Should we demand more of this game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Antwoman, Aug 18, 2015.

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  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Demand more? How? You mean talk about it in the forum? People already do. Or threaten to quit? Lots of people do that too.

    You seem to want to feel some control over this game. That's understandable, but we don't get to have any. We have no power beyond the wallet.
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  2. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    You need hostages first...But, that would make the dev team even smaller...
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    In other words, "Give us this or else some people might eventually quit." A very compelling threat.
  4. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    First of all, the proposed change of counter immunity was not even the closest thing wrong with PvP currently. Does that mean counter immunity shouldn't be revised at some point in the future? No, of course not but, many of us believed that AM and WM should of been worked on first. The proposed changed would not have changed the fact that the AM or WM can still kill you in about 7 seconds. Burst damage based powers and toons would have taken a huge hit, making them sub-par. That's only two examples since most of the counter arguments were are discussed in that infamous thread where forums members, their mothers, and their grandmothers insulted each other.

    So because one change had a lot of backlash the developers just gave up on PvP? You do realize you should never of said that. You basically did this to the developers.


    Way to throw the developers under the bus SuperPatriot.
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Oh, sorry, I was too distracted by the likes of my post to immediately answer you post.
    Where is all these axegrinder statements coming from? And as far as your pal "explaining" his posts over and over, check what I tried to do only to get ignorant replies on the matter over and over again. This is nothing personal towards anyone, I just know ignorance when I see it.

    If you want you can re-read everything again and then we can take it from there to actually discuss these matters, because there's always more room for improvement, god knows that.
  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Yes we should demand more. People have become complacent with what has become a very mediocre product over the past year or so.

    - Combat is terrible as a result of the atrocity that was GU 36
    - We won't be balanced for another 6 months at minimum
    - Support roles are STILL neglected
    - PVP is non existant due to zero incentives for players as well as WM and Advanced Mechanics
    - Content is boring as a result of poor mechanics
    - There is incredibly little incentive to run older content

    The game is in a brutal state. Like horrible. There needs to be major changes, or else this time next year, we'll be talking about the game shutting down.

    They need to give a free month of legendary to all accounts to try and get people back in the game, because this is the worst the population has been since pre-F2P
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  7. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    Eh.... I have my own demands. Remove that ugly *** glowing munition bandana. N make the light ring glow optional. Do that n game goes from ign 7.3 to 9.4 easy
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You think the game is bad now, just wait, in September a new wave of power flux from other games is going to hit DCUO hard. Even though DCUO is launching monthly content. Everyone else is launching content every 3-4 months along with expansions every year or 2 years.

    GU47 absolutely destroyed skill points in a way that made alot of endgame players quit the game entirely. Not to mention earlier this year the TOD glitch that lasted for more than 2 months, when the raid should have been shutdown longer than it was. Along with the glitching of HH( that still happens to this day).

    The main dev that the community trusted and gave us an outline was let go earlier this year from DBG and powers were suppose to be balanced by early June. And here we are in August with looking like another year before we see powers being balanced.

    You have 1 support role that has an AM. Not to mention support roles in general being neglected and dying forcing 5-1-1-1 groups.
    You have an epic ongoing problem with power balance that an update( gu51 in particular) was later thought by the community to be a ruse to get a small influx of power change token sales to make up for the drastic population and sub cancelling in June.

    You have PVP completely destroyed, roles abolished from pvp, and AM and WM running wild in pvp to where people quit pvp. You stopped adding new feats to pvp.

    The playerbase cannot see a goal for the game in terms of development, future plans, the only thing that seems to matter is this never ending cycle of power balance.

    You have content being beat on day 1 by 5-1-1-1 groups. Alerts being beat on day 1 by 4 dps groups. It took 3.5 months to give people rewards from old content that isnt really a big reward or even worth the reward.

    The crafting system of the game has been destroyed instead of being reinvented. The booster bundle is launching more frequently than ever before to try to maintain the game, and elite content is a replay badge sink to hold whatever players we have left until we can come up with a way to get old players back and new players in while competing against ESO, Destiny, FFXIV, and Warframe, PS2 and next years 3 MMOs adding to the list.

    You have a major issue of majority of players not even getting to lvl 30 let alone off brainiac's ship.
    You have stats fluxuated higher than they should be.

    You have almost completely removed the open world from the end game population by creating mostly instanced content, limiting movement mode in raids/survival mode/ content in general, and have failed at every turn to create engaging mechanics without glitches on day 1 and allowed cheaters even after what happened with TOD to continue to cheat with HH without repercussions.

    However this is not the devs fault. This is a small group of individuals fault.
    These individuals are the same individuals who wanted:
    synthetic mods,
    mods removed from CR calculations,
    elimination of role gear in pvp,
    the addition of roleless buffs,
    the big jump in resto and vit for healers and trollers,
    the removal of imbalance from skill points,
    the removal on emphasis on open world content,
    the removal on support role specific mechanics
    the emphasis on AM to be ultimately greater than WM,
    Stat clamping seasonals,
    Emphasis on being able to replay content via a price,
    Ability to change powers for a price

    So thanks to this small group we supposedly received the changes this game needed, the changes the community demanded.

    So no we shouldnt demand more of this game. We should let the devs think long and hard about why this game was great so they can get back to the core fundamentals, finish this power balance, fix the scoreboard, and jump back on the new UI.

    Because it seems the more we demand the worse the game gets.

    ( Except armories, that was probably the only good idea)
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  9. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    When did we get to the point where we think we can demand anything? We don't have the right, nor the authority to demand anything. We can vote with our dollars, but we aren't here to demand anything. It's a recent trend showing up the past few years, and it's not a good one.

