poor you speak off, I'd much rather play truly F2P game and not waste my time with DCUO at all.

    Also, how does it feel when people twist your funny ones on you ?
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  19. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I never once experienced a struggle and/or failure in content due to players not having mods.

    Struggle and failure in content is usually due to players that don't want to pay attention to mechanics, work the room mechanics and not actually block strong attacks, suffering from OP'itus and just try to burn their way through it.

    Not sure mods will assist with that.....;)
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  20. iNoa New Player

    i would say and admit i am poorest asian philippine guy living thing here alive...but actually i'm new here and started to play 4th Week Month of May ... to admit it i actually enjoyed the game yes i am F2P player... ill respect the guy on my upper side "dark"
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