Nature Change?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Oleandis, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    Before I put this- yes, my white mods are active.

    I know that there weren't any notes regarding a change to nature, but for some reason I had one heck of a time last night.

    I don't know if it was on the side of the tank, or my side, but I was running with an ice tank and he went from half life to dead while savage growth and metabolism were active and I was in the middle of casting bloom/blossom (whichever one has the long casting time that is a HoT- I always get the two names confused).

    It was really odd, and was happening all night. He was a CR 153 tank and I'm a 155 nature healer with 15,960 base resto and plenty of SP.

    Also- it seemed like the casting time for blossom/bloom and metabolism are longer.

    So- did anyone else that is a nature healer notice any difference since the update? It was happening in UMR, BN, BDR, and PBR- all content that I have NEVER had an issue in before.
  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    What were you running ? And what killed him ?

    If it was Phantom Zone I'm not surprised a 153 died.

    (I haven't noticed any differences)
  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Players usually die while the healer use 3 sec cast heals. All the heals nature have, and you use the power with a 3 sec cast
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    153 CR tank, depending on the content and the tanks skill alot could have impacted his survival.
  5. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    I had savage growth and metabolism already hitting their HoTs.. Yes- I use it because the last heal of the HoT is huge. If I ever run into a problem, you can jump clip out of the power and just don't get the last major heal.
  6. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    It happened in: UMR, BDR, BN, and PBR.... it was weird.

    I am going to try again tonight with a different tank to see if that was the issue- but just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else had noticed a change.
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  7. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    I'm still good with healing as nature.

    The dps however.......
  8. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    Thanks- maybe I was having an issue with lag or something- or the tank was doing something incorrect.
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Imo Bloom is the worse heal a nature player can use. I can see a sorcery player using because, but not nature
  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    if you were in the phantom zone/fortress chances are your heal may have missed. it seems to be a hazard of the uneven terrain and all those blocks in the narrow hallways. this sometimes happens on stairs and with things like stairrails in arkham asylum.

    bloom can be beneficial if you know how to use it. very situational power. harvest has become super popular because of its encasing effect but i find it to be a weak heal. useless in a boss fight.

    curious if you use swarm shield. the only change i've made in my loadout over the past few years is i swapped blossom out for swarm shield and it made a big enough difference that i kept it that way.
  11. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    I'm going to take a guess here and say that it was most likely the tank and not you. Good tanks are rarely found nowadays. Everytime I run content, I always either have to switch toons to my tank to get it done, or switch roles on my atomic, go tank and everything is fine. As of late I haven't met a single good tank that can actually get something done without me having to switch to either assist or take over.

    I'm sure your heals are fine, it's the lack of Knowlege of new players and the easily accessible high tiers.
  12. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

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  13. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    :rolleyes: Your guess would be wrong, I've known and run with the tank since the 1st year of the game, he knows what he's doing. It turns out he was somehow glitched for some unknown reason as he was also having trouble even going through portals to next zones through all of the raids we ran last night and couldn't even turn off the game without hard resetting his ps4, also none of his powers were pulling agro like they should have been especially on the 1st boss in UMR, once he re-logged everything was fine. The OP's heals were definitely off last night as well.
    No offense Ole but it wasn't just Devils tanking last night but your heals were also off a bit from your usual. :eek:
  14. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    I use: Savage Growth, Metabolism, Hive Mind, Blossom, Swarm Shield, Bloom. I know a lot of people don't like bloom, and I can see why- the casting time is horrendous. However, the ability to jump out of the casting is beneficial if you know how to use it. I've been using it so long that I have a pretty good grasp as to when I can cast it. I try to anticipate the boss "tells" and hit bloom so the last big heal comes immediately after or at the same time as the boss' big hit.

    When there are a lot of ads in the content, I will switch out Bloom and run Harvest instead. Not for the heal, but for the increased CC.
  15. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    I'm not blaming anyone in particular- I'm just saying that something was off. Hence why I opened this thread- to find out if any other nature healers were having issues since the update.

    I was doing nothing different last night than any other time we have run that content- yet I was watching Devil's health bar decrease in chunks anywhere from 25-50% at a time.

    There is something wrong when a CR 153 tank dies in BDR while a 155 healer with 16K Resto has Savage Growth and Metabolism active and I'm in the middle of casting bloom.
  16. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I would guess it was the tank or a line of sight issue. I haven't had a problem with healing on nature...but I will say sometimes objects that I would not guess are in the way are in fact in the way. Lower cr people also tend to die a bit fast in the new alert.
  17. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    P.S. Your emoji's are hysterical!

    I'm not trying to point fingers- heck, it could have been me for all I know. What I do know is that something was going on last night with my ability to keep Devil alive.
  18. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    If it was the new content I was referencing, I could see that (boy the halls are narrow), but I'm talking about the raids from Unholy Matrimony Regular thru PBR. It was happening across all raids, so it wasn't limited to just one specific instance.
  19. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    The rolls eyes emoji was for the guy I quoted who assumed the tank was a new player with no knowledge of the game :p
    The eek emoji was for you :eek: cause a bunch last night I was like 25% health and thinking "Hello Ole heal me pls!" Lol! :D

    Edit: Am I suppose to type in yellow now because I'm Hard Light again? Or Orange when I'm using my Atomic voice? :p
  20. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    If I had to guess- without exaggerating, I would say I had Metabolism, Savage Growth, Bloom, Hive Mind, Trinket, and Swarm Shield on cooldown ALL at the same time, 65% of the time.

    I was having to spam Blossom, which heals the most damaged person on the team and erases HoTs to keep Devil alive... which meant then I had to reapply the HoTs.. but they were on cooldown.

    And yes- you have to type in only Yellow when you are responding with your Hard Light toon and Orange when responding with you Atomic toon.