Vendor gear = best gear is the worst idea ever

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Juiceman936, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    Sometimes I think the community is trying to kill the game completely.

    If vendor gear was best gear someone please tell me what loot would we get in raids. After everyone buys the gear they need no one would play any more til the next dlc. Next thing u know the small population we have now will be even smaller and eventually dead. This community needs to chill out with some of the bs.

    Just because the drop u want doesn't always drop u want stuff to be given to u on a silver platter.

    I'm tired of this community killing a game that I love
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  2. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Next thing will be 'Devs hold my hand'lmaoo.
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  3. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

  4. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    expanding the loot tables to give players marks in all raids (albeit even discounted) pretty much nails the lid to the coffin of that idea.
  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    To be fair, the system worked pretty well during Tiers One through Four.

    There are a lot of people on this board that pine for the 'good old days'; 'Best Gear in Vendor' is just one element that many people miss.

    Me? I don't care one way or the other as long as I'm having fun in the DCU. :D
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    This is exactly what I came into this thread to say. Anybody that was here back when Tier 4 was the highest would, I'm betting, say that was the golden time of this game. The best gear was in the vendors (except at the very end of T4 when the Runes gear was introduced) and there were, in fact, four sets of styles for us to collect which meant we were kept busy getting marks for a fair amount of time.

    Back then increasing your CR by even 1 point felt like a genuine achievement. Gear prices were the same as they are now, but the marks needed to buy the gear were not nearly as abundant as MoV are since each tier had its own set of marks. This added longevity to the content. In my opinion T5 is when the game started to go downhill. T4 was, for me, the high point of DCUO.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Launch to DLC 4.
    Best gear was vendor based. Drops were styles with gear that was pretty good supplement until you were able to buy the vendor gear.
    DLC 5 to DLC 8
    Best gear was dropped based. Vendor gear was swapped and supplemental until you were lucky enough to get something good.
    DLC 9
    Vendor and dropped gear was the same CR, different stats.
    DLC 10
    Actually vendor gear was best gear. Didn't break the game that I saw, but there was very little content to run for marks. (One alert, 2 duos, 1 open world.)
    DLC 11 to now.
    Dropped gear was way higher and the best. Chances of good drops were all over the place. Vendor gear was just for style or to boost your CR.
  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player


    but with t1-3 and briefly t4 we didn't have replays factoring into the equation and we had several marks in play to provide us with caps. back then we were juggling marks of triumph, victory, krypton, momentum and then war.

    it took us six months to finish up a full set of t3 gear with us earning "2.5" gear in the fortress raids to help us improve and than later the marks of momentum central city gear (which also had its own marks to cap us off and was equal to the drops in the fortress raids).

    if vendor gear were to become the best gear available now players wouldn't need to use replays or even run top tier content.

    even now theres the question of why would i want to run a t7 duo for 2 marks 9with the potential for a few bons marks in place of gear) when i can speed through dox in 2 minutes and score 5 but i figure there are enough new players in the game that those marks will hopefully be used to improve their sp's and not just their cr's.

    personally i liked it when we had lots of different marks coming in from different dlcs of content. wasn't that confusing...but then i also understood pre crisis continuity...
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Replays are supposed to NOT be factored into the equation when coming up with reward release. The problem is, we all know it is. That's why random drops were necessary.

    Now, when it comes to different marks. I am in a toss up here. I don't think we needed the recent mark change, but I do think the unification needed to happen. Just it shouldn't have been done in the way it was. Especially with the mark conversion. If T6 went to MoT, it would have broken the game. lol
    I don't believe you! :p
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  10. lanternknight Committed Player

    Your so called community already killed this game. This game was way better back in the day. The game started going down hill after Gates.

    The best gear in the vendor worked perfectly. What people ran the raids for was the drops from the raid. The gear was a step bellow the vendor gear, but it helped make the raids a little easier until you purchased vendor gear. You could still spam like people do now leveling up in a few days. You just used more replays for vendor gear being the best than the replays used for drop gear being the best. The reason for that, is that you could some times get those runs where you got two best gear drop from a raid. Thats one run obtaining two drops. A vendor gear run would only give you the ten marks. That is why vendor gear being the best is better now. It would probably trans even longer now. Since marks are used for so much. You would have to decide on getting the gear or getting the base proficiency.

