we need more melee dps in the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by just an honest dps, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. just an honest dps New Player

    it should be more melee friendly
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  2. MetalMario Loyal Player

    People just say that rage tanking doesn't really lend itself to shields being useful, unlike ice (and earth). It works just like any other standard tank role shield.

    My melee loadout is pretty similar, but the amount of damage it does isn't even close to fair considering how much risk you have to take.
  3. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    To be fair, the rage shield does break MUCH faster than any other tank shield (2-3 hits vs the 9-13 of ice's multiple shields and earth's gemstone shield). Especially if you try to use it as a crash dampener, it'll break as soon as that pops off as well.

    And I don't have that as my damage loadout as my rage character (one of them that is) has all his points in tank powers rather than damage output, but the assistance from plasma burn on top of the am should make it hurt pretty bad, with Galling's recurring dot per use also.
  4. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I wouldn't mind seeing melee be more viable, but not so healers can have something to do. Healers should be made more viable because of mechanics, not because players melee.
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  5. just an honest dps New Player

    i don't think that has anything to do with it. we have all these other melee weapons but their range combos are the ones that most people use because they're quick and don't put you at risk and hit very hard
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  6. MetalMario Loyal Player

    The ranged combos actually do the best damage, even if you ignore the fact that they're much lower risk.
  7. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    we need more healers and tanks in this game...
  8. just an honest dps New Player

    well then stop trying to make all the support roles solo everything.
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  9. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Been there and done that!

    I have plenty of Rage DPS in my League and the numbers are very low in comparison to others...

    I've was Rage until the AM revamp and even on the day of the revamp it was in low DPS status, nothing has changed!

  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Wouldn't make healing more fun. All end game bosses can 1 shot a dps. A healer can't heal a 1 shot. If they are to make melee dps viable how do they prevent say stompa from one shotting a dps. It would effect lower content mostly
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  11. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    what does that have to do with anything? solo trolls, solo heals, solo tanks are fine as long as that's what is called for.

    point i was trying to make was, everyone wants to dps so they can see their names at the top of leaderboard at the end of the instance. espcially now that fire, ice, and gadgets are op for the moment. and then you got people changing their powers to those just to dps.

    the community is suffering cause no one want to play as support roles.

    new content comes out and you spend 1/2 hour trying to find a decent tank in LFG.
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  12. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Out of all the powers in rage, dreadful blast is the one with highest damage out put. Most melee dps use outrage and dreadful blast as their combos. Outrage is slightly behind dreadful blast on damage. However it's not melee itself that makes rage shine. It's relentless anger which tick damage equal all precision damage's 10% in 1 second interval up to 8 seconds, hence the need for meleeing or close to it. So if you spam dreadful blast from close range, aprox 5-6 meters, you'll stay relatively safe and maintain melee-like damage.

    What still makes outrage a better choice for straight up meleeing, is because dreadful blast combo is slow so you miss out on 2 out of 8 ticks of mentioned 10% precision damage buff. Since outrage combo is faster, with more precision ticks, you won't miss out on those. Most optimal loadout for rage, in any situation is dreadful blast, bloodlust, galling eruption, outrage, relentless anger and berserk. Clip galling, bloodlust and relentless altogether and continue comboing for maximum effect.
  13. Makineko Committed Player

    As a healer and a Rage tank I can honestly say 2 things:

    1) The Rage shield is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I dropped it by Cr 50 for moves that actually helped my tanking.

    2) If a melee dps knows whet they're doing then fine, problem is 90% of them don't. As a tank or Healer there's nothing more frustrating then a dps who think it's ok to stand 1 cm away from a group of adds. It'll either mean they'll die in the sum total of 5 seconds or they'll need a lot of healing. If it's a dps who knows how to balance out risk with self preservation then it's ok, unfortunately a lot of them think they're Rambo and charge thinking they're invincible.

    If Melee dps'ing was more viable at later tiers then it wouldn't be so bad, unfortunately it isn't at the minute due to various mechanics and the skill level of a lot of dps not matching their ego's.
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  14. Van_Gho Committed Player

    This entirely
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  15. just an honest dps New Player

    if more support roles are required then more people will make an alt to play those support roles but the way it is now, the community only wants one of each and if you aren't good enough to do it yourself then you get kicked.
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  16. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    You are free to do so now, however you wont last long.
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  17. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    It's a bad idea for a game like DCUO most of the dps players don't use a single power long enough to know what powers work best close up inless it's in a youtube video and forget about them blocking or moving out of the way inless they add blocking to a new WM or AM.
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  18. just an honest dps New Player

    that doesnt mean it shouldn't be an option for people who know better
  19. just an honest dps New Player

    no they shouldn't remove guarding...that will make pvp boring
  20. just an honest dps New Player

    blocking and countering adds more variety and depth to the combat system. it shouldn't be removed