Problem isn't support/dps or the devs... it's us

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ms Killy, Jun 8, 2015.

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  1. Reformed New Player

    Hasn't this whole thread gotten a bit off topic?

    The devs will continue to make the game better. (hopefully)
    The players will continue to be a better community. (hopefully)

    Arguing over itty bitty details isn't going to affect much in the game.
  2. MORPH MU Active Player

    I agree, and realize my comments could have come off as a bit jerk-y. Thanks for conversing here with us Spytle, even if it is frustrating at times for both sides.
  3. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    You do understand that the mission structure is not what we are referring too when we talk about "No Tutorial" right?
  4. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    We've provided videos. The CC made them. We ****** them out. There are tons of walk throughs and hot-to videos a few key strokes away on the internet.

    And it is not a silly excuse. It is an explanation. You guys always want transparency and honesty. We give it and get this kind of comment once we do. Makes me want to just clam up.

    The tutorial is a major issue we are looking to address, for far more reasons than just teaching people how to get ready for endgame. There is ample time to do that. Right now people are leaving the game between the last mission objective and the final boss. In other words, they cannot finish the final boss fight. and that fight is not hard at all, even for a newbie, but we'll need to make some changes there as it costs us so many new players it isn't even funny. And, yes, efforts are underway.
    • Like x 11
  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Outdated and buried on the DCUO youtube page.
  6. kravonik New Player

    we know that this really is a new version of MKUltra. DC is really NSA and CIA working together.....
  7. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I must say, it is very disheartening to try and engage and have people pile on the issue bandwagon - especially when the history of Dev bashing is easy to see with certain people. As I said in my last makes me kind of not want to come in here most days. hehe

    no one's head is in the sand here, i just don't need it kicked in my face as I try and discuss issues. Debate is great. Insults, derission, tangental back hands...not so much
    • Like x 10
  8. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    You mean the final boss in the brainiac ship?
  9. kravonik New Player

    we fight dirty here. Groin kicks all the way.
    • Like x 1
  10. MORPH MU Active Player

    How much of that problem do you think could be due to the level cap. Not implying I want a raised cap, just an honest question. I could see people getting frustrated at the last boss and just leaving because they think the game is over at 30/final boss. Maybe I'm way off
  11. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    You do understand I am having 5 conversations in this thread and people are applying different contexts to my responses, right? hehe
    • Like x 6
  12. HumanoidThrills Well-Known Player

    What I think would work:

    PoT stackable
    Higher Vit becomes Primary PoT, Lower Vit becomes Secondary PoT
    Primary PoT is reduced by 5% for each player affected after 4
    Secondary PoT deals 25% of its normal PoT
    Debuffs effectiveness increased
    Recharge 8 people

    Smarter shields
    Smarter damage buffs
    Healer damage buffs stack with other buffs
    Reduced heal gain from Resto increases

    More abilities like Reinforce, only affect other tank
    Decrease block frequency

    Slightly increase weapon damage for all support roles

    Wow, thats a lot!
  13. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I am talking about the final boss of the tutorial. Level 3.
  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Ignore the ones trying to kick the sand in your face they are just trying to cause needless drama discuss with us the ones who have legitimate concerns and are not shaming you guys but more trying to discuss solutions to what some of ys feel is a legitimate concern... I feel lack of support roles will legitimately hurt this game lack of need Is what I'm getting at

    When the majority of content can be done with out support roles the less support roles there are... When grouos are only needin 1 of each the more burden and strain on that one is increased...

    I kniw you get real tired of hearing hiw great the t2-t3 raids were but honest they were because even fully geared groups struggled still if they went in with out two trolls and healers ... Tanks are another matter ... That's the difficulty i wish would return include that difficulty again with thevsane mechanics you've put in recently that promote two tanks and I feel you start balancing the tokes once again ...
  15. Reformed New Player

    That's quite a bit of info you dropped on us. Enlightening. :)

    • Like x 3
  16. BaddWulf Well-Known Player

    Oh lord the back and forth again. Sorry I disagree with op.. It's not the players fault , supports are not needed it's the devs fault. They gave us the form powers, wm, and ams too. We never asked for them. I think it's funny the devs saying or even players saying it's our fault when there's an update right now on test on 3 different powers that only deal with ( u guessed it)- dps! - more damage and more burn for all powers.

    It's really sad esp. When many ppl feel fire tank is lacking.

    I can't support op or devs in their double talk when we have a update right now and updates. Roger that say the opposite
  17. MORPH MU Active Player

    Wow. That's interesting. I did realize that the last toon I took through the ship got through it very easily. I guess that's intentional. I wonder how the data has been since that change was put into place.
  18. CAPn Active Player

    I've never considered people actually getting KOd in that battle. Maybe have superman come in earlier and pick the player up?
  19. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I was running LPvE Trigon last night and noticed the switches coming up in the final boss fight.

    As we burned Circe and dodged Trigon's attacks, I asked my compatriots, "Have any of you ever actually hit those switches while running this? Either in Legends or regular?"

    Not one of us had.

    Faster, Pussycat. Kill, Kill. :D
  20. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    The entire thing needs to be rethought. it is long, boring, plodding and does not deliver on the brand appeal soon enough. It might set up the brainiac story, but it does not deliver enough DC right off the bat.

    I loathe it.
    • Like x 16
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