Why is it...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BipolarDiva, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    People will turn a 20-30 minute raid into 2 hrs long stacking Dps because "I was in a group that did it x way"? If there have been 10 plus wipes sure!y you'd think this group ain't that group but no.
    Better to drag it out ad-nausium than prevent it. Not every group will be às skill3d or as cohesive. Sad that players shoot themselves in the foot like this.
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  2. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Because a lot of people out there believe with enough force, you can get that square peg into that round hole. :D
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  3. Silent Rage Well-Known Player

    And when one suggests 2 tanks and or 2 healers everyone loses their mind "NEED DA BURNZZZ!!!!!!". Better yet when there are 5 DPS and everyone demands that the troll do ALL the mechanics even in Laby where every other room needs a mechanics done all you see is pewpewpew. Best of all, don't even suggest 2 trolls just have that one guy keep POT, power dump, pick up, stun lock skirmisher, rebuff Talia and maybe cook a snack for the team while he's at it.
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  4. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Found a better one for you
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Never giving up is a good quality/trait but sometimes adjustments may be necessitated to achieve a goal.

    Also there's this.

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  7. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Love this.so true.
  8. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    It annoys me too sometimes. I've done Bombshell in 16 minutes with a carefully crafted group. I've also been in random pug groups that take 15 minutes to finish the 1st boss. That's a burn issue to be frank, and those groups inevitably get stuck at the last boss. You just have to recognize what cards you have and play them correctly. You can't always bluff a Royal Flush.
  9. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I've been in there with 47 minutes on the first boss.....and that, my friend, was a tank issue. Tank lost aggro constantly, wouldn't move out of the smoke-bombs, kept not noticing new add spawns, wouldn't or couldn't keep the boss countered when he did have aggro. Even incredible burn can't always solve problems with other roles.
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  10. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    SIMPLE, ppl are idiots.

    and wanna drag 7 others down to their level.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    my 1st time in bombshell I was in the for like 213 minutes and still didnt finish btw, couldnt beat last boss, was before the black hole patch they did, and it was b/c we had 5-1-1-1

    now Im sure if we had 2 of each we'd done it much faster, and possibly have beaten it as well.
  13. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    I always go 2222 or 3221 on my first run of any raid and see how we can maneuver from there.

    Well ideally you're running with great players every time you raid. Results may vary depending on how motivated or lazy you are.
  14. OANGL Well-Known Player

    I was in bomb and we were constantly wiping I suggested that we try two tanks and then everyone flipped at me and told me that I was the problem even though I usually was last man standing.
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  15. Vesper Dedicated Player

    How very short-sighted. This distinctly implies that anyone who has trouble getting through it is unmotivated or lazy. SURELY you know that isn't true.

    Believe it or not, there are very motivated, very NOT lazy players out there who just aren't as skilled as other players. Players with 225+ skill points and maxed gear. They may even play for hours and hours a day, and yet the game system for whatever reason just doesn't "click" with them. There are peeps out there who TRY. Genuinely TRY. And just don't manage to "get" it. They have trouble with timing combos or situational awareness or understanding the mechanic of a particular fight no matter how many times they watch it on YouTube or participate in it.

    Maybe they have a language barrier and have trouble asking questions. Maybe they have visual problems. Maybe they have physical disabilities. Maybe they have hardware problems like bad controllers or outdated video cards or slow internet connection.

    There are LOTS of *motivated* players out there who are NOT lazy who have trouble with end-game content. Perhaps instead of sneering at them as a community, it would behoove us, as a community, to run WITH them, even in these excruciatingly long runs, to try to help them to improve.
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  16. ssvillae New Player

    And there are some people that are oblivious to the fact that they might be the problem. For instance a 121 tank in bombshell with 95 sp and its their first time in there. And they wanna run it with 1 troll 1 healer. I don't care how good of a tank you are it's not happening if they were on dps stance it wouldn't have been a problem but in support role you need those sp to give you that extra edge against end game bosses
  17. SSeid Committed Player

    I'm probably going to be an a-hole but here is the thing.

    99% of the people here in the forums and maybe 95%(?) in-game are sh*t. You can see it by their comments, you can see it by their questions and in-game by results. Now try a little experiment, ask 100 at random if they are sh*t, the answer will surprise you!! No-one will admit they are bad, not a single one.

    So when you have people that have no sense of their worth see a video were 8 not so random people have uploaded after 1000 tries to make it perfect so that they can upload it, those random bad players will try to copy it. But since they don't have the brains to realise that people only upload their best try and everything is situational they fail and they will keep failing.

    Is the 5-1-1-1 setup the most efficient one to run with? YES!

    Can/should everyone run in it? Hell NO!

    What is the main reason PUGs fail with this setup? DPS!! Well of course ****** support isn't helping but the main problem PUGs have is that they are useless when it comes to dmg for weird reason.

    The whole point of this setup was an extreme increase in dmg. This means that the dps running are supposed to make incredible ammounts of dmg on their own so when you combine 5 of them:
    1. targets die really fast, long before they can be a threat to the group
    2. speeds up the whole raid. Since the game is repetitive, after running said raid for 1-2 times you get bored of it, you want to simply farm it, get the gear and get it over with.
    What most people fail to see, is that for the people that made this setup work its not a 5-1-1-1 its 8 support roles that can also do great dmg!!!

    Bottom line.

    If you haven't arrived to this setup on your own but you have seen it either in a thread in the forums or a youtube video, then this setup isn't going to work for you!
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  18. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Wow, if it takes longer than an hour I'm out lol. For the most part though I end up with decent people and common sense. Pretty silly to keep trying the same tactic or setup over and over if there's no sign of it being effective (for said group).
  19. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Couldn't resist logging in. Can't pass up a chance to voice my opinion on how disgusted I am that this particular game doesn't enforce role locking and balanced groups when entering via a queue system. The game doesn't have the role flexibility that TESO has, for example, that gives everybody the option to mix up build options between roles types. FF14 enforces the strict role lock so that you cannot start a queued mission without being locked into a single role, though it too gives players the freedom to play any role via open access to most of the job classes (so you would change jobs to what role you want to play before queueing).

    DCUO gives you access to the damage and support role, as well as armories which help you fully spec between them (if you pony up the cash for 2, at least), but it's flaw is that it doesn't enforce the standard of balance with their duty queue, and don't have the collective expertise to see why it is they should, and ultimately that hurts the game and allows for many exploits that we've seen the devs struggle to 'correct' these years.

    It's very hard to take DCUO seriously at the competitive MMO level for a dozen reasons; the above said being one of the bigger reasons. As always, free assignment in groups would be available with any pre-made group situations as opposed to flagging through a queue system. The game can either continue to ignore the issue, decide to lock queued roles (which would also alleviate the matchmaking system), or it can move in the other direction to give players more wildcard role options that give them access to abilities that borrow from other role functions; being the more difficult to balance, but still entirely viable as other games, like TESO, have proven.
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  20. Anima Committed Player

    Stopped reading here.

    Where do you get off, telling us that 99% of the forum users are "sh*t"?

    Perhaps you could share some insight with us as to how you get these arbitrary percentages.
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