Super powerful geared players causing issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SHEPHERD, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I can see that, but If that's the case, then it wasn't a direct response to what I said.
  2. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    But they did. They restricted Relevancy to stop Blasty McKillemall from entering those instances to spoil your fun.

    Then people complained that lower content queues wouldn't pop. So we got exobits, victory tokens etc. In an effort to draw players back to lower tier content.

    And now.. we're at that point where Blasty McKillemall is back to doing those instances again.

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  3. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

  4. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    Stat-clamping will only drive more geared players out of old content, devs know this and probably why it's never really been discussed much less implemented, ability to solo que will do essentially the same thing which is also likely why This hasn't been discussed in years.

    In other words, the population is Far too low to put either of these things in without making lower content a freakin ghost town, even more so than it already is.
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  5. krytine Loyal Player

    Yeah that's 2hqt I am saying so you got that good
  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    They tried to balance it a bit with stat flattening, but the community threw a hissy-fit when they found out they couldn't solo raids (which are intended to be 8 man content for the record) anymore.
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  7. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    So I made a new character, no big shock there.
    It was level 11 ... I think.
    So someone was calling for people to run the first Alert - Area 51. I /shout'ed out and queued up.

    And the Alert started pretty quick. The person that had asked for people to queue in wasn't in the Alert.

    It was my character, a level 12, a level 13, and a CR 115 or so.

    Yeah, you know what happened.
    The new characters didn't get to do hardly anything.
    The level 115 steamrolled it.

    I'm sure that the level 115 thought that they were pretty cool - doing everything and one- or two- shotting the bosses .. .sure seemed like that as they went down so fast.

    There is no reason for a level 115 being in a level 10 Area 51 Alert. None.
    They should have done whatever they needed to do in there long before.

    I have heard for years - High CR players complaining that new players don't know how to use their powers.
    Guess what? They can't learn to use their powers if a super-duper steamrolls the content.

    And that is not the fault of the players playing low level character not leaving the Alert once they see that there is a CR 115 is destroying the content.
    Who knows how many of those players playing low level characters are in the Alert for the first time and have no idea what is going on.

    The Fault is on the DEVs for not restricting high CR characters from low level Alerts.
    CR 50 was bad enough; allowing CR 115s in the level 10 Area 51 Alert is bad game development.
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  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Fair points.

    I do have to wonder why Blasty McKillemall didn't just do a walk-in if they're able to wreak havoc in the duo like that. There are walk-in portals for all the Gotham Wasteland duos, after all.
  9. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Laziness prob. I can understand places where there's no walkin tho.
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  10. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I am one that understands the need for clamping but also understand the argument against it. It's nice to be more powerful than ugly demon dude and to slap him around and get back at him for all the hours he made me struggle at tier!!!

    So I dunno. I will propose my idea again. Memory lane instance. One stat clamped instance rotated around like LPvE that gives end game rewards.
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I can understand it to an extent as well on "no walk-in" instances. But the CR differential makes such a difference these days that it's tough for me to excuse higher CR players doing that, in part because of how I play.

    I've got a ton of group content on all my characters left undone right now because I've concentrated more on solo content (for a variety of reasons). Personally I'll only run that older content on higher CR characters if it has a walk-in portal because I don't want to run the slightest risk of spoiling someone else's experience by demolishing the content. I just don't want to be "that guy."
  12. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I tend to do this when I want to run older content (usually just for fun). I decided to jump in the OA since cells alert last night. I threw on both the joker back and the flash feet (item lvl 1 i think) grabbed a t2 weapon and took my chest and legs off to drop my cr to 85. When I Qued in there was a 141 and I was like "he's going to one shot everything" but pleasantly he just stood in the middle of the room and threw mostly range it was a pleasant quick but not too quick run
  13. Senko Committed Player

    I repeat you clamp my stat's I cancel my subscription and walk, I've done it with other games.

