
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by protecter of tomorrow, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Just what the title STATES. Looking to get this UTILITY BELT PROBLEM SOLVED.

    BOTTOM LINE: I think we have BROUGHT it up TOO MANY times now so i thought it was time to get on the #SLOTS1234 bandwagon.

    We are getting TIRED of FALLING behind because instead of letting the PLAYERS use what ever TRINKETS or CONSUMABLES they WANT , WE keep getting these UTILITY BELTS that FORCE us to use what THEY want us to use. I'm SORRY but I REFUSE to use the CONSUMABLES as i ENJOY the TRINKETS BETTER.

    That being said , WHY should I be forced to use the LAST of the WILDCARD BELTS ( 100 cr ) because we can't get what ALOT of people have been ASKING for and FINALLY just give us BELTS with SLOTS 1, 2, 3 and 4 on it.

    P.S. This is not SHOUTING just EMPHASIS on a long time much NEEDED FIX.
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  2. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Yes, enough of this crap. Wildcard only, let the player decide what to carry.
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  3. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Stopped reading at the second improperly CAPITALIZED word
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  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Every time I read his posts I do it in professor Fink voice

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  5. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Forget the grammar police....

    This is a great topic, you got my vote!

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  6. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    The forced slots are BS.
    Chosing the utility belts that drop in the T7 duos and after attuning them finding out that they have a forced slot that I don't use is 100 times worse than not getting any reward at all, because it makes you expect something cool and then it crushes that expectation.
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  7. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I agree this should have been implemented, we pay rent on it so it should be used how we want it. We already have a consumable slot, why do we need 2? This reminds me of how we can't put out all of the amenities in our bases because u only allow us 6, yet most ppl bought them all and have to keep switching them out as needed.
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  8. Backseid Devoted Player

    Comments on extraordinarily odd writing style aside...

    This has indeed been brought up far too often to still be an issue. Mepps, I believe, somewhat recently commented on a post of mine concerning this very issue.

    "Detached from player reality" is the only term I can think of that properly describes the issue here. Especially after reading his response.

    It's another head scratching situation needlessly hanging about in this game. The pile of issues in this category has grown quite high in the last year +. Such simple issues. So needlessly plaguing our daily experience in this game. So very, very odd. VERY, very odd...

    I'm still wearing the CR belt btw...
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  9. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Not a big deal. I know this is a popular topic, but a popular overblown topic. Players do have several options of "forced" consumables. And why doesn't anybody complain about trinkets sharing timers? In those cases, players aren't "forced" to choose between trinkets that don't share timers?

    "forced" lol.
  10. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Coincidentally I was thinking about this yesterday and came here to start a thread like this.
    It's simply dumb. The company doesn't make more money and the players don't like it. It's a lose x lose scenario!
    Not mentioning the fact that I need to pay a rent in order to have full access to MY OWN utility belt.
    I'm like "Seriously? Batman does it? He can't open a slot from his belt so he throws out money and it simply opens up? That's not immersive at all".

    Utility belt was an awesome addition to the game, but paying a rent for it? I bought the DLC, I don't need to pay rent to use shield weapon or any DLC power. I understand base items, you pay for your energy and for the trinkets, but a belt that locks its own slots AND is picky to what you can put in each slot...honestly...do you really see it as a smart decision?
  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    Perfect comparison.

    It would be a different story if there was a good reason, or any reason for that matter. But saddly, there is not. Just another open issue blindly ignored as if it's "no big deal" or something.

    These every day annoyances are just as big a problem as any of the larger ones. More so, in fact, due to being so simply so easily "fixed".
  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    Responses like this, while somewhat common, are overly irritating. I get it makes you feel smart to point out the obvious, but people really can't stand that. I hope you don't do that a lot in real life. It puts you in a category of people others try and avoid.

    This is a big deal. It pisses of 99.9% of players for now damn reason. Many of us pay a lot of money to play this game. Things like this are near unacceptable.

