Free Our Slots! (Pretty Please? With Sugar On Top?)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Jenni, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    You're asking for something to be free that has never been free.

    Let's say you even did get what you want. What's next "free our mainframes? "
  2. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    If you had to pay to use the pockets in your jeans all your life, you wouldn't ask for them to be free, simply because they never had been before?
  3. tukuan Devoted Player

    Ideally yes I'd like the slots to be a one time unlock. However in lieu of that I'd take a change such that if you unlocked the 3rd or 4th slot on any toon, you'd in turn unlock for all other toons on that account. At the very least half the cost if you have it unlocked on another character.

    That same goes for the base boosts.
  4. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Unfortunately I started to use the utility belt 98! With one trinket with the current cr not download my cr!
    I refuse to follow this dictatorship of "consumável"!
    In addition to paying score the other slots, we still have a totally useless and mandatory with consumable we do not use for anything!
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Stop comparing a virtual item to a real world object.

    This game is all virtual if they wanted to charge you for going to your base each time and using a door that's their perogative not yours.

    Even if you want to keep using your analogy think of it this way.. What you have is a belt with two pouches if you so choose you can buy a clip on extension that will last 60 days before it breaks cause that's just how long they last with all the wear and tear from fighting bad guys.

    It's your choice either buy the clip on or don't, but stop expecting it for free especially when it's not even expensive in the first place.

    I eagerly await whatever imaginative counter argument you now have.

    At the end of the day all you're really interested in is getting something for nothing. I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted it rather than coming up with irrelevant analogies in an effort to further your agenda.
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  6. seek76 Committed Player

    Utility belt costs 5 dollars, or a minimum of $10 sub price to have in the first place. It drops with and can be bought with all 4 slots on the belt. You have paid real money for it, plus game time to earn one. I don't think that qualifies as wanting something for nothing. People use the something for nothing argument to much here on the forums, I would have more respect if people would quit doing that.

    On a side note 10 marks is not that bad. What if it was the cost of a trinket, since that is what most people use the extra slots for.
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    You've bought access you haven't bought four slots by right.

    Your argument is not valid.
  8. seek76 Committed Player

    Ok proxy. I bought access to a belt that has 4 slots, but I can't use the four slots. That makes sense.
  9. djcrossfade Committed Player

    as i have a subscription my self to this game i to feel that it needs to be free and open to what every we want
  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    you guys act like the utility slots are expensive.

    They are dirt cheap and last for 60 days....

    come on now
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    what part of it are you failing to understand, you bought access to be able to "use the utility belt feature in the game".

    The utility belt feature in the game is a belt that has 2 free slots and 2 slots purchased with marks.

    what is so hard to understand here, it's like trying to explain 1+1=2 but people still not getting it...
  12. seek76 Committed Player

    !0 marks isn't a thing I normally concern myself with. They are easy enough to get. This could be something the devs could do to show some good will. If they still see a need for some type of mark sink they can add 3 to each 3rd tier mainframe boost thus equaling out the opening of the utility slots.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Why move the sink somewhere else when that makes zero difference... This change isn't needed period; people should just know when an idea is not really a good idea, people just bandwagon this particular one because they see it as a potentially easy win.

    What exactly do the devs need to show good will for?
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  14. seek76 Committed Player

    Are you serious with this sh... Just quit. The difference it makes is it frees up the utility belt. Psychological at best, but it would stop the cries for free our slots. Mainframe is not going to be changed so why not add the marks there if a sink is still required.

    Gear behind a paywall
    every update since 36
    relevancy bands
    powers not balanced
    having you as a well known member ( I kid no really I mean it)
    • Like x 1
  15. Dibrie Committed Player

    Dev's Make it So.....*snaps fingers*
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    So just because people cry, they should just give in and give people what they want. "it would stop the cries".

    people crying for free slots are irrational.

    Pay your marks get your extra slots it's that simple. 1 alert once a month.

  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's been no indication of the chance of utility belts being changed, either. The devs have figured out the costs and know there's more than enough Marks to make the payments, plus people keep paying for the slots. There really isn't an indication for a change being needed, and I'd rather have the devs working on things the game needs personally.
  18. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    I don't mind that we have to pay to open slots, HELL I WILL PAY FOR OPENING ALL SLOTS IF THE DEVS WOULD JUST CHANGE THEM TO SLOT 1, 2 , 3, and 4 . LET US USE WHAT WE WANT.


    BATMAN doesn't get FORCED to use what he doesn't need WHY SHOULD I ?
  19. seek76 Committed Player

    Seemed to work for UM did it not. Giving people who pay for your product what they want is such a foreign concept around here. I get it though, it's not a big deal to you, so why not move on, like I am doing after this comment. Opinions have been voiced good day proxy.
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  20. seek76 Committed Player

    Has anybody ever considered, the more small problems you let go, because of reasons, just start to add up over the years of a game. You are right though, best to let them figure out how to take more money.
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