    I'd be happy with a base telepeorter for solo entrance to older content because it would let me get feats/styles at my own pace without ruining someone else's fun. As for the argument it'd prevent higher CR players doing older content resulting in longer ques frankly the constant complaints have made me stop running it anyway unless it's someone I know and I know whether they want me to killemall so they can gear up an alt faster or to restrict myself to basic attacks with no pet so they can enjoy themselves. I saw someone begging for an extra on a T4 op last night and when in the past I'd have helped them run it now well all I could be bothered doing was joining the group only long enough to ques them in then leaving because I didn't know them and didn't
    Want to deal with if, don't know if they completed it but they had a 115 with them so probably and This is on older content I still have styles/feats to get.
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Everyone rushes to endgame so they can go back and 1 shot everything in older content. It's an endless cycle and stat flattening is apparently not the answer, neither is walkin teleporters according to the devs.

    It's a big problem hurting new players coming to the game, much more hurtful than the tutorial, and it's bad because now new players are used to high level players helping then all the way to endgame
  15. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I run low end content weekly just to get that ONE stupid piece to drop to complete a couple style feats. I've had times where I'm in a rush and just need to get in/out so I slaughter stuff up at a faster pace but never run ahead of the group.. I like to make sure they're not wiping and feats are popping up for them. If I'm not in a rush, I switch to heal/troll and just stay behind them a bit making sure they have health/power to get thru it in their own pace. I hate when u have those few 130+ ppl run through to boss fight and don't even wait for the group to get a chance to get in the door.. it's just plain rude.

    I've had scarecrow glitch on me b4 (glad they fixed it) so I don't even use powers in there, just my basic weapon minus mastery.

    It's really just common courtesy to not ruin the experience for someone else. Don't be a ******, it's that simple! :)
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  16. TroEL Dedicated Player

    This is a non-issue, stop it. Next time walk out and let him/her solo it.
  17. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I see no issues with this. If my CR exceeds the requirement I don't feel as if I should be punished for it. I love blasting through irrelevant content just because I can.
  18. SHEPHERD Active Player

    Sorry, no. Not only isn't that a real solution, but it does absolutely noting for much of the early content, where players are still figuring out grouping mechanics, let alone touching on group cooperative/role mechanics as well as mission mechanics. Having them resort to quitting, penalizing their play experience, when the turbo player shouldn't even be in there, is the problem.

    Having anybody solo queue into missions so they can steamroll might be fine too, but it's also basically saying the game isn't intended to be an MMO. I think the better method to that is having a turbo player have to make a pre-made group of other turbo players and then enter the queue or walk-in. Only when the entire group is full of turbos, will it remove any limiters (clamping/caps/de-turbo'ing) on those players so they can faceroll it.

    The only other suggestion there could be is to allow a level sync option of some kind, that brings those players down to scale for the content, for the duration of the mission, but also provides them with adequate rewards for doing so. DGC would have to figure out what that could be.

    As for SP gains not being meddled with, that's a problem too, because there are enough innates available to boost your stats considerably. Some gains being allowed would be okay, but nothing extreme - at least as far as precision/might are concerned. Critical chance and mag are slower to build momentum with alone, so not having those messed with sounds a'ight.

    Really, the biggest highlighted issue is things dying way too fast. Sure there are other issues that would be related to having ten thousand resto/vit/dom/etc etc, but you don't see enough support roles in the queues to make that issue truly significant. For example, while a turbo healer is basically god mode for all the newbies and at-levels in the group, it still gives them plenty of time to learn the mechanics of the mission and contribute to the completion. Nothing ends up dying super fast, so you can work on other tactics like debuffing, CC, isolating fewer enemies for a more concentrated burn, tactical positioning, and so on. Less is lost in translation simply because the mission can't be fast-forward to the end.

