[VOTE] Does the new mark system work for you?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChillCat, Jul 11, 2015.

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  1. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Ok, so I'm going to give this a shot. Threads for new ideas always seem to veer off in unintended directions without any clear resolution, and this forum software doesn't allow for a voting system, so hopefully this will be a reasonable substitute

    The rules
    1. There will be two replies below. One will be a "Yes", the other a "No". Please wait for the replies to show up before responding to the thread.
    2. Like the reply that matches your vote. YOUR LIKE IS YOUR VOTE.
    3. Feel free to comment or debate ON TOPIC, but the only thing that counts is your 'like'
    3. If this goes well, we should have a count that everyone including the devs can see for a majority consensus
    5. If this goes really well (*fingers crossed*), we can repeat for other issues

    Today's voting question
    Does the currently revamped mark system (restricted to current tier +/- only) work as is or is it total bullocks and need to be changed?

    BONUS: If you vote 'no', please include your ideas for rework for Dev consideration.
  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    "Yes" the new mark system is just fine.

    Click like to vote --->
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  3. ChillCat Loyal Player

    "No" the new system is a disaster. Do something else.

    Click 'like' to vote 'no'----->
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  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    This is against the TOS. Good luck.

    With that being said. I do believe that it should be reworked.
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  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I think the software permits it, but Mepps doesn't.

    But anyway, I voted yes, because it's no different from the former system. I was only running older content for feats, styles and base items. Not marks. So it makes no difference to me whether I get any marks from them or not.

    The improvements to "rent" are welcomed too and vastly superior to the old "Oh well I have to run all the T5 content this week because I'm running low on Marks and Rent is up" nonsense.
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  6. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Good luck with this, polling is against the TOS.

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  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I voted no because I hate the lack of players in lower content. Not only do I see a decrease in higher tired players in lower content, I see a decrease in lower tiered players in lower tiered content. Of course it's easy for end content players, but once they get cut out of the circle its a completely different story. Wait until you hear and see the complaints when a new tier comes out and there simply aren't enough marks to go around. At this point, players say, "Awww :(" while the Devs say, "Yaaaay, Replay spendings have gone up significantly!"
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  8. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Figured that might be an issue so I checked the ToS link at the bottom of the forum before posting. There's nothing in the Rules of Conduct referring to polling or voting. Mepps could still lock it out but not for violating any written agreement.
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  9. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    Don't know why exactly, seems like it'd be fun, but nevertheless.
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  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Shoot! I missed that. Why is it not in the ToS in the link below? Oh, well. Keep it until Mepps shuts it down, maybe the Devs will get some use out of the results or at least adopt the model as a tool for the Devs to use.
  11. SnowStar Committed Player

    I vote with my sig
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I vote for your sig. ;)
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  13. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Polls are against ToS but whatever, I'll post because I'm feeling rebellious. :D

    I'm not really sure what to think about the new mark system. Its pretty obvious that queue times for lower tiers got much slower after GU47 hit live. Like Torikumu said, I still run some of them for styles, base items or just out of plain boredom. I think some people haven't realized yet that those marks were useless to them anyway, maybe with the exception of T5 because of the older lair system, but thats covered too. Its like people refuse to acknowledge the fact that it still works the exact same way it did before. This is pretty similar to the stat flattening/clamping situation going on right now.

    I suppose it all comes down to the question you asked in your thread title. Does it work for me? Yes, but only after weeks of getting used to it. People in this game do NOT like change.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that we didn't have that much "relevant" content before GU47 either way. Remember the symbol based DLC system? I do.
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  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I voted "no".

    My friends all gave up on DCUO thanks to the recent infamous changes.

    In part for the difficulty scaling and Stat Flattening.

    In part for the unique Mark and no rewards for lower content.

    In the past.... you could do T6 for Marks to buy end game gear.....

    And you could do T5, T4.... heck even T3 for marks for the mainframe, belt, T1 to T3 styles, etc.

    Sure you could run lower content for styles as well..... but come on........ what are the odds of getting a piece of gear you need????
    If you run for gear..... most of the time you will leave empty handed. Or at best gear to salvage.
    At least with Marks...... you did have a reward. The Marks to pay for various things.

    Now if you want Marks..... you have to run a handfull of quests over and over and over and over.

    Sadly....... that repetition of needing to play only a handfull of missions for Marks pretty much was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    So now we will go play another game instead. Probably ESO since we have many Skyrim fans in our group.

    We shall see.
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  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    FREEEEDOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! :D:p:eek:
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  16. Horridhal New Player

    No, it doesn't. It is also the reason I, and many others I know, have quit playing this game. I paid for DLC that is now pointless to my toon on the basis that the DLC would always be rewarding. Now, it isn't.

    It was, literally, the worst business decision I've seen in recent memory. You don't remove the basis for people to play a large portion of your game unless you want them to quit.

    It was also just as obvious that this entire change was directed at attempting to increase replay badges usage and sales by forcing players to have only a small amount of instances that they can run that are "relevant."

    I support the single mark system. I don't support this stupid stance of "Well, we want you to play the game like this so you should," that the devs are taking. Until it changes I won't ever touch this game again.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I guess you missed the part where we will ALWAYS have 12 pieces of content to earn marks from. Right now we earn marks from 12 pieces of content (spread between Amazon Fury 2 and Halls of Power 2), in about a month or so, 2 new pieces will be added and two older pieces will become irrelevant (for the purposes of earning marks)...for a total of...12 pieces of content to earn marks from. And it will stay this way moving forward. We won't run into a situation where there will be less than 12 pieces of content to earn marks from.
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  18. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    Never underestimate the psychological value of a guaranteed reward, no matter how minor. It remains the case that for many people they saw the entire game (barring the pre level 30 content) as relevant due to MoT and with their removable that perception has been forced to change.
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  19. Zeo Committed Player

    NO, because I am a former player and these changes have made the DCUO a totally different game, I do not want to re-adapt again, given that we have had to re-adapt in the past. I am in a new game now, maybe that's good for a beginner but for me.

    When you are in T6, the marks from T4 things are irrelevant, but as they said here, it's really weird when you go into an instance and getting nothing, besides that, however irrelevant it was, you could use these marks to release utility belts and pay the bills in your home :cool:

    Edit: Oh i prefer to have all the currencies in one.
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  20. UltraVillain Committed Player

    I voted No,

    As a player at end game increasing my CR is only to the detriment of my game experience, where i had multiple ways to earn my daily bread and a number of valid choices which could earn me marks valid to the highest two tiers now I dont, my choices have been massively reduced...a system that overtly reduces the scope of playing the game and the choices open to the player in how they enjoy content is a significant step backwards and a demotivator if ever there was one...indeed atm I see no value or worth in any pve, it simply moves me further away from the game that i loved railraoding me into content i care less for... having a cap and collar on relevent content is the exact opposite of advancement or progression it is stagnation, a bizarre inept and self defeating concept to shackle any game with but least of all an mmo!
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