Catering to Casual Crowd Hurting the Game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ichiro, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Both ways of being unmodded. Aggro isn't based on dom. So you wouldn't have an issue with that. Being unmodded however. Even if you don't notice you're a little squishy. Your healer will. Especially on Stompa, Shina, Lashing Claw, (I've even seen Lady Al Ghoul wipe unmodded tanks)
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    It was not just "BUT BUT HE SAID".
    you make it sound as if I had said that a Bum on the street had sais that OC did hurt the game.

    It was the Creative Director himself who went on stage at SOE LIVE and admitted that they made a mistake with OC.

    They could have been in denial like you and come up with a ton of other excuses.

    They could have blamed the weather.
    They could have blamed the summer vacations.
    They could have told us that OC was a success since Zneek loved it so much.

    But they did not.

    Spytle went on stage and admitted that they made a mistake instead of wearing blinders and trying to convince us that OC was a success.

    You got to respect Spytle for that.... and that has to count for something.

    But then again..... you want to ignore what Spytle said..... and you want to ignore the numbers...... because YOU love OC.

    Fine...... be in denial and ignore all that.

    But some of us have seen first hand what OC did to the player base.

    My friend list melted away.

    I had a friend list a mile long that I had been building since I started playing this game.
    And pretty quick.... that friend list melted away.

    They left never to return.

    I tried to tell at least some of them with whom I kept in touch how the Devs admitted their mistake and would correct them mistakes in upcoming DLCs..... but it was too late...... the harm was done.

    Not a single one returned.

    And those people you mentioned who were crying NERF???

    NOT THE SAME PEOPLE then those who left.

    People who left the game just did that..... they left.

    they did not stay around to cry NERF.

    But seeing your posts... you LOVE OC aand will defend it tooth and mail even if the evidence does point out to how much it DID hurt the game.

    And seeing your reply..... you will also be a bit of a D Bag about it.

    So keep on defending it despite all the evidence that OC was a mistake.
    Despite the numbers showing how people gave up on the game with OC.
    Despite the Devs admitting that OC WAS a mistake.

    Keep on thinking it did not hurt the game just because YOU LOVE it. :rolleyes:
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  3. Ichiro Loyal Player

    True it is my reason for playing. I don't profess to know anymore than my reasons. However it is also the basis of design of all MMO's including this one. It is why we get new gear, new styles, new feats with each and every episode. It is why you want to get the new vendor gear, the 120 gear, the 123 elite gear, the new styles, the affinity bonuses, the feats. All of these thing progress and improve your character. If these things were not important to the masses we would still be playing the same characters we were at level 30. The reasons I have stated for playing are neither singular nor are they in the minority.

    When you diminish and devalue the progress of routine players as is the case with mods, skill points, etc then you diminish and devalue the player that achieves those accomplishments. Why would a player play more if they can't earn more than the player that plays less.
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  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Your arrogance, ignorance and the fact that you keep mentioning the same thing over and over just proves the point i am making.
    The fact that you're calling me a D Bag because I got something to say about your posts just makes it funny.

    What happened to everything else I said in my post? What's your stance on the endless cry-nerfs on the forums as soon as content gets slightly challenging for people? When you ask yourself these questions, it's not hard to put the pieces together and understand WHY anyone, no matter what position would say that "OC was a mistake". All you do is denying everything I'm saying, when so many more knows exactly how so many reacted on this DLC, and have done to several other DLC's since then. The nerf-threads back then were everywhere, while the population was also, everywhere. Isn't that a funny coincidence? :rolleyes:

    Let me give you the keywords here, my fellow blinded forumite... BALANCED DIFFICULTY in content. That's the keywords here. If OC was such a mistake and the current content still drives people away (but we want to blame GU47 mainly to keep avoiding this subject about content), where do you think the issue lies? What is the solution? BALANCED DIFFICULTY.

    If you still want to tell me how wrong I am up there from your imaginary high horse, then please catch up on the current Bombshell Paradox Last Boss-nerf threads, just to name the recent content nerf

    Also, a very funny thing to counter your "list" up there... My friendslist expanded frequently during the Origin Crisis-era, I pugged a lot, met a whole lot of good players, started bonding, ended up in one of the best leagues I ever been in that I also stayed ín for the longest. By the time we hit T6 with Amazon Fury Pt 1, that league was deserted and almost all my old friends was gone.

    My friendslist and leagues I've been in since have kept shrinking and leaving as "all the dlc's much better and less failure than OC" kept coming. You can tell stories to back up your theory, so can I. So can plenty more...
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  5. Sbel Devoted Player

    No. That's not obvious at all. You are claiming that the population numbers were fine during OC, and the devs decided to radically change their whole approach because of a few complaints? I'm sorry, but I have to give the devs more credit than that. I'm sure that they decided there was a problem because a large number of players were quitting, not because the numbers were fine. I'm sure Spytle has actual numbers to back him up when he says that OC hurt the game.
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  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I am claiming that the population numbers weren't as bad as people make it up to be. I pugged huge amounts of that DLC, on PC, without having any issue trying to find a group. Groups forming for those raids were everywhere.