    There could still be an issue with not touching support role stats though, and that could be the turbo support role player demanding that everybody else in the group go dps, so turbo can get out of the mission faster. That's not something alien to this game's community. It's happened plenty of times where the stronger healer or controller tells the other healer/troller to go dps, because they can solo it.
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  19. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    The Quickster<---------------------------------------- WHAT HE SAID [{( SEVERE SARCASM ALERT PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE NEXT SENTANCE AT ALL SERIOUSLY!!!!!)}] "Oh no a highly overpowered player entered a lower level mission and destroyed everything.. STAT CLAMPING must be instituted immediately or the world will end" {Sacrasm Alert over}

    We here at DCUO are so sorry that Blasty McKillemall ruined your gaming experience and cost you precious marks and rewards. Wait you got your marks and rewards? Oh then with all those sub bosses and add running about you were killed ad didn't get a chance to even participate a little? NO? Then what is YOUR problem? My GUESS would be that duo was over in no time because all of the adds and the other Sub boss died rather quickly as well so in a VERY short period of time you had everything that mission had to offer and could have read a book while it was being done.

    Did Blasty McKillemall rush ahead aggroing tons of adds that you were forced to battle through? No ? I didn't think so cause the mission you are talking about doesn't have a lot of mobs to wade through before you get to the point you spoke of and you CANT spawn Doc Lite until the adds are all dead.

    A little earlier I qued up my LEVEL 29 Atomic and joined an AREA 51 alert. My Team mates were levels 9, 11 and 11 and you know what? I didn't hear one complaint about me taking out adds with weapon fire or helping kill the sub bosses with a few well places attacks. Yeah not a single soul seemed upset that we were well under the 20 minute mark when the last boss died and they all got the speed feat along with their normal rewards.

    Do I sound a little unsympathetic? YEAH your right I am. On these same forums we have seen posts where players were crying because after lower level content was deemed "irrelevant" and before they finally decided to at least let higher CR players get an alternate reward box it was getting hard to fill lower tier alerts and raids. While we are touching on THAT subject.. You got 2 marks along with an armor drop and whatever else the game decided to give you. Blasty got 1 alt. reward box and some useless armor as his total reward for killing all that stuff for you and that may have turned into an exobit cluster. WOW ! If he was a CR 140+ player all he needs is 20 more of those along with a focusing element, complex and simple materials, etc and he can craft one whole VII mod.

    Now I will admit that Blasty got a bit carried away destroying the PRIZE and should have known better but sounds like everything worked out perfectly fine. I've put 11 alts through those duos and had some team mates that at CR 97 I had to CARRY because they were totally useless.. When I found myself teamed with a higher CR toon (which was NOT that often) I could relax knowing I didn't have to work my BUTT off to get those two marks.

    By the way I love how this all turns around at the other end.. Can I have your character's name? So when you get to CR 113 and want my CR 140+ DPS to carry your useless butt through the Flash Museum I can not only say no and leave but put you on ignore. It amazes me that low levels whine about being helped at T4 but turn right around and beg to be carried at T7.

    I am not sure why Blasty McKillemall was down there doing that DUO.. chances are to finish up a feat. I have a CR 130 DPS/Tank that is still doing daily missions at ACE Chemical and Strykers because I need one more of the 10 daily missions availble at both to complete those feats. Same character is still doing dailies and duos in the Wasteland because I need to defeat Jack, Julius or James 8 more times before I have THAT feat. And to answer your NEXT question.. No my name is not Blasty McKillemall I have been busy leveling my Atomic since Wednesday when they came out and my 130 CR hasn't done anything but the Daily mission in New Genesis and the Zamaron DUO all week.
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  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I've been practising Tanking as I'm really enjoying Atomic. I've been playing in T5 Content, too.

    Today I went into Brothers in Arms with a group of players. 1 player was CR142. BIA is the operation where one of the 5 marks comes from a bounty. If you don't kill the bounty, then you don't get a Mark.

    I said to the group "come to the bounty". The 142 ignored me and the other 2 players followed him. I'd just finished soloing T6 Superman bounty before this instance popped so I figured, what the hell, I'll do it by myself and maybe they'll come back after fighting Lex.

    They didn't. Instead, they went inside to fight Lex and Superman, then they went to Krypton, then they beat Jor-El whilst I had Kilowog down to about 10%.

    So I lost out on 3 drops and 4 Marks, because of this high CR **** with a superiority complex.

    Stat clamping needs to be enforced on ALL queued content, ASAP. High CR players are killing the enjoyment for low CR players and preventing them from learning how to play the content and master their roles.
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