we need more melee dps in the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by just an honest dps, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. just an honest dps New Player

    whenever i play healer it's usually so boring since most dps are range dps and don't get hit a lot. i find that i'm doing weapon combos more than doing healing powers. perhaps we need to buff melee dps so that more people will take the risks and make healing fun again
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  2. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    Not sure if serious?
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Um no. if anything they need more aoes. Melee dps will create more promblems thrn anything
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  4. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I'm with this. I would love to see more viable playstyles, not only melee DPS but Healers and Trolls too. With the current state of the game that's hardly possible but I don't see why we shouldn't be able to play in any range we like with he role we choose.
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  5. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    With Rage and Hard Light being so weak now I wouldn't even try it, all risk and no reward.


    It would be a nice thing to use something other than range all the freaking time, but, that's all on the Devs!

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  6. just an honest dps New Player

    yes the troll role especially needs more variety to make it more fun
  7. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    Well have u play latelly?
    With so many ice dps i think that change. They are very close now like almost melee :)
    Three of them surround the tank and the tank barelly could move lol
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  8. metalfenix Committed Player

    Melee dps on this game need survivability options like the marauders and sentinels in swtor get. They have some shields and abilities that protect them from damage while still on melee range.

    Of course, the cost of this would be PvP side, since a new re-balancing would be needed.

    As healer, I cringe every time I see a melee dps. I know from the beginning that it will be a huge heal sink.
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  9. Multiverse Creator League

    Nah.... he probably is just Trolling.

    He usually does that. Don;t fall for it.
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  10. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    It's a bad idea all around.
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  11. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    Yes but someone that does melee should already know in advanced that the risk of die is more high. I know i do when i do melee.
    I can blame the healer for that.
  12. just an honest dps New Player

    i like it because i get to heal more often and feel like im doing a really good job
  13. just an honest dps New Player

    melee dps creates more variety and makes the game more fun. the problem is that things are too restrictive. people complain about this all the time yet when i make a suggestion to make things less restrictive ya'll want more restrictions...smh
  14. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I hate it because as a solo troller that's the idiot I have to keep running to pick up keep tossing P.O.T for and listen to him run his mouth because he thinks at 126 cr and 54 sp he's a f-ing god .
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  15. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    You should get more experience with Rage before making claims like this. Though I never played Light so I can't say much about it.
  16. just an honest dps New Player

    what powers would you suggest for a rage melee dps
  17. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Or remove dps altogether from the game and give all roles the damage of the dps class.
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  18. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Outrage, E. Chain, Galling, Frenzy/Revenge (optional. though I like Frenzy from time to time with pi), Relentless Anger, Berseker/Mangle/Remorseless Recovery.

    I would say Redirected Rage, but people say its still the worst shield in the game.
  19. just an honest dps New Player

  20. metalfenix Committed Player

    Depends. On this game, only a few people know how to melee dpsing without becoming a burden on the group. Most melee dps right now only focuse on the shiny numbers they get on their rotations and forget to even block or *gasp* roll away when boss is about to launch a deadly AoE attack. Hell, even ranged dps don't know how to get away if they are in range of an AoE boss attack.

    And if you are a healer and run with such types of players, you'll find yourself spamming your healing powers only because one member of the group decided to go all leeroy jenkins. If you are with a troller, you'll become a huge power drain, leaving trollers exhausted. And in the case you don't have a troller with you, be ready to drink sodas like there's no tomorrow (and spending most of time without power).

    And raid wise this game is definitely not melee friendly.
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