Enjoying my break

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by cassi, May 15, 2016.

  1. cassi Well-Known Player

    Since they decided to make xbox the priority, and leave us with no new content, I have saved money, gotten hooked on 2 other games, started beta testing WOW, and then it dawned on me today, I don't even miss this game....at all...Thanks DCUO, for showing me what an epic money sink waste this past 3 years were. Thank you for not releasing the new content on time...soon as October hits, I will not renew my yearly, and be on with myself...I was mad that you were late for like the first week and now I genuinely thank you...
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  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

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  3. Supergirly Dedicated Player

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  4. Controller Devoted Player

    I understand that players get frustrated and leave....I understand that players take breaks and some never come back. I understand that some have legitimate concerns about the game.

    Why do some take breaks, come back and speak bad about game? In Forums? Are they THAT upset that they want to take other players away with them? If so that's selfish.

    If I ever leave, I'll give my Leaguemates PLENTY of heads up but I'd never come here to start a thread about it.

    I'd just go away.
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I think most people know what my gripes are with the game, so no point in starting a thread to catalog them. I think I've made it clear over the three years I've been playing that bugs would be at the top of that catalog. ;)

    I'm still enjoying the game. I am getting a little tired of the over the top RNG for some style pieces - 170 tries for Shaman Chest (Tank/DPS) and coming up empty...
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    So where is that person who asks for people stuff. Now would be a good time.
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  7. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    It's kinda like why did you take the time to type this.

    Because they can:)
  8. Controller Devoted Player

    Keep you head up, in reference to the Shaman chest.

    It WILL drop to you, trust me.

    I needed Chest and Head for MEDIEVAL style, was hoping for at LEAST one piece from Outer T2 Alert today and FINALLY got the chest...

    Just need the head piece now to complete that style.
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, you're fighting with exactly the same RNG I am. I still think it was a horrible decision to put styles into the weekly reward boxes and have that be the only method to obtain them.
  10. Controller Devoted Player

    I get that. But it simply reeks of a pity party and being so upset with game that they want others to get on their bandwagon as well.

    Their INTENTIONS seem selfish, but I'm NOT calling the person/player selfish.
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  11. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Found him.

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  12. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    If you read the tweets from Xbox you would see they're doing a bad job at it. But new people will never come to the forums unless they love the game.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Okay... I understand getting burnt out on the game needing a break. I have done so recently too. Played 3 other games. Had fun, but I'm sorry, if you didn't miss this game, why are you back on the forums saying how much you don't miss it? Yeah... Welcome back.
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  14. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    Also you guys are just taking the b8.
  15. Controller Devoted Player

    Back in the day, I'd spend anywhere from $60.00 - $130.00 dollars per month on XBOX games, not including XBOX live.

    I'm actually SAVING money by doing just PC.

    The monthly subscription here costs $15.00 dollars and I get a $25.00 Daybreak card for SC....much better savings for me. That's not even counting the 10% discount from Legendary and the 500 SC AND Replays I get per month from Legendary.

    TBH that's not a bad deal at all IMO.
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  16. Jak-Man Committed Player

    Hey good on you. I came back to this game after not playing it for 5 months because there was simply nothing going on that held my interest. After hearing about Ep. 24 last week and who the gear will be based on i decided to come back. Cuz I really like Red Hood.
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  17. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Low quality bait.
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  18. TestReporter Loyal Player

    We will launch new content Episodes monthly instead of quarterly.
    We will launch new gear and rewards monthly instead of quarterly.
    No one ever said the episode would be launched in the first wednesday, also, its a lot about the US server problems that happened BEFORE the xbox1 launch.
    Btw, bye.
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You forgot:

    roughly - without completeness or exactness
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  20. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    On time? Its still may so how is late
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