    I never said that the complaints were few, either. If you read more and lessen the grip of your ignorance-shield, you will see how I mentioned the tons of nerf-threads during that time, more than once. Anyone who were around at those times could see those threads.

    The whole point so many miss or intentionally tries to ignore, is the fact that this was the start of a trend that never did us any good, which we can see at current content - the constant asks for nerfs instead of trying to learn and beat the content.

    People left then because it was too hard for them, people kept leaving after DLC's following OC because the content was too easy. How does the population look right now compared to around the OC-days? I can honestly say that I had atleast 10 times easier to make and find groups back then, where the population "supposedly" was so destroyed by the horribleness that was OC, a DLC that PLENTY of people still calls "one of the best DLC's DCUO ever had". There's some irony for you, right there.
  7. E Clip Dedicated Player

    There is a very small, something like, 5 questions survey after canceling your subscription, I filled in mine a few weeks ago.
  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That's silly, though. Why only worry about the people who subscribed? Wouldn't it be more useful to get a sample of why people chose to quit instead of subscribing or instead of buying episodes/powers/etc.?
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  9. E Clip Dedicated Player

    When Pro7 was the publisher in EU, they were asking us to fill in surveys every few months, everytime a new survey was up they would put a link in the launcher. Since we moved to Soe/Daybreak I've never filled in a survey. I think what Pro7 was doing was better, they were constantly asking us for feedback and it wasnt limited only to subscribers. Now they seem to care only about the opinion of those who cancel their subs ...
  10. Multiverse Creator League

    You're wasting your time.

    The numbers don't mean anything to him.

    And what Spytle sais don't mean anything to him.

    The only evidence he has is that he likes OC.

    Don't waste your time with him.
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  11. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Casual bring in the moooneeeyyyy.
  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    I don't know what the population numbers were, but I bet they were a lot worse than you think. They would have to be pretty bad for a company to react like that.

    Yes, I'm sure groups were very easy to find. For people like you, who already had a bunch of expert modded raid gear. For people like me, who got to the dlc a bit late... It was hard to get alert groups without raid gear.

    It's a pity you always throw personal insults into every discussion.
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  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I had the same experience you did. My friends did, too. We could not join groups for the 4-man operations because we were not wearing blue/purple gear already. The 81-83 gear should have been enough, but 2-3 weeks after the DLC was released, everyone already expected people to be CR 100+ even for the operations.

    Sadly, me and my friends were not all on at the same times, so the most we could put together were 2 of us at a time; kicking ran rampant with the Origin Crisis DLC.
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  14. E Clip Dedicated Player

    The argument that some of you support: hard difficulty = people leaving, is inherently flawed because if that was the only reason people left, then the consequent DLC which were very easy, should have brought at least some chunk of them back. But it didnt, in fact people kept leaving as the difficulty kept decreasing. I think you need to take a closer look at the numbers and find the relation between them and your statements. Or you can you know, keep turning a blind eye and accuse people of being unreasonable.
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Many who say that OC caused people to leave are not saying it was due to the difficulty. You might want to re-read the posts to see what correlations we've made in regard to OC.

    I actually think the developers made a mistake in making OC easier instead of fixing the real issues with the DLC.
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  16. ermike Committed Player

    As I told remander.. the harsh reality is the players who left during OC were the transient casuals who were always going to leave. Them leaving meant nothing. The devs saw the numbers of people replaying and panicked but they shouldn't have. It was a necessary evil. Those players were not dedicated to the game and we're probably not around during inner and FOS2 days. The devs should have just kept going with their vision. Nexus became very easy and dox was there for the big dogs. Instead the devs panicked created Sons of trigon which literally handed out gear and now we are in this mess where all the experienced players are leaving, the casuals always leave and we are left with the people too stubborn to leave. This game lost direction because the devs caved and began giving handouts and making easy, replay able content. They made a mistake that they have now tried to fix with "elite" modes that unfortunately do not have the player base left to complete. So even elite modes are simple.
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  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Were you around when OC released? want to run Paradox Wave? Well, sorry can't until you've run Paradox wave. We can't be carrying under-geared nubs through who don't know the mechanics.

    Wait..."mechanics"? Sorry, I meant invisible one-shots.

    And by "carry" I mean glitch our way through.

    Not to mention the migraine / nausea inducing tunnels.
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  18. ermike Committed Player

    This.. problem was the loot.. first 3 bosses dropped trash.. only last boss mattered and most the gear was locked behind paradox odyssey feat. Gear was way too rare for that work and the first bosses meant nothing
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  19. lukelucky Devoted Player

    2nd fav dlc minus gear issues. raids wise OC was super
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  20. ermike Committed Player

    I was and my league had no issues with nexus.. dox could be a pain but we would get eventually.. maybe not every time which is good.. why should people get carried.. they had alerts to help gear up 1st. The raids were for those geared and ready for a struggle. Look at the population now compared to after OC.. u probably have 30% left... and all the content except throne elite has been a joke