    When vendor gear was the best gear the population was way higher.

    Prevent the spamming of replays to run content will also slow the gear progression big time
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  11. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    The vendor gear was never the best gear. If t2 was in the vendor, the t2 raids dropped t2.5

    That's y everyone used to complain about being ninja looted whenever a certain piece of gear dropped
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You sure? Was it not that people in T1 gear wanted the gear from the raids to supplement them until they got actual T2 gear? Remember, there was never any such thing as a T1 raid. My laptop is broken at the moment so I can't run into Khandaq or any of the Batcave raids to check but I'm pretty sure the gear that drops in T2 raids is of lower CR than the T2 vendor gear.
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  13. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    The gear that dropped out of gates and pb (t4) was the best gear and u couldn't buy that gear in no vendor. The same with t5 gear u would have to buy the vendor gear to survive in the t5 raid which dropped better gear. Vendor gear always has been here to help you survive the end tier raid until u were able to beat the bosses and get the highest purple drop gear.
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That's not true at all. The gear that drops in Gates has always been lower than the T4 vendor gear. I'm not 100% sure on PBG, but PBG only drops weapons anyway (aside from the original OP helm). The only drop gear in T4 that was higher than the vendor gear was the Codex gear that you had to craft in Hand of Fate, and that was only better by 1 item level and was only available at the very end of T4.
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  15. Gimpy Loyal Player

    My opinion and mine alone,

    The OP has the mindset as 1 of those players who exploits the loot system by ONLY replaying the content that the "BEST GEAR" drops in avoiding the "RESET" from playing a different instance.

    IF the best gear was in vendor they couldn't get it "GIVEN" to them by exploiting the Loot System and they wouldn't have the marks to buy the vendor gear because they wouldn't be so OP anymore having to earn it.
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  16. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    Everything was marks of triumph so u could run duos solos anything to get the marks that helped you buy the vendor gear b4 you even touched the raid. All to help you survive in the raids. Once you bought all the vendor gear that raid was easier and helped you beat the raid since the raids were wayyyyy harder then. You have to realize we were rolling on gear. It would be 1 iconic drop maybe the whole raid but that drop was better than the vendor
  17. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    Wth are you talking bout. I would have the gear cuz all I gotta do is buy it with marks.
  18. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'm afraid not.
    T2: Vendor Gear CR 56, Dropped Gear CR 52
    T3: Vendor Gear CR 70, Dropped Gear CR 64
    T4: Vendor Gear CR 78, Dropped Gear CR 71/73

    Now what you may be remembering (as far as ninja looting is concerned) is that Weapons were not in Vendors until DLC2 (and even then not regularly), so Weapons were always high priority targets in early Tiers.
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  19. MrB Dedicated Player

    Yeah I'm pretty sure this was the case. I remember buying vendor gear and then you were able to do the raid to get better gear. Then you had that one @$$ that needed on every piece.
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    ...not originally it wasn't. Before T5 each tier had its own unique mark. T1 was Marks of Triumph, T2 was Marks of Distinction, T3 was Marks of Krypton and T4 was Marks of War. THAT was the best time for this game. Having the best gear in vendor with its own unique mark would add longevity to content in my opinion.

    I'm not saying to go back to the days of having a mark for each tier, but perhaps have two currencies instead of one. For example let's say we created a new currency called Marks of Unity. All the content we have right now would be converted to Marks of Unity, and starting with Episode 24 we would get Marks of Victory, but ONLY from content in Episodes 24, 25 and 26. Then once a new cycle starts with Episode 27, the previous cycle's content changes to award Marks of Unity instead of MoV. That way MoV is only used for the newest vendor gear, and you can ONLY get MoV by playing content within the current three month cycle. All gear prices stay the same, therefore there would be no hyper-inflation of mark values like there was with Marks of Triumph.
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