What happened to achieve feats only for the glory of it?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helderman, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Helderman Dedicated Player

    Or it never was and i am deluded?
  2. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Not sure what your point or question is. Getting feats can be very subjective. Some want Sp, some want challenges, some like to farm, some wait till the feat becomes trivial and easy just to say they got it.
  3. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    When the feats were a challenge and it yielded game-changing skillpoints, that was a thing, but personally, i open the feat list and see this:

    • Repeat this boring duo a painful amount of times.
    • Do this repetitive task a repetitive amount of times.
    • Play with legends a bazillion times in this place you've done a bazillion times.(Also available for legends you don't have/like)
    • Achieve this style, which is either random or with marks...oh btw, relevancy restricts marks lol!
    • Do this other feat that requires 8 guys that needs it and also the 8 of them not dying (This ones are fun, but painful).
    • Go to pvp areas no one runs anymore, and do stuff...btw pvp queues may take an eternity and pvp is broken.
    And add to that the fact that skillpoints now have as much influece as the iconic powers for dps...it just make's it not worth the "effort"(a.k.a boredom) for some of us.

    EDIT: And this coming from a guy that can replay MGS missions a bazillion times to get the S rank :/
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  4. kawe Loyal Player

    I took pride and fun I hunting feats like a year ago.
    Not so much anymore nowadays. :/
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  5. Tannen Committed Player

    Most people do things for reward, not glory. Many no longer feel that SP is a reward. So why bother with feats?

    Im always working towards some feat or another, because i just like seeing that feat list green, but i get why thats not enough for everyone
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  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    And the fact Earning Feats for SP really isn't rewarding that much for the grind to be worth it.
    But I'm not about to open up another thread about buffing SP's if someone else wants to, be my guess.
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  7. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Skill points aren't worth it if you have people running around at 145 or 146 cr with less then 50 sp .
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  8. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i do it cause i can or if i want to, now i get to chose if i want to or not. #Options
  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    Some suggestions for future feats:
    • Speed feats(Yeah I know it encourages DPS BUUURN! But really it should be impossibly hard to pull off at level without someone getting KOed at least once especially since rushing through to get it should require a great amount of risk and the taking of chances.)
    • Survivor feats(Get your whole group through without anyone getting KOed. This should be designed for those who take caution, move slowly and generally exercise caution where those going for the speed feat are encouraged to be reckless.) This would be the companion feat to the speed feats and the one that requires the slow and cautious approach to get.
    • Combo feats: Requires that you get both the speed and survivor feat.
    • Ambush Bug(Why no new ambush bug scavenger hunt feats? Does it cost too much for the voice actor to rattle off a joke for every level?) If not ambush bug have some kind of Easter egg related feat for every level...
    • Clearance feats: Feats for killing absolutely everything in the level.
    • Pacifist feats: Feats for figuring out how to clear the level without killing a single thing.
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  10. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I farm feats for SP, but with GU47 and its effects on SP it's not as fun as it used to be. Feats were put in place to build SP and they were supposed to be as important as CR, but the Devs went back on all of that to help noobs and casuals feel better about themselves. It's an MMORPG, we're supposed to grind to improve, but people can log in once a week and get lucky enough with their drops and can outperform those that have played daily for years seems really messed up.
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  11. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Hahaha i've done this for fun...and also because it resembles metal gear gameplay (kill nothing but bosses), it's not always (almost never) possible, but it is really fun to do and you find yourself looking at the scenario and noticing details that otherwise you would have missed while running by. :D
  12. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    What happened to we want elite raids for the challenge? Ohhhh right, elite gear. What happened to movement mode promises? What happened to the ui? What happened to precision powers? What happened to make people who subscribe pay to unlock the content they subscribe to play? What happened to make SP pointless? WHAT HAPPENED?
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  13. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i happen :p
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  14. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    I still like to earn skill points!
    Still chasing and always try to improve!
    Even though developers decreased the amount at stake, and not doing anything to change it, the pleasure of conquest is still the same!
    Outside there is always the internal competition in our league! And I'm still far from achieving the leaders!:p
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  15. Minnion Devoted Player

    The people in charge of the spending budget thought it wouldn't make them money, or they thought it would... (Sadly the people in charge of the budget probably don't understand a thing about game design, and the people who do have to ultimately obey the boss while hoping that their efforts are enough to keep their Job and the game afloat... )
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  16. RachelBurns Active Player

    The vast majority of feats are designed for elitists like Rory who have far too much time on their hands, and only walk ins for everything will change this.
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  17. kyrieirving Active Player

    Feats give me something to do when im bored lol at least in the early tiers
  18. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    They never happened? o_O The first pure "glory" feat started was with the Energy Armor (Elite) style (then later Survival Mode feats and soon another Elite style feat). Up until those mentioned feats all feats had an award of at least 10 feat points (1 star).
  19. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Most of my 219 SP were earned when the content was valid, such as the FoS2 Speed Feat when T3 was top tier. I'm far from being elitist, since I'm willing to help others in the game without carrying them.
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  20. RachelBurns Active Player

    That's great but the devs clearly didn't go back to help "noobs and casuals" since the vast majority of feats are grinding or alert/raid based.
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