Attention Devs: The mark system...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Serj, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. Serj Committed Player


    honestly... people need to move on, and learn to adapt. this isn't a kindergarden and there's no reason to cater to the crybabies.

    that is all :)
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club


    Devs people arent leaving cuz of the mark system. People are leaving because HOP2 was terrible and wasnt up to par with AF2. Hopefully come August Devs can change that.
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  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Exactly the Marks system is fine. people just dont wanna do content that's there own fault not yalls keep up the good work
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  4. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    nope it's not. New marks system is absolutely inferior.
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  5. AzraelR Committed Player

    Sorry, but you are the minority.

    Everyone I talk in-game about new system marks are complaining and against.
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  6. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I would be fine with it, if 75% of my league and friends list didn't become inactive, and that I see the same people every day ingame...
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  7. Tanksblaze Well-Known Player

    yeah the mark system is fine. Now the rewards for every piece of content not relevant to you is not.
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  8. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    You make part of the White Knight's clan where you will defend anything the Devs throw at you even if it is clearly hurting the game.

    The new Mark system sucks, why not go back to the old marks system when this game was released?
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  9. Malachee Committed Player

    Actually, it seems that plenty of players have left for BOTH reasons. Whether legitimate or not, there are/were a lot of folks very upset over these two things.
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  10. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

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  11. Serj Committed Player

    no clue how a player voicing his opinion on the forums is a minority by any means, but hey don't let my common sense stop you :rolleyes:
    anyways, there are mixed opinions about it but like i said in the other thread people need to stop complaining on the forums about stuff like this because it's not going to magically revert intentional changes back to something that you were used to... it's called adapt, learn how to.

    and if you don't want to adapt, no one is holding you hostage... anyone who can't learn to play the game regardless of changes is not really playing the game and is more closer to a passerby
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  12. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Yes, you and the others defending this stupid system are the minority.
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  13. Serj Committed Player

    you do realize, that the only reason i opened up that other thread is because people are complaining about it like little girls?
    instead of pointing out that it's stupid how about trying to come up with ways to improve it.
    i don't really care whether this mark system stays or goes, the game is still around and i will play it and adapt to any changes.

    not my fault half of the community can't understand the concept of learning.
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  14. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i will keep defending it. its fine the way it is
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  15. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    We already said ways to improve it by rollback it to the past system we had before GU47.
  16. Serj Committed Player

    that's not really improving it... do you even know what improving means? :rolleyes:
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  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    This. The main reason people leave at all through periods of time is CONTENT. When even the casual majority of the game can one day-smash the raids, it's time to think about better structure for the content. If there is no longevity and only the concept of "here, take this ridicilously easy raid (NGN), all raid-drops will drop here even though it's so faceroll-easy. Now buy replays and win!", it becomes boring very quickly, even for the casual player.

    MANY of my friends and leaguemates were active the first two weeks, geared up to a proper amount, got most of the feats and by a month in on the new DLC, people started playing other games and logging on way less. Most of them are back for Survival Mode, atleast.

    I found the Elite-raid of HOP2 interesting and fun, but it wasn't any real ELITE-challenge about it, the gear offered very weak bonuses yet required you to get atleast half a set to get the first bonus which was a minimal stat-increase for your role. If 4-8 pieces will be the requirement to get any and all the buffs, there really needs to be more juice in those bonuses.

    This DLC was a replay-fest with a faceroll easy-mode, I can understand if people took a break from it.
    It was NEVER a majority that left because of the mark-system.
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  18. Horridhal New Player

    So anyone who doesn't agree with you is uneducated and unable to be educated?

    The mark relevance system is crap and I am not uneducated or unable to adapt. That doesn't mean it isn't a crappy system to institute.
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  19. Serj Committed Player

    if you were able to adapt even a crappy mark system wouldn't matter to you, like I said before i don't care if it's bad or good. i play the game regardless of changes.

    that is adapting. and that. is what half of the community can't grasp.
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  20. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    I do, but you clearly do not.
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