The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    Can someone plz tell me why the heroes cannot get lexcorp salvation style in lockboxes. That is a t2 style. I have not seen 1 hero with any piece of it. I know the larfleeze and kalibak and parademon styles we heroes cant get because those styles are linked to dlcs. But lexcorp suit isnt linke to a dlc.
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That is a bit of a question. Personally I've seen pieces of all the T1 villain styles drop in lockboxes, with my best luck so far coming from the Metallo's Maw set (four pieces so far). I've even gotten a couple pieces of the villain faction gear (Hijaked Servitor, Eternal) as well.

    T2 has been more miss than hit, though. I've not seen anything from the Circe or Luthor sets, but I have gotten the Joker's Punchline hands.

    My best luck seems to be coming from the PvP styles, overall. Probably helps that I don't PvP so all that gear is new to me, but I've gotten a decently wide range of styles from both sides.
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  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Sounds like you'll have to wait until Style Unlocking for Alts is incorporated. At that point, you'd be able to take one of your Villain characters, obtain that style for them, and then have a way to unlock it on your other characters. :cool:

    As for when we'll be able to do this... it's coming SOON™! ;)
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    We cannot get the circe set as heroes because its dlc. I have almost the entire joker punchline suit. I have most of metallo, all of the harley pvp suit except legs, 5 pieces of phantom zone reaver. Also half the deathstroke inspired suit, all of the hecate suit, all of hush style except the head and 3 pieces of frozen fury. So u can see ive gotten a lot of villain styles. But no1 i know has a piece of lexcorp salvation. Its not a dlc style. So it should be there. My guess is its not even in the loot table and it should be. I have half of the azarath style too. But im pretty sure there isnt a t2 circe suit. T2 villain styles are hecate, lexcorp, and jokers punchline. The circe suit is t6. We got the them battle suit based off WW as the equivalent.

    From what i understand the house of el, specter batsuit, and hera strength are t2 hero. Joker punchline, hecate, lexcorp salvation are t2 villain. And i have a villain and have seen all 3 hero styles drop in the prom boxes. But for us heroes lexcorp is missing. I wanna know why. I also dont understand why dlc styles are not included. If im legendary i should be able to get it. I just dont understand some of the decisions they make. Whatever tho. The lex suit isnt dlc, thats my main point. It should be there.
  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    My bad, I was referring to the Hecate set when I was talking about not seeing the T2 Circe suit. Sorry for the confusion.

    I don't know if this helps, but Shadowdragon started a styles thread in the Funhouse for showing off the crossover dropbox looks. It's only four pages long so far, but it might be worth a look. That or maybe passing a message along to Shadowdragon asking if they've seen the Lexcorp T2 set.

    I just posted a pic in that thread, so it should still be on the first page in the Funhouse, the #UniteTheStyles Results thread.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ok cool i will check that thread out. Thanks for the info :)
  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And just for the heck of it, the pic I just posted in the other thread. LOL


    Changed the belt afterwards to the Paramilitary one. The Vengeance belt is just a little too bulky to me.
  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    When you say "most", are you including the Leg Style in that? And if so, how did you get it for your hero? :confused:

    I have a hero that needs that Leg Style, so I've been trying to figure out whether or not it's obtainable for him at this time. And he also needs the Hijacked Servitor Chest Style.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I've gotten the Metallo's Maw legs and a couple pieces of Hijaked Servitor (legs and waist) from lockboxes. So it's kind of a luck of the draw thing. For heroes, that is. LOL
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    No not legs. Im missing legs chest and hands only :( Its in lockboxes. I do have hijacked servitor chest, head, boots, hands, waist and shoulders. All from lockboxes.
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  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Damn, I wish I could have played a bunch back when they doubled the drop rate for lockboxes right after Cross Faction Styles were implemented. But at the time, I wasn't playing much due to not having fast enough internet for awhile.
  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea that is when i got a lot of my styles. Really wish they would do that promo again. It was great and it had me staying on the game for long hours waiting to get that next prom box.
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  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    My optimus prime. Not awhole lot of chests to work with for this. Tried quickstryke but liked this better. Also he has sector 3601 back piece on, u cant really see it. Plus this toon doesnt have a ton of styles. So maybe could of done it better but imo its not bad.
    Head-astro helmet
    face-gas ventilator
    shoulders-4rth world
    chest-sunstone bulwark
    waist-shielded robot
    legs-high voltage
    back-sector 3601
    Colors-just plain ole blue red and white :p
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    Big pants for a big boy!

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  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Issan has both the Met Maw chest and legs (plus a few other Villain pieces), she hasn't played that much, it's completely luck of the draw
  16. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I've changed my batman beyond style a bit and added another colored owl man dps style.Here they are:)


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  17. JoKeR_3_7 Well-Known Player

    What style feet are these? Or is it part of the legs style? I can't tell from the picture.
  18. xEvangelionx New Player

    What back style is this?[IMG]




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  19. light FX Steadfast Player


    Electrostatic. Vendor gear from the latest 3 month cycle. Static shock inspired.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thought for a sec they were heart of predator star sapphire style but only females can get those. So yea im curious myself. Dont remember seeing those boots anywhere before.