Catering to Casual Crowd Hurting the Game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ichiro, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Backseid Devoted Player

    Slow down a little. You made some mistakes in your response that don't read the way you think they do.

    I never said anything about Dom. Also, I don't see why you would think I was offended. What an odd thing to say.

    Nothing about mods affect aggro. A CR 1 Tank will get as much aggro as a CR 131 btw.

    So, I believe my original response is holding quite true.

    Your posts don't mean what you think they mean. Lol
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  2. E Clip Dedicated Player

    OC might have driven some of the casuals away but it drove many old vets away because of broken loot tables. And the biggest drop according to those sales is right after WotL1 and AF1, so lets all stop pretending that hard content drove people away because those 2 DLC's brought us the easiest content, the most boring one as well as GU36 with all its glory. Seems like some of you even with the numbers in front of you are still in denial as to what caused the demise of this game.
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  3. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Where did I say anything about Tank dominance? Also i called out Dpse,healer and troll that are under performing as well but u took the easy rout and ask me about tanks.

    If a tank is unmodded and can't out live a dps, can't pull adds, and can't hold aggro then there a problem. You can try to make excusses for it but I'm not.
    If majority of the unmodded players with lil sp is underperforming I'm not going to make excuses for them.

    But I have a question for you. Where did I say Dom affected aggro? Seriously I love to know.

    2nd didn't I mention unmodded healers, trolls and dps are underperforming as well?

    3rd did you just want to talk about the Dom part just to get likes even tho I did't mention about Dom?

    You can say sp and mods don't matter. But the majority of these player that are doing exactly that is under performing, so lets not look the other way.

    If your offended then that's on you
  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Yea my bad. I'm alil passionate today. I have to beg the differ. I've seen 125's out perform 131 players. To be honest I've seen a 131 unmodded tank that could not hold his own in NGN.

    I've seen 127 dps get out Dps by support roles. I've seen Healers that have sexy stats but can't heal when it time to actually heal( it like quantum fake trolling having more power out than the troll but not giving other players power).

    Me personally when ppl say unmodded players with low sp can hold there own is a bunch of bs cause what I'm experiencing is quite different than what you guys are posting.

    I'm not saying your lying, I've just haven't seen it yet
  5. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Yes and no...I was at work so I had to make my post short as break was soon up. I was alluding to how DOM actually affects a tank.

    Fire - Dom affects how much of a health buff/(not sure but I think how big HOT) you get
    Ice - Your shields will be stronger
    Earth - Not sure, but doesn't DOM stack to your defense ?
    Rage - No clue how DOM affects rage

    As soon as you pop a power as a tank you get aggro. BUT being able to survive the onslaught is a completely different scenario. Mods and SP go a long way as far as strengthening your shields, buffing your health, etc.
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It is likely that all of the above may have resulted in a decline in population; changes in difficulty causing exclusion from content, changes in difficulty the other way causing elite players to lose interest, drastic changes in mechanics causing many to question the direction of the game, etc.. The game is still running, so demise is a bit strong of a word. I do not discount you saying people have left due to different reasons, but I have no idea if the game is on its way to failure yet.
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  7. ermike Committed Player

    The players that left were always gonna leave. They were the players who complained that missing WEEKLY raids was not fair to them because of work/life. I call them transient players. They come and they go. You cannot worry about them as bad as that sounds. They will always chase the new thing and leave, some will come back some wont. However, your skilled veteran player base is going nowhere. None of the leagues or players I knew quit the game then. Now did SOE take a financial hit, yes they did, but it was a hit they were always going to take. Lets look at today. The last 3 dlc's have been catered to more of the casual crowd and even the elite stuff isnt too difficult. And numbers are dwindling and you are seeing more and more failed runs despite the few quality leagues left embarrassing the content. Why? Because now, DCUO is losing their diehards, the skilled, the vets, the power tinkerers, the min/max players. THIS IS BAD. These players create guides and videos and carry pugs and spent A TON of money. DCUO lost the PVP players with the changes they made and now they are losing the PVE players. What is left is players who are "in it for the long haul good or bad" and transient players who are always going to leave again. If the devs would have seen the drop that OC created and understood it was a necessary evil, we would have a better game today.
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  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    All the same, it is a little easier now to survive the onslaught through blocking than it was prior to update 47. It does require the rest of the group to help the tank more, though. It also requires the tank to know when blocking is sufficient, when range tanking might be more beneficial, or when other tactics may be necessary depending on boss mechanics.
  9. Rekn Well-Known Player

    I dunno man. I think your point is way off the bullseye.

    I have recently switched one of my alts to Earth, running that Earth in DPS unmodded gears, with roughly 70ish SP and I have yet to have much issue with keeping aggro or being squishy. I guess Earth is just that OP. In all honesty if you have a lair and you spend the 60ish Marks on Tactical Mods then your pretty golden for tank, 80% reduction from the neck slot alone makes you pretty darn survivable if you use your block, and no I have not just sat in block mode when tanking, but I am not really sure if you really understand how tanking works.

    So when you say un-modded are you referring to Tactical Mods or Armor Color Mods?

    So maybe having the Lair is more an advantage and boost than having mods n skill points. DPS with Max Damage mod pretty much seems to eradicate the necessity for capping might ( not that it means you should ignore everything else ), which is nice because this means more people are capable of being able to run more content without having to spend 100s of hours grinding out feat points.