    The last employee I had come in and made demands and ultimatums, rather than make a respectful request was very politely told, "Well I want to thank you for you time here and your views, but your services will no longer be required, I'll have security go with you to pick up your things, and then they will escort you out of the building."

    This isn't a dire social cause that needs to be changed. It's a video game we play for recreation.

    They do what they can do in the allotted time for an update. A month is a very short time to create something, and dig through lines and lines of code to identify and fix issues that arise. When you add more code, IE New content, new problems arise. A program or game is never really finished.
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  10. Oriole New Player

    Thats up to you I wouldn't sit here and hold each and everyone of yours hands on how you can e demanding in a nice way. Watching youtubers like Angry Joe and others express how its our rights as gamers to want a better game you can say ask or demand or hell about it devs and everyone cannot like it but changes are going to happened there will be game bigger and better more so now, there will be no excuse from the player base or the devs, if you want to compete in this world in anything business wise you have to put forth a product and not ignore your fan base no matter how hard it gets o matter how much you don't want to answer like Antwoman said me or you don't have to do or say much we can just simply go support another game that will listen to our feed backs or at least show tha they are listening.
  11. Oriole New Player

    We've always been at that point. Plus the OP is saying to demand a better game which they are right that goes for anything in life really, you don't go to a restaurant and order a well done steak only for them to brig it our full raw and then not demand they take it back or you'll demand your money back. Its their jobs to follow their ideas for this game and to meet reasonable demands from the players its an MMO. If you all cannot understand what it means to demand greatness from something you love then this game will always be medicore.

    The OP wants this game to become better and wants the Dev's to listen if you guys are looking at the word Demand and seeing that as a rude way to say what you want when in fact its the correct term use if you are a paying customer. We aren't BFF's with the dev's sure we like the game and may like the dev's but they aren't thinking about what our day is like besides whats in game. This is a business our needs comes first people gotta to start understand that it may sound harsh be that's true, we can't have it both ways, the best games I've seen and worked on had staff who accepted players who demanded greatness from them its a pays off for them in the end. I'm tied of seeing this player base this its ok to not be demanding of greatness. if they do have the budget then they better darn well make greatness within that. If people want answer then at least say something to them.

    IT's your right to be demanding because you are part of the reason they have this job and continue to have it, and you will be that same reason why they will not have it anymore as well if you find something better so, all that not being demanding is just fluff talk if you want a better drop rate thats demanding if you want serums back in the mix that's demanding if you want cross play that's demanding. Everyone on the forums who have ask or agree with a changed of any kind was being demanding. No matter how nice you asked if the OP said please would that be any better no.
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  12. Fies Committed Player

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  13. Sbel Devoted Player

    Sure, we'll all sit around and watch angry youtube videos. That'll show them.

    You guys... your plan is totally impractical.

    Your plan:
    1) People demand change by watching youtube videos, talking about it on the forum, and making vague threats about finding a better game.

    2) The developers suddenly miraculously make everything better, and then thank you for setting them straight.

    3) PARTY!!!!

    The "plan" is totally dependent on the developers being able and willing to "fix" things the way you like it. You have no plan for what to do if they say "no," or if they say "we'd love to, but we don't have the resources," or if they just ignore you completely. You're just going to sit on the forums complaining and when things don't miraculously get better, you're going to blame people like me for not complaining with you. Because there's no way your genius plan could fail on its own.

    I know this is hard for you to deal with, but we have no power over the course of the game. There's no way for us to demand changes and no way for us to fix this game.

    I've been down this path before. It only leads to heartache.
  14. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    The problem with having people vote with their dollars is that when enough people down vote...Game dead...

    We are not employees of the devs. If they escort us out of the building, they lose money, not us...

    They're the ones who decided to put out dlc's on a monthly basis, if they can't fix issues in that time, they made a poor decision. I realise it was a lot of players wanted this, but, ultimately, the decision was theirs. Plus, I don't think they've even begun that and they still have issues that have been there for years.

    You're correct that an MMO is never completely finished being developed, but if they don't fix old issues they simply linger...For years...
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  15. Oriole New Player

    its not a plan an no matter how you want to dress it up it is what it is in the end this is a mediocre game end of story and when things are mediocre people tend to go find something that isn't, you fix the game with communication if there isn't any really between the players and the devs which many feel there isn't right or wrong it get pass down through word of mouth that this game sucks now no matter what you try to say it don't change nothing about people have the right to be more demanding end of story.
  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    Wrong. There is no way for players to fix the game. Only Daybreak can fix it.

    People do have the right to be more demanding. I'm just trying to tell you that it's a waste of time that will accomplish nothing except make people feel bad.
  17. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I'm wasting work time (breaks, of course), so I don't mind. Perhaps some people come at it a bit harshly, but I think the forums are for people to voice their opinion and let their feelings be heard.
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  18. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you want to see an example of what Sbel is talking about, go into any retail store and watch the customer service in action. In particular, watch what happens when a customer comes in making demands to solve whatever problem they might have and what happens when someone comes in asking for help in solving their problem.

    Overall both people will get helped. After all, any retail store that wants to stay in business will help a customer out as best they can. But you will see a difference in the help they get. The people making demands? In some cases they'll get enough help to get them out of the store, especially if they're just making a scene/spectacle of themselves.

    The people asking for help? They're more likely to get a salesperson who will go the extra mile to help them out.

    Which approach seems more likely to succeed?
  20. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Well, I did say some people are being a bit harsh about it...I thought the point he was trying to make was that neither will get you anywhere with Daybreak. Maybe I'm just getting so used to negativity I see it where it isn't...
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