    I know this will likely tic you off, buy maybe it will actually make you think before speaking.
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  13. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    I agree. All wildcard as standard. We pay rent on mainframe boosts, pay rent on utility belt slot unlocks, and access both features as additional add-ons, yet are subject to RNG's "Lel" for an all wildcard belt that actually lets us use the full range of items we're paying rent on. It's a bit nonsensical and impractical, though I do appreciate, to a point, what they were trying to do with it originally - at least what I surmise as the belts being designed in this way to make it clear that a full suite of mainframe trinks' were >not< required for play and that they were simply additional perks that you could enable if and when you did loot a belt with all wildcards, but then we shouldn't have been charged rent on it.

    Don't want people paying rent on the items, then keep the slots locked and pre-set to specific belts.
    Want people to keep paying rent, then best to just open up the slot variety across the board.

    As i'm back to playing at the premium level, i've gotten used to just having one basic role trinket slotted on the belt. I no longer bother with mainframe trinkets and only boost up tacmods. It's a pain in the butt otherwise, especially dealing with armory reconfigurations when you suddenly have to revert to a different belt loadout because slot types have changed.
  14. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Then they really screw it up and move the unwanted consumable slot from circle on the belt to the triangle on the belt...wtf if your gonna make me use it at least put it in the right spot. Consumables go on circle
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  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    They made them this way to give us another carrot to chase. They want all Wildcard belts to be rare. Problem is, they forgot to add any in what, the last year? Durrr...

    If they feel the need to play that game, at least remember to put a CR relevant belt into the game.
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  16. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I'll rephrase. I hope they get your 4 wild card spots.

    However, this is as much a non issue for me as it is for your 3 minutes of play time. I rather they finish mid range power pass, work on episodes, expand gear R&D, introduce older content into end game relevancy, water powers, Grodd in legends, bring back FNL and a few other things done before they get to this.

    I will stand by my thinking that "forced" has nothing to do with the current set up of the utility belts. Maybe it's just semantics, but IMO, it is far from an accurate description of the belt and for whatever reason the use of the word in this instance irks me. I am surprised you frown on my expression of that given that I have read many disgruntled and ranty posts from you that some would deem offensive. I personally have come to enjoy them honestly.

    And although I appreciate your psychology insight into my posts, it is unnecessary. I believe that is more for PMs or for you to simply ignore what I post. You are not being forced to read them.
  17. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    What would be nice if they made 2 u.belt
    1. For the ticket slot
    That gives 4 slots

    The other is for the cola slots.
    That gives 4 slots.
  18. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Not an accurate line of thinking, regardless. We have had folks like Crafty Crafter (not sure if they're still around) who have worked on items, correcting issues of all kinds in relation to them. Others work with combat mechanics, and so forth. Whoever it is that works on gear now would be able to implement any agreed upon changes in their own time. One person. Mind you, a lot of changes can be done by a single person. Somebody who illegally runs DCUO off a private server could make all sorts of tweaks to their own (again, illegal) version of the client. A change like this wouldn't take more than a few hours at most.

    Of course, another approach to reach the same goal is to allow players to craft their own belts, with the belts you get as loot having no slots at all, only stats, and the player would be responsible for putting together what slot combinations they are looking for. Adds a new element to crafting in DCUO, which is also something people have been wanting more of.
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  19. Backseid Devoted Player

    Love the inclusion of the term "forced" in that last sentence. Bravo! :D

    I know I come off really harsh at times. I am currently trying to be more mindful of that (and have been thinking of this specific post actually). So, I apologize.

    On topic, all those issues you listed are actual problems and or situations that require time n effort. This, however, does not. All that needs to happen is change all future belts to be wide open.

    No one, not one single person, likes the consumable slot. If, and that's a big IF, there is a few people that use a secondary soder, they can still do so on an all Wildcard belt.

    The big problem here is this is am everyday issue we all deal with for absolutely no reason. It's an issue that can so easily NOT EXIST that it makes it all the more infuriating.

    Consumable slot belts shouldn't require rent if they feel the need to keep them in game. Flat out no question.
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  20. Backseid Devoted Player

    I get where you're going with the crafting thing, but, not one single person would craft anything BUT 4 Wildcard belts. There would be no reason.

    That would just be another overly complicated system to achive too simple a task ;)
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