    When it comes to Skill points once you obtain enough to cover your critical boost skills ( dmg/chance/magnitute) your golden everything past that is just icing on the cake. And not sure your aware also that there is only Power Heal Crit Chance for Controllers and it is only possible to gain 11% boost ( has to put at least 7 skill points in every weapon tree to obtain also ), there is not Power heal magnitude boost from skill points. So can you explain to me exactly how skill points are relevant to a controller, will give you a hint you can only obtain 400ish bonus to Vit from skill points which is not much of a boost at all once you look at the t7 gears and a single piece gives almost 300ish vit. Gear/Cr most important for trolling. From Mods for a troll you can only gain a 20% crit magnitude from mods ( Shoulders and Chest ) and modding your gear you only gain another 5% crit power heal chance, so total from mods and gear a troll could only obtain a 16% chance for crit power heal and 20% crit power magnitude( same as damage for DPS ). So you just do not gain much from mods or skill points as a controller. A bad troll is one that usually does not keep power regen up and does not pay attention to the other support roles power/blue bars, really does not have much to do with mods and skill points. This is a very good class for those with low skill points to play.

    Ok too much rambling in that last paragraph, I am out. Keep it casual!!!!
  10. Veritech Loyal Player

    I'm not disagreeing with your comment about unmodded dps, healers or trolls. The crit innates in those sets of gears are essential.

    The point everyone found to be off with your post is that an unmodded tank can't hold aggro, which is a load of misinformed excrement.

    If any tank: modded, unmodded, low sp, high sp, caucasian, african, chinese, whatever - can't out live a dps or hold aggro, then the issue lies with the player to be honest. There's plenty of them out there too! ;)
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  11. ermike Committed Player

    Demise is not a strong word. I do not know if you played SWG or even ever heard of it. It was an MMO that fell apart very quickly. Servers stayed on long past its death. Do not be fooled by the lights being on. Now, this game is nowhere near as bad as SWG got, but man it aint looking good. I can pull numbers up if you want, but I doubt u wanna see them
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  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    It's all good. I can see You'restarting to cool down a bit. I commend you for doing so openly. Most would just stomp off or continue blasting back. *golf clap*

    And, I certainly understand. I get passionate too and tend to pop off from time to time ;)
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  13. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Yeah perhaps that's the case, so even what you say is true, it kind of confirms what most people have been saying for years: the game has no direction.

    I think demise is the right word, going from a few million purchased DLC's to just a few thousands seems pretty bad to me.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'm pretty sure I've seen the numbers. Again, I don't argue against the state of things being really bad, but I still do not believe demise is the right term. The game is not dead; it is merely on life support.
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  15. ermike Committed Player

    I agree with this. But as someone who plays ESO, its not that great. If the devs wanted to bring those players back, i think they could, but with the content structure, the one mark to rule them all approach, absolute lack of pvp or open world pvp, there is no way. They can release a hundred raids in the next dlc and people will not come back. They need a better approach and a more unified direction.
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  16. lukelucky Devoted Player

    wrong poor performance. game also was lacking. armories a day one launch perk was added 2 yrs in? also dcuo is casual from jump which was unapealing 2 some % of MMO guys.

    OC was a mess because da gear needed was luck based and hardly dropped. OC.......... gear is da only issue
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  17. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    What I'm saying is true. Despite that Dom has nothing to do with aggro. But I still stand by what I'm saying. Unmodded player are under performing.

    I guess ppl looked at my response as being selfish, but I see it as the opposite. I care about helping, I care about being beneficial to other players, I care about being a team player ( winning or lossing).

    What I am experiencing from unmodded with low sp players no matter what role or CR is that they are under performing and they don't care.They expect to be carried (directly or indirectly)

    There are player on here that witnessed me being patient and helping them beat a raid from 20 min to help beating the same raid with different group of ppl for 3hrs ( Bombshell)

    What I'm not going to deal with is these under performing players( who are usually not modded with lil sp) who want to talk back who act like they know what to do when they are clearly the one that are holding the group back with there selfishness.
    Players at a alarming rate are not listening to constructive criticism any more.

    To be honest. I don't think I have the patience like I use to anymore.

    To me personally, me dealing with player that unwilling to learn and be selfish is my grind as a player not the CR and it getting tired some at this moment.
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  18. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Perhaps loot tables drive vets away (not sure why it's sucha big deal), but I'd confidently say that most people that log on to play end game do not want harder content. They think they do, but the evidence is pug life. Maybe you have the luxury of not having to read LFG, but I constantly have to. LFG says people want easy in and out.

    I have yet to read in LFG:
    Need balanced group for Bomb, HH or whatever
    Need a group willing to show me the mechanics
    Looking for group to gear down for a Gates challenge
    or anything that implies people want a challenge

    Most if not all LFG posts are along the lines of:
    Need beast roles for BS
    Need beast dps for last boss, need X role for last boss HH, Throne, BS, LW, etc.
    Need 130+ for Dox Oddy feat
    Need Expert roles for X, no scrubs
    Need roles for X, quick run
    131 ice dps lf BS, quick run
    quick, quick, quick, etc.

    None of that implies to me that people are ok with the harder content. They want easy in and out. They don't want support roles in duos cause it takes too long and on and on....

    The first few days after BS dropped, I heard almost every run, "they need to nerf this last boss." Why, because black holes encourage you to stop your rotation and move? But people don't want to move, they want to do uninterrupted rotations and talk about the scoreboard. They want tank and spank and complain when they get it. They want mechanics and run away when they get it.
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  19. Backseid Devoted Player

    Funny thing with that was, I still logged on every day with plenty to keep me occupied. This was before there was TeamSpeak (as far as I know).

    All due to the "filler content" (and sheer size. Some planets locations took fooooorrreeeverrr to get to. Lol.)
  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    10,000 subs or 10,000 players who play everyday u mean?
    nicely said sir