135 Skill Points By Level 10

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Jun 6, 2015.

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  1. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    Waste of replay badges at that level. A lot of the feats you're gonna get anyways. And as far as the feats in styles, you can get the feat, but you don't get the style using replay badges.
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  2. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    You've been on these forums too long not to know this. I sense an ulterior motive
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Much anger, so rage, many unnecessary, wow.

    You know, you don't need to have no real life to know such things. And it has nothing to do with immersing into the game, really. Anyone who looks at the feat list on their alts or reads patch notes which takes only a few minutes would have known :p
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  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I see a level 1 with a 154 skill points. A level 3 with 150 sp. A level 3 with 163. A level 3 with 143. A level 2 with a 166. A level 3 with 144.

    Modern Replay Badge Theorists believe...
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  5. ZEOKEN Well-Known Player

    lv 13 200sp for the win
  6. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Save me the life the speech. I play with plenty of players that seem to have the same obligations as you do and yet still are able to gain information about the game or figure out how feat unlocking works.
  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    No, my anger comes from the condescension that runs rampant here. I'm tired of the disrespect and utter nastiness that comes out of some people simply because not everyone throws themselves into the game 100%. I don't read all the patch notes, announcements, etc. So sue me. All I did was ask a simple question and what I get back is smug condescension.
  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Explain. What could possibly be my ulterior motive. All I did was ask a simple question. Forgive me that I didn't know about the SP through replay badges thing. All that had to be said is "a while back they instituted a program where you can use replay badges to give skill points to alts." End of sentence, end of discussion. But no, what I get is smart remarks and condescending comments.
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    People told you 5 times yet you remained confused.
    This entire thread was created because you doubted another player's words and made a remark at him simply because you could not do a simple forum search.
    Then another player explained it to you how it's possible then you made this remark.
    You got smug remarks due to your inability of conducting a simple forum search, and your continuous ignorance led you to doubt many players word such as
    If you are going to doubt someone's word at least do it right.
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  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    dude, you are the one that is being condescending, rude, disrespectful and just down right mean.

    you are a well known member here which means that you have spent a good amount of time here on the forums, so honestly you have no excuse.

    You mean to tell me in the amount of time you have played this game you never once looked at your feat list and asked yourself, "huh, I wonder why there is a star next to the feat with a number on it"?

    No on here is being condescending except you. You don't need to have immersed yourself in this game 100% to know that you can buy feats on alts, you jus tsimply had to have played the game and you would have figured it out. Quit trolling
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  11. kravonik New Player

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  12. kravonik New Player

    funny. a call out thread still after it was explained as to how. That's sad guy. Really.
  13. kravonik New Player

  14. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Style feats...base feats...I can think of a lot of potential SPs you might get low lvl just buying feats your main has already done...that do not even need your main having done anything mission related...
  15. kravonik New Player

    what an a-hole thing to say. seriously. You asked the question it got answered, yet you refused to believe the answers that was given. And now you are trying to deflect the fact that you are a moron by trying to be sarcastic and snide with your comments.

    Getting the information regarding how it was done is not a huge undertaking. Doesn't take a lot of time to read the patch notes or find the information you are looking for. Has nothing to do with spend x amount of time in the game. Has everything to with making sure you have the right information before making a BS call out thread. Thus making you look like a complete moron.

    As for the "kind cheap" comment, it isn't. Many of us have spent a lot of time getting those feats, and don't really feel like grinding another 5000 reapers or 500 duos, or 25000 salvaging.

    And really the conversation that this whole topic started with was all about pvp in the first place. So yeah, having the most amount of SP you can have before pvping is a good thing. Sorry if you don't have the ability to do that. Life goes on.

    Good Day.
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  16. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Yeah.. this thread needs to be locked.
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  17. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Wow....how many identical explanations do you need?
    You can use your replays to purchase feats already unlocked on an alternate character.

    1 star feats = 1 replay
    2 star feats = 3 replays
    5 star feats = 5 replays

    So, it would cost an alternate character 1350 replays to unlock 135 extra sp, provided you have that much sp on your main.
    A quick test would have been as simple as creating a new character and looking at the feat list, much faster than making threads and having 50 people tell you the same thing.
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  18. just an honest dps New Player

    that's assuming you only buy 1 star or 5 star feats. :)
  19. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I wasn't trying to get him any more confused with semantics, to be exact, you'd need even less because you start with 1 skill point.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    w/e